Software Helps Students Take the Test Before the Test
StudyAide Millennium EditionÂ, an educational testing software program designed for students interested in self-evaluation and improved comprehension, was just released. This product allows students to experience the test before the test with fully randomized multiple choice, short-answer and matching quizzes. Other powerful features like flash cards, multi-language support and the ability to print students' lists to take on the road supplement the learning process. Best of all, itÂs fully customized to content students create.
(PRWEB) August 6, 2003
Columbia, MO (PRWEB) August 4, 2003 Â Amethyst Interactive released StudyAide Millennium EditionÂ, an educational testing software program designed for students interested in self-evaluation and improved comprehension. StudyAide is intuitive enough for the early grade-schooler, yet proven and structured enough for the collegiate audience.
StudyAide offers a user-friendly design and only includes features that help solve a studying-related problem, instead of being overloaded with features customers will never use. In addition to flash cards for users who want an Âat-a-glance look at their customized word and definition lists, StudyAide supports fully randomized, interactive multiple choice, short-answer and matching quizzes based on students lists. A built-in scoring system computes students overall performance and displays the terms answered correctly, incorrectly and skipped. Registered users can generate a new quiz based on the terms answered incorrectly.
StudyAide guarantees better retention, leveraging technology to redefine the memorization-based studying model.
ÂStudyAide was developed to address the lack of methodology in today's schooling, said Andy Tzou, Concept and Development Lead. ÂRealistically, students don't know how to study. Learning stems from repetition and a structured attitude. StudyAide attempts to structure the study process so that learning is matter-of-fact, ordered and engaging.Â
Individually customized versions of StudyAide are available upon request  no change too little, no desire too great, according to the developers. Users deal directly with the program developers and real decision-makers with regard to any issue.
The fully registered version of StudyAide, with all restrictions removed, all features unlocked and direct support from the developers themselves costs $20 for a single user, less than the cost of buying real flash cards and study guides. The price per unit decreases with the amount of users.
Amethyst Interactive, located in Missouri, is a small operation composed of college-aged software engineers. Amethyst produces various types of software, from educational titles to business applications. Because of AmethystÂs commitment to the end-user, devotion to self-improvement and virtually no-overhead operation, customers deal directly with the program developers and real decision-makers with regard to any issue. StudyAide Millennium EditionÂ, the self-study tool embraced by educational communities worldwide, remains the company's flagship product. For more information, visit www. studyaide. net.