Monday, October 13, 2008

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Bridges East and West for its 2012 Congress in Istanbul

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Bridges East and West for its 2012 Congress in Istanbul

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) announced today that it has chosen Istanbul for its 2012 Annual Meeting. During 1 to 4 July 2012, ESHRE will hold its Annual Meeting at the Istanbul Congress Centre (ICC).

(PRWeb UK) January 10, 2011

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) announced today that it has chosen Istanbul for its 2012 Annual Meeting. During 1 to 4 July 2012, ESHRE will hold its Annual Meeting at the Istanbul Congress Centre (ICC).

Reproductive medicine is one of today’s most exciting scientific and clinical areas. Every month there are announcements of medical ‘firsts’, new rulings by regulatory bodies or ethical controversies. These often spark a heated debate among practitioners in the field, ethicists, legislators, the media and the public.

ESHRE’s Annual Meeting is the forum where more than 9,000 of the world’s leading experts in reproductive medicine gather to give a public presentation of their latest research findings.

“The ESHRE Annual Meeting is a great opportunity to discuss progress and the latest breakthroughs in reproductive medicine. This event addresses current and emerging health science, policy and practice issues in the field. Many of the participants come to hear about cutting edge research,” says Dr. Luca Gianaroli, current ESHRE chairman. “Nothing illustrates the achievements of reproductive medicine more than the fact that in some European countries up to 5% of children are born using assisted reproduction technologies. With an ever-so-fast changing field, our Annual Congress is the world’s premier reproductive science conference.”

During the four day meeting, issues that present policy-makers and ethicists with some of the most challenging problems and difficult decisions will be discussed. “We are particularly delighted that ESHRE, for the first time, holds its meeting in Istanbul. Located on two continents ESHRE’s Annual Meeting in Istanbul will bridge the border between East and West, hopefully attracting more participants from the Middle and Far East, India and Russia,” says Dr. Anna Veiga, chairman elect, who will preside over the meeting as future chairman.

Istanbul in the summer is a charming and exhilarating venue. It is endowed with unrivalled beauty and complimented by a unique juxtaposition of ancient and modern times. The excellent scientific programme, the colourful social activities coupled with the breathtaking panorama and exotic surroundings of Istanbul will make this Annual Meeting a rewarding educational, social and cultural experience.
