Monday, June 25, 2007

Little Known Wealth Secrets Offer Investors a Chance to Prosper During the Global Economic Crisis

Little Known Wealth Secrets Offer Investors a Chance to Prosper During the Global Economic Crisis

SmartKnowledgeU™ is proud to announce a wealth creation course that offers superior utility in creating wealth than any top ranked MBA program and a much better alternative to SAT prep courses such as those offered by Kaplan and the Princeton Review. The SmartKnowledgeU™ Wealth Secrets program offers investors access to little-known knowledge that bankers have hidden from the populace for centuries that can prepare them to prosper during the second phase of the global monetary crisis.

New York (PRWEB) January 26, 2010

SmartKnowledgeU™ is proud to announce a wealth creation course that offers superior utility in creating wealth than any traditional academic program. The SmartKnowledgeU™ Wealth Secrets Membership (http://www. smartknowledgeu. com/pdf/WealthSecrets. pdf) not only offers a superior curriculum to any top ranked MBA program and a much better alternative to SAT prep courses such as those offered by Kaplan and the Princeton Review, but it also offers access to little-known knowledge that bankers have hidden from the populace for centuries.

The creator of the Wealth Secrets membership, SmartKnowledgeU President JS Kim, states that very few graduates of top business programs go on to become millionaires precisely because “no traditional business program provides the critical knowledge necessary to build wealth. Ignorance of how the system really works is the top reason why so many people were ill-prepared to handle this crisis in 2008, and it is why the majority of people have no idea that a second, more severe phase of this global monetary crisis (http://www. theundergroundinvestor. com/2010/01/the-second-phase-of-the-global-economic-crisis-is-at-our-doorstep/) will strike in 2010 and grow in severity during 2011 and years beyond.”

As witness to the power of our system, our President, JS Kim publicly predicted the onset of this global monetary crisis as early as 2006. He further specifically predicted the global stock market crash of 2008 just 18 business days before it happened on his the Underground Investor. (http://www. theundergroundinvestor. com) blog. In the past three years, JS has used the knowledge contained within his Wealth Secrets curriculum to outperform the US S&P 500 by 39.73%, 41.71% & 27.99% in his Crisis Investment Opportunities newsletter, a newsletter that not only provides the best ways to buy gold and silver (http://www. smartknowledgeu. com/pdf/investmentnewsletter. pdf) today but also broader strategies to profit during this economic crisis.

JS claims, “Were one to study the history of academia, one would learn that elite bankers such as the Rockefellers provided a great deal of the funding for the US Board of Education as well as international education boards. Consequently, the international banking cartel was able to inject many false monetary concepts into the minds of millions of young adults worldwide from the early 1900’s onward." Bankers methodically suppressed knowledge of information that would encourage the general public to compete with them. In the early 1900’s, the Board of Education’s Frederick Gates, stated:

"In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand…We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or science."

As a response to this absurdity, JS Kim, Chief Investment Strategist for SmartKnowledgeU™, devised an online wealth creation curriculum that significantly diverged from the traditional drab business school curriculum of marketing, accounting, and finance, and replaced them with essential knowledge about the history of our monetary system from the 1500’s until the present day, a step by step explanation of fractional reserve banking, and the monetary importance of gold and silver among many other important topics. JS insists that all of the topics covered in his Wealth Secrets Membership are either completely absent or incorrectly taught at every level of traditional business academia.

Today, millions of parents regularly spend between $3,000 and $5,000 on College Admissions Test preparation courses. Even if a child achieves top scores and goes on to attend Oxford, Harvard, or MIT, the average student that attends an elite business program will likely graduate with more than $100,000 of student loan debt without any knowledge about how to properly cope with the current economic crisis. Such results are near certain to produce masses of students that will face the following predicament over the next five years:

“In New York City, a Monroe College grad, Trina Thompson, wants the $70,000 she spent on tuition because she hasn't found gainful employment since earning her bachelor's degree in April, according to a suit filed in Bronx Supreme Court on July 24th (2009).”

If this crisis progresses as we predict, millions of students will graduate with massive debt burdens and no employment in future years. JS would like to ensure that those that do not have the financial means to afford the Wealth Secrets membership still have a chance to gain access to this critical knowledge. SmartKnowledgeU™ is proud to announce a contest to give away 8 free Wealth Secrets memberships (http://www. smartknowledgeu. com/contest. php) valued at more than USD $3,380 each. In addition, SmartKnowledgeU™ is granting a 50% discount to the first 100 members that sign up for the Wealth Secrets membership. To learn more about this very special contest and promotion, please visit our corporate homepage at http://www. smartknowledgeu. com (http://www. smartknowledgeu. com)].
