Thursday, June 10, 2010

The MMTIC™: New Learning Style Assessment Helps Teachers Lead All Students to Academic Success

The MMTIC™: New Learning Style Assessment Helps Teachers Lead All Students to Academic Success

CAPT, Inc., a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the effective application of the science of personality, is pleased to announce the new release of the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children® assessment instrument. The MMTIC™ assessment is a short self-report questionnaire designed for children in grades 2 through 12. Results help teachers and counselors recognize the diverse learning styles that different children prefer. MMTIC support materials help teachers develop more diverse instructional methods to help all their students learn more effectively. Designed by renowned school psychologists, the MMTIC assessment measures the same dimensions of personality in children that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument, the world's most widely used personality instrument, assesses in adults.

Gainesville, FL (PRWEB) February 26, 2008

When learning is stimulating, children learn more, stay in school longer, and enjoy more success as adults. Sadly, research has shown that children's attitudes towards school become more negative as they progress from grade to grade.

Teachers with the tools to craft lessons that appeal to different learning styles provide greater opportunity for positive learning experiences. Providing such tools is the key--and the challenge. "Too often, educators continue to treat all learners alike while paying lip service to the principle of diversity," laments Pat Guild, coauthor of Marching to Different Drummers.

The newly released Murphy Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children®, or MMTIC™, assessment provides a reliable, valid, and easy-to-use method for measuring different learning styles in children. The MMTIC instrument is based on the well-established personality theory of psychological type, with over 60 years of research supporting improved academic performance and social relationships when used in education.

Created by internationally renowned school psychologists Elizabeth Murphy, Ph. D., and Charles Meisgeier, Ph. D., the MMTIC assessment has been in use since 1987. The 2008 release incorporates many significant advances and can be completed (online or on paper) in less than 15 minutes.

MMTIC reports are designed for both students (at three age levels) and adults involved in the student's development. Jane Kise, an education consultant who has authored books on differentiated instruction, highlights the benefits: "MMTIC assessments help both teachers and students. Teachers get a deeper understanding of crucial differences in how students learn. Students get insights into what kinds of learning and social interactions they are better at, plus strategies to improve areas that are challenging. Any of these alone will lead to more success in school."

Recommendations and insights from the reports are complemented by extensive support materials (many of them provided at no cost) that help students, teachers, and parents alike promote healthy personality growth and maximum learning for every child.

The MMTIC assessment is available in its new easy-to-use web-based delivery system from its publisher, the Center for Applications of Psychological Type. CAPT® is a not-for-profit educational, training, and assessment organization cofounded by Isabel Briggs Myers in 1975.

For additional information, sample reports, or a setup demonstration, visit www. capt. org/assessment-mmtic/ (http://www. capt. org/assessment-mmtic/), or call 1-800-777-2278.
