Tuesday, December 23, 2008



A number of El Paso area information technology professionals are starting a Chapter of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals). "A local chapter of this national organization (formerly Data Processing Management Association) will provide computer professionals an opportunity to meet on a regular basis to discuss common issues, hear presentations from experts and vendors and to network with each other" according to Peter Cooper, Steering Committee Chair. “There is an active student AITP chapter at UTEP who are interested in seeing a professional chapter with whom they can interact.”

(PRWEB) September 1, 2002


A number of El Paso area information technology professionals are starting a Chapter of AITP (Association of Information

Technology Professionals). "A local chapter of this national organization (formerly Data Processing Management Association) will provide computer professionals an opportunity to meet on a regular basis to discuss common issues, hear presentations from experts and vendors and to network with each other" according to Peter Cooper, Steering Committee Chair. “There is an active student AITP chapter at UTEP who are interested in seeing a professional chapter with whom they can interact.”

AITP (http://www. aitp. org/ (http://www. aitp. org/)) is the largest professional association in the field of computer management, with 5,000 regular members in over 150 chapters in the U. S., Canada and elsewhere. AITP has approximately 5,000 student members as well. There are 8 professional chapters in Texas and a number of student chapters. “There is a need for a local chapter in our area and we have gotten encouragement from IT professionals around the El Paso region. Information professionals from business, government, & education, can benefit from this organization,” said Mr. Cooper who is the Chief Technology Officer at El Paso County.

The first meeting of the El Paso Chapter of AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals) will be held Wednesday, Sept 4th beginning at 5:30 PM (reception and networking) with the business meeting starting at 6:30 PM. This organizational meeting will be held in the JDW Insurance building (Dee Margo gallery) in the lower level. The address is 415 E. Yandell (corner of Kansas & Yandell) in El Paso.

The President of the National AITP organization, Kevin Jetton from the San Antonio Chapter, will be here to welcome the new Chapter to AITP.

There are currently have over ninety professionals who have committed to join this Chapter. “There has been a lot of excitement and interest in this new organization and I believe that there will be many more joining as the word gets around. We have a number of applicants from El Paso, Las Cruces and as far as Deming, NM,” said Mr. Cooper

Contact Information:

Peter Cooper

Chief Technology Officer, El Paso County

AITP El Paso Steering Committee Chairman

Pcooper@co. el-paso. tx. us
