Monday, May 30, 2011

TheArmoredBody. Com of Veguita, NM, Offers Non-Lethal Defense Products as an Alternative to Keeping Potentially Lethal Guns in the Home

TheArmoredBody. Com of Veguita, NM, Offers Non-Lethal Defense Products as an Alternative to Keeping Potentially Lethal Guns in the Home

Personal security concerns are at an all time high. With the increase of home intrusions, break-ins, theft, car jacking’s, abductions, and rapes; the need for a way to defend ones self in a non-lethal manner is becoming more important all the time.

Veguita, NM (PRWEB) October 18, 2005

Personal security concerns are at an all time high. With the increase of home intrusions, break-ins, theft, car jacking’s, abductions, and rapes; the need for a way to defend ones self in a non-lethal manner is becoming more important all the time.

In response to the number of America’s children that are being hurt and killed by the guns that their parents keep for protection, TheArmoredbody. Com, is offering many non-lethal alternative products for protection such as stun guns, pepper sprays, and tasers for personal and home security safety.

Also offered, are home surveillance systems, child protection devices, auto safety products, defense training products, hidden safes for storing valuables, and more.

TheArmoredBody. com is an online internet store that is owned as a sole-proprietorship by Ms. Annie Prouse of Veguita, NM. When she was asked what were the main objectives of her store was, she stated, "Excellent customer service, timely delivery of product, consumer education, and reasonable prices are our main objectives.
