Austism "Epidemic" To Be Focus Of Boston Workshop For Families And Professionals; Dr. Steve Gutstein to Discuss the Promising RDIÂ Program During Workshop
Dr. Steve Gutstein will come to Boston for a comprehensive two-day workshop delving into the latest research findings and treatment advances. An internationally recognized author and innovator in the field of autism spectrum disorders, GutsteinÂs discussion will focus on the Relationship Development Intervention (RDIÂ) program Gutstein developed. The workshop, scheduled for July 8th and 9th, is intended for family members, professionals, researchers and educators who work with people on the autism spectrum.
(PRWEB) June 19, 2005
As discussion continues regarding the dramatic increase in autism cases in Massachusetts, Dr. Steve Gutstein, will come to Boston for a comprehensive two-day workshop delving into the latest research findings and treatment advances. An internationally recognized author and innovator in the field of autism spectrum disorders, GutsteinÂs discussion will focus on the Relationship Development Intervention (RDIÂ) program Gutstein developed.
The workshop, scheduled for July 8th and 9th, is intended for family members, professionals, researchers and educators who work with people on the autism spectrum. The workshop will include the following:
How modifying communication style can dramatically change the way a person on the autism spectrum relates to others; The importance of guiding and pacing, creating an experience-sharing communication environment and capturing episodic memories; and What motivates people on the autistic spectrum to develop relationships.
Through the RDI program, a parent-based clinical treatment, Gutstein has worked to translate research findings into a systematic clinical program to address the core problems faced by all individuals on the autism spectrum. In addition to helping parents motivate children on the spectrum, RDI provides parents the tools to effectively teach the skills necessary to manage environments that are dynamic and changing.
However, the RDI program is not static; it constantly evolves to keep pace with increased scientific understanding of autism, AspergerÂs Syndrome and Pervasive Development Disorder.
ÂThrough RDI, we essentially are helping loved ones and professionals open a door that enables people on the autism spectrum to develop friendships, empathy and the love of sharing their world with others, said Gutstein. ÂWhat makes this approach different is that we focus on fostering loving relationships to enhance quality of life, rather than on behavior modification aimed at teaching children on the autism spectrum to perform scripted behaviors.Â
The prevalence of autism and associated disorders has sharply risen in recent years, with some education and medical professionals describing the rise as an epidemic. According to the most recent Massachusetts Public Schools Autism Prevalence Report, 5,087 Massachusetts children between ages six and 22 had been diagnosed with autism in 2003, up 531 percent from just 806 cases reported in 2000. Some, including Gutstein, believe the rise is at least partly due to a loosening of the criteria used to diagnose autism as well as misclassification of autistic children as mentally retarded in the past.
ÂWe know more about children and adults on the autism spectrum than ever before, which is helping us accurately diagnose it early, said Gutstein. ÂThis is a positive step for families and for society, because early intervention helps to improve long-term quality of life.Â
The 2-day workshop is full and no further registrations are being accepted. For information about upcoming workshops, go to www. RDIconnect. com or call (713) 838-1362.
About Connections Center
Established in 1995, the Connections Center for Family and Personal Development, based in Houston, is a multi-disciplinary program to develop innovative evaluation and intervention programs for people with relationship disorders. Led by Drs. Steve Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely, the Connections Center staff provides a full range of evaluation and treatment services, including RDI. They provide education and training to families and professionals worldwide. More information is available at www. rdiconnect. com.
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