Thursday, February 5, 2009

Arizona Desert Classic Gaming Conference February 15-18, 2009

Conference & Industry Showcase Debuts at Radisson Fort McDowell Resort & Casino

PHOENIX, Feb. 5 /PRNewswire/ --

    WHAT:      More than 50 vendors are bringing the latest gaming products
               to Arizona for the Arizona Desert Classic Gaming Conference.
               More than a dozen panels of experts will represent the
               national gaming industry with timely information that the
               industry needs to hear.  Panels include discussions on topics
               including what the industry can expect with the new
               administration, creative strategies to help casinos adapt for
               a shifting marketplace, and what body language can tell about
               customers who try to cheat along with key presentations on the
               regulatory environment.

    WHEN:      February 15 - 18, 2009

    WHERE:     Radisson Fort McDowell Resort & Casino, 10438 North Fort
               McDowell Road, Scottsdale/Fountain Hills AZ

    WHO:       40 leading experts on all aspects of gaming.
               Directors of regional gaming associations.
               CEOs of tribal governmental gaming casinos throughout the

    WHY:       Arizona is committed to helping the gaming industry meet the
               challenges of a changing economic environment. The conference
               features issues that are relevant to Arizona, the Southwest
               and the nation.  The expo showcases the newest and most
               innovative technology and hospitality products that will
               enhance and protect casino market share.

    NOTES:     A snapshot: Indian gaming in Arizona.  21 tribes have
               compacts; 15 have gaming facilities; every tribe except one
               operates its own casino operation; Indian gaming created
               10,000 first tier jobs and 43% of these are filled by Native
               Americans; tribal governmental gaming generated $31 million
               in payroll taxes; it contributed $110 million in benefits;
               approximately $240 million was spent in-state with vendors;
               Arizona spends roughly $3,000 per year per game for regulation
               and has one regulatory employee for every 21 games.

               Monday, February 16
               1 p.m. Shotgun Golf Tournament, We-Ko-Pa Golf Course
               6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Welcome Reception Chef's Challenge - featuring
               cuisine by top chefs from Arizona's finest casinos.

    CONTACT:   Pam Hait/Martha Hunter