Saturday, April 2, 2011

Liberals Pushing "Social Justice" Curriculum in Elementary Schools -- and Hurting Our Kids

Liberals Pushing "Social Justice" Curriculum in Elementary Schools -- and Hurting Our Kids

The liberal ideologies that are destroying our colleges are trickling down into elementary schools too, says bestselling children’s author Katharine DeBrecht. Points to Massachusetts elementary school reading pro-gay marriage books as the latest example, say parents must demand equal time.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 4, 2006

When many parents send their kids to college, it’s with fingers crossed, in the hopes that the values they worked hard to instill will withstand the onslaught of liberal ideologies infesting the modern university campus. It’s no secret that liberals are in charge of higher education in this country to the detriment of our future, says Katharine DeBrecht, best-selling author of the kids' book "Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under My Bed!" (Kids Ahead, ISBN 0976726904.)

Still, parents seem to have been doing a pretty good job in preparing their kids for the indoctrination to come on campus. Only 15-20% of Americans now identify themselves as liberals, as opposed to 30-35% who identify themselves as conservatives. So what’s a liberal elitist to do? Seek to undermine those conservative values even earlier in elementary and high school, under the guise of "social justice,” claims DeBrecht.

“More and more public schools have ditched basic drills in reading, writing and arithmetic – subjects that actually require motivated, skilled educators if they’re to be taught well – in favor of the 'social justice' curriculum, which seems to consist of peddling gay marriage, condom use and the evils of Halliburton," says DeBrecht. “No wonder American children rank so low in test scores compared to other nations.”

Gone are the days of teaching citizenship, character and geography; public schools now teach social activism and feel-good self-absorption to the detriment of skills that really matter. DeBrecht can cite chapter and verse examples of school teachers denigrating national leaders and the military, giving community service credit for students attending protests, and requiring that kids learn about “alternative lifestyles” while in kindergarten.

“The teacher in Massachusetts reading a pro-gay marriage book to an elementary school class, for example, demonstrates how public schools are undermining the right and duty of parents to teach their children the values they, not the state, believe in,” says DeBrecht.

A Lexington, MA school came under fire recently when a teacher read the book "King & King" to young students when teaching about marriage. Superintendent Paul Ash arrogantly dismissed parental concerns and defended the school’s position of not notifying the parents beforehand, "This district is committed to teaching children about the world they live in. Seven-year-olds see gay people. They see them in the schools. They see them with their kids," he said.

“Following Mr. Ash’s logic,” DeBrecht responds, “our kids are also seeing the failures and idiocies of liberal ideology all around their schools and neighborhoods. Why, then, should equal time not be given to books that highlight those observations, books such as “Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed?" While Ms. DeBrecht is happy to offer Superintendent Ash as many copies of "Help! Mom!" as he'd like free of charge, she's not holding her breath waiting for his order. "Once a liberal, always a liberal," she notes, "which means tolerance of all viewpoints... as long as they don't conflict with leftist ideology."

About Kids Ahead:

Kids Ahead is an imprint of World Ahead Publishing, the West Coast’s leading publisher of conservative books. Learn more at www. worldahead. com

To interview Katherine DeBrecht, contact World Ahead at (310) 857-6836.
