Friday, October 7, 2005

While All Others are Switching to Pay Service - PackJam. com Continues to offer FREE Web Sites to Schools and Teachers!

While All Others are Switching to Pay Service - PackJam. com Continues to offer FREE Web Sites to Schools and Teachers!

It seems that on a daily basis, web sites once offering free services switch to a paid subscription format. PackJam. com is keeping it FREE!

(PRWEB) September 12, 2002

It seems that on a daily basis, web sites once offering free services switch to a paid subscription format. This phenomenon holds true for sites offering web services to schools and teachers as well!

With the decline of advertising revenue, struggling web companies have determined that making users pay for services is a necessary alternative. The Education Network, a highly trafficked site, started charging for their web site service this year. Bigchalk, one of the largest school related sites, recently dropped their web site service altogether. Many other sites have simply shut down.

PackJam. com however, is holding to its commitment of keeping its FREE web site service FREE. Each school site contains areas for posting news, events, homework, lunch menus, calendar items, school information, permission forms, pictures or any other content desired. Features also include optional chat rooms and message boards available just for your school.

Keeping their service free is made possible by a unique fundraising program developed by and available only on the PackJam. Schools and fundraising groups sell local sponsorships to businesses in their community. Schools can raise thousands of dollars year after year while maintaining full control of the advertising on their site.

PackJam provides their FREE web site service without an obligation to participate in the fundraising program. Those schools that do participate in the optional fundraising, not only benefit themselves but also make it possible to maintain a FREE service for all others. This is truly a unique web site.