Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Department of Labor Recently Certified Former BMC Employees as Eligible to Receive Assistance Under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act

Department of Labor Recently Certified Former BMC Employees as Eligible to Receive Assistance Under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act

The Department of Labor recently certified a number of former BMC employees as eligible to receive assistance under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act. In relevant part, the Department found as certified "[a]ll workers of BMC Software, Inc., Houston, Texas, who became totally or partially separated from employment on or after December 23, 2002, through two years from the issuance of this revised determination, are eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance under section 223 of the Trade Act of 1974." (see doleta. gov/tradeact) TA-W-53,918 was certified Dec. 13, 2004 by Elliott S. Kushner

(PRWEB) January 14, 2005

The Department of Labor has certified the claim for benefits under the TAA and TRA and ATAA of former BMC Software employees.

The Department of Labor web page that explains the benefits is http://www. doleta. gov/tradeact (http://www. doleta. gov/tradeact)

TA-W-53,918 was certified December 13, 2004 by Elliott S. Kushner. The Department of Labor web site has not been updated to reflect the TA-W-53,918 has been certified.

There is a time limit for former BMC Software employees to file. The 2 forms to be filled out are form TAA-3 ( TWC Availability of Employment Services) and TAA-15 ( TWC Waiver of Training Trade Act of 1974, Amended). The waiver will extend your time to find training. But, do not wait, find training soon. Realize there were over 900 people laid off in 2003 alone and benefit includes not only those people but also people adversely affected from Dec 23, 2002 till Dec 13, 2006. Yes, through Dec 13th of 2006.

Also be prepared to tell the state employment center what training that you want. It is important to illustrate that you need the training to qualify for employment. Example: If you were turned down for employment as a Database Administrator because you were not a certified Database Administrator, let it be known that you want training and benefits while training to be certified in Database Administration.

Very important things to remember:

(1) Be kind and nice to the people at the state employment Centers. They are happy to help you. In Texas http://www. theworksource. org/1general/careerofficelocations. html (http://www. theworksource. org/1general/careerofficelocations. html)
(2) There are well over 900 people that are eligible, so go to your local WorkSource office soon. There are time limits on filing.

(3) Even if you have a job you are eligible for some benefits depending on certain conditions.

(4) Be sure to call, email, talk, phone all the current and former BMC employees about this ( former employees from 12/23/2002 till 12/13/2006)Yes that's right the certification is through 12/13/2006.

(5) Special thanks go out to Catherine Jackson, Bill Kennon, Carlos Toscano without them this would not be possible.

If you need a copy of the certification contact Art Blummer

Email: Blummer at Computer. Org

WHAT THIS MEANS FOR "former employees of BMC Software"

If you are a trade affected worker as certified by the Department of Labor, depending on individual eligibility, you may qualify for one or more of the following:(former BMC employees have been certified)

Job retraining - Up to 104 weeks of approved training, including:

College degree - toward associate or full degree program up to 104 weeks/2 years

Certification training - professional license or professional certificate Classroom training.

On-the-job training.

Employer-based training.

Basic or remedial education (including literacy training and English as a Second Language).

Additional weekly Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) - Up to 104 weeks of cash payments for eligible workers enrolled in full-time training

Job search allowances - For costs of a job search outside of the local area.

Relocation allowances: - For costs of relocating to a job outside of the local area.

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATM),- A program for trade affected workers age 50 or older covered by a Trade petition that has been certified as ATAA eligible. You may have an option for a wage subsidy (up to $10,000 paid over a period of up to two years[may vary]) if you find job within 26 weeks of your job separation. .

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) - Advance health coverage payments of 65% of your qualified health insurance premiums or end-of year tax credit

For specific information on qualified health insurance for RCTC: .

Call toll free 1-866-628-4282 .

Go to the website www. irs. gov and use RCTC as the keyword

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