Monday, December 29, 2008

A Voice of Reason: Dr. Jay Gordon Comments on Amanda Peet Controversy

A Voice of Reason: Dr. Jay Gordon Comments on Amanda Peet Controversy

Dr. Jay Gordon, noted pediatrician and lecturer, comments on the recent Amanda Peet interview in Cookie Magazine describing parents who do not vaccinate their children as "parasites". Dr. Gordon advocates exploring all sides of the issue with reference to the newly released DVD "Vaccinations? Assessing the Risks and Benefits."

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 20, 2008

With the recent public controversy over Amanda Peet's comments about vaccinating children which appeared in the current issue of Cookie Magazine, it's important for parents and caregivers to not let media hysteria determine the best health options for their child.

Noted pediatrician and lecturer, Dr. Jay Gordon, who was also interviewed for the magazine, responded to Peet's recent comments, saying, "There is an honest case to be presented for giving vaccines to children and an honest set of facts for delaying vaccines, setting alternative schedules and even giving no vaccines at all to healthy children."

Dr. Gordon is the host of a newly released DVD called "Vaccinations? Assessing the Risks and Benefits," which presents a frank and thorough overview of immunizations that will empower parents to make the best possible choices for their child.

Beholden to no special interests--neither the medical community, the pharmaceutical industry, nor the "anti-vaccine" camp--Dr. Gordon advocates the individual freedom of each parent to decide if and when vaccinations are appropriate for their child.

"It's not that I'm "anti-vaccination," says Dr. Gordon, "the problem is the way we vaccinate."

"Vaccinations? Assessing the Risks and Benefits," gives parents important information on the appropriate times to vaccinate, school immunization requirements, ways to boost your child's immune system naturally and more.

"Despite all the recent controversy, we hope at least it prompts people on both sides of the issue to engage in an open and constructive dialogue on this important subject," commented Erik Gudris, Marketing Director, of Choices, Inc.

Retail price for "Vaccinations? Assessing the Risks and Benefits," is $24.95 and is available for purchase at www. vaccinationsdvd. com.

About Jay Gordon M. D. FAAP IBCLC:
Dr. Gordon has been treating patients at his private practice in Santa Monica, California for 25 years. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at UCLA School of Medicine. He is a frequent medical commentator and media resource on pediatric issues, appearing on television, in magazines, and newspapers.

About Choices:
Choices, Inc. is a specialty distributor of quality documentaries, educational programming, and feature films. The company believes that documentaries are highly effective teaching tools, and provides both lesson plans and guidebooks as a resource for educators. More information is available online at www. choicesvideo. net.

For more information about the DVD or to schedule an interview with Dr. Gordon, please contact media relations director, Stevin Espinoza at (310) 839-1500.
