Monday, June 7, 2010

New Florida Relocation Site Targets Buyers

New Florida Relocation Site Targets Buyers

Florida Relocation Real Estate Network. Eighteen categories of in depth information, covering 46 major areas and cities in Florida. Everything a person relocating to Florida needs to know.

Melbourne, FL (PRWEB) March 4, 2006

Due to Job growth and baby boomer retirees, Florida is one of the leading states for relocation in the country. It is also a fact that everyone who relocates wants information about the area or city, they’re considering moving to. Up until now, the only way to find comprehensive information about Florida, has been to endlessly surf the Internet.

With the recent launch of http://www. flarren. com (http://www. flarren. com) (Florida Real Estate Network), the surfing and frustration is finally over!

Florida Real Estate Network is an in-depth relocation information site covering 46 major areas of Florida, including maps and a Real Estate Blog.

The topics range from employment, cost of living, health, education, arts, transportation, recreational opportunities, weather, business startups, investment potential and building a home. In addition, there are links to Residential agents, Commercial agents, Property management companies, 1031 exchange agents, Financial services and a Business directory covering related vendors, such as Builders, Title and Insurance companies and more.

The site was conceived by Florida REALTOR Dennis Handa and is based on his personal Florida Keys Real Estate site, that for the last 8 years has brought him buyers and praise from people around the country because of its unusual in-depth content.

Dennis Handa remarked, “It’s amazing how much stuff a person has to wade through to get information about an area. Most sites ask you to fill out forms and wind up giving only a glossed over picture and provide very limited content. As a REALTOR who primarily worked with buyers, I know they want as much information as possible, to help make a decision.

With this new site launch, all this comprehensive information is finally available in one site. The benefits for both the person looking to relocate as well as the site advertisers is incredible. Florida Real Estate Network is a Win/Win situation.
