Monday, October 13, 2003

GEDforFree. com Announces Free GED Program for College-bound Students

GEDforFree. com Announces Free GED Program for College-bound Students

GEDforFree. com offers a free GED online preparation program. The online class includes more than 200 pages of digital content covering all of the GED test subject areas, as well as test-taking strategies and GED practice tests.

Berkeley, CA (PRWEB) March 13, 2007

GEDforFree. com announces that its free GED online class, located at http://www. gedforfree. com, is available for individuals who are seeking to enter college. The system provides a complete course of study in all of the subject areas, especially GED math. The included GED preparation shows you how to get your GED. It is self-paced, and requires only an Internet connection. It is open to anyone, and includes extensive GED practice tests.

"Individuals who drop out of high school are less likely to find employment, and have significant lower earning potential, than high school graduates and individuals who have passed the GED exams. Furthermore, colleges usually require a diploma or high school equivalent. With the support of local and national GED non-profit educational centers, GEDforFree. com is able to provide the most extensive on-demand free GED preparation program available today," said James Donald, CEO of GEDforFree. com.

Applicants need only complete a brief, one page application, and are immediately provided with a username and password which give access to the full GED program.

Webmasters are encouraged to link to http://www. gedforfree. com in order to help students learn about the site. Like so many other online resources, such as Google, Yahoo, YouTube and MySpace, http://www. gedforfree. com is funded by advertising, thus helping students who could otherwise not afford the resource..

About GEDforFree. com.:

GEDforFree. com is a leading provider of online education services for adult education.
