Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Prostate Cancer Victim Warns CA Workers & Challenges Governor’s Accountability

Prostate Cancer Victim Warns CA Workers & Challenges Governor’s Accountability

Stephen Williams, a prostate cancer victim and former California State worker, lost his job from the California Employment Development Department while on leave for cancer surgery. Williams has tried unsuccesfully to schedule a meeting with Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger to learn why the EDD management and legal branch violated his Family Medical Leave Act Rights. Williams is holding a Prostate Cancer Awareness rally at the Capitol in Sacramento on October 28, 2005, 11:00AM to 2:00PM to help raise awareness for Prostate Cancer and FMLA/CFRA rights.

Carmichael, CA (PRWEB) October 23, 2005

Stephen Williams, a prostate cancer victim and former California State worker, lost his job from the California Employment Development Department while on leave for cancer surgery. Williams has tried unsuccesfully to schedule a meeting with Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger to learn why the EDD management and legal branch violated his Family Medical Leave Act Rights. Williams is holding a Prostate Cancer Awareness rally at the Capitol in Sacramento on October 28, 2005, 11:00AM to 2:00PM to help raise awareness for Prostate Cancer and FMLA/CFRA rights.

"My story could become your story," said Stephen Williams. "I don’t think Action Arnold should be running around the country scalping Rolling Stones tickets and sponsoring special interest fund-raisers, when there’s so much work he should be doing right here in California.”

Stephen Williams is a prostate cancer victim and former California State worker who was AWOL separated from the California State Employment Development Department (EDD) while on leave for prostate cancer surgery. Williams wants to get the word out that if a person has a serious health condition they should inform their management so that their job is protected under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Prostate cancer falls under the serious health condition. California has its own version of FMLA, which is the California Family Rights Act (CFRA).

The keys to successful outcomes for prostate cancer are education, information, screening, early detection, and proper followup treatment. Williams states, “There is a simple blood test (PSA) that men should be taking. The age at which we should begin screening for these types of cancers keeps dropping. People should be consulting with their health care professionals for specific times to begin screening. The PSA blood test will provide an initial indication to health care providers, however, it should be followed by periodic physical examination.”

Williams said, “PSA blood testing and follow up physical testing may ultimately have saved my life, but that remains to be seen.” Williams believes we still have far to go in educating the public. Williams says, “First of all, let’s make sure our Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) know how to spell and pronounce the word. The word is Prostate, one ‘R’. Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate gland.” In a recent legal opinion, one of the ALJ’s wrote “prostrate”, repeatedly. Williams was horrified. It is Williams’ opinion that if an ALJ can’t spell it, they shouldn’t be allowed to make a ruling.

Williams said, “I was off work a total of three weeks for cancer surgery and recovery, and I was accused of abandoning my job. I’ve tried to meet with the governor. I’ve written him letters. I want to know why the Family Medical Leave Act did not protect my job.” Williams thinks that California State government may have been violating California workers’ rights for over ten years.

In a response to one letter Williams wrote to Governor Schwarzenegger, the governor passed the letter to the Acting Chief of personnel for EDD. In the response to that letter EDD stated that they had made an “an error” with Mr. Williams COBRA rights. To date, a remedy has not been negotiated and Mr. Williams remains without medical health coverage. “I guess some people thought I was going to die....but, hey! I’m still alive. Arnold, who’s watching the store, and where’s the government accountability you promised?”

Williams is holding a Prostate Cancer Awareness rally and calling for equal protection for all who qualify under FMLA/CFRA and COBRA. The rally will be held at the California’s Capitol Building on the west steps, in Sacramento, on October 28, 2005, 11:00AM to 2:00PM. There will be speakers, musical entertainment, and informational handouts. Volunteers are needed.

Anyone interested in Volunteering, please contact Stephen A Williams, at email or Phone (916)359-8836
