Monday, December 29, 2008

Informational Materials Help Stem the Spread of VHS

Informational Materials Help Stem the Spread of VHS

A variety of tools are available at www. FocusOnFishHealth. org

Florham Park, NJ (Vocus) June 11, 2010

Public service announcements (PSA), palm cards, and Power Point presentations are all part of an informational package to help fight the spread of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS), other fish diseases and invasive species available at www. FocusOnFishHealth. org.

The materials, developed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS), are targeted to recreational fishing and boating enthusiasts in the Great Lakes region. VHS now has been detected in all five of the Great Lakes.

The 15 and 30 second public service announcements feature conversations between a father and son as they head out to fish in their favorite waterway. They note the importance of not transferring water, bait or aquatic plants or creatures from an infected body of water to another.

A colorful and educational Power Point presentation gives background on VHS and simple steps to take to protect and preserve waterways. It is an excellent discussion starter at meetings and seminars.

Quantities of free 5” by 8” palm cards with compelling graphics and a list of the preventive actions needed are available upon request for distribution at fishing and boating events.

Families enjoying the Great Lakes this summer are also invited to participate in a photo contest offered at the website. Submit candid photos of fun moments on the water and win prizes and bragging rights at www. FocusOnFishHealth. org.

Visit www. FocusOnFishHealth. org to download the PSAs, Power Point presentation and/or to request palm cards.

Community Relations/Public Service Directors are invited to make liberal use of the audio Public Service Announcement attached. Media representatives may contact Charlotte Roy, Public Relations Director at croy(at)diversitymc(dot)com, 404-531-6777 or 404-313-2860
