Friday, May 16, 2008

Couple Reveals How To Revitalize and Strengthen Marriage

Couple Reveals How To Revitalize and Strengthen Marriage

Both in their late forties, they wrote Get Your Wife Interested In Sex -- Again! to help other couples revitalize their sex lives so their sexual aspect of their relationship can strengthen their marriage. “Sex isn’t just icing on the cake. It is another important way of relating and connecting as husband and wife. Think of a marriage as a four-footed stool with each leg representing the emotional connection, mental connection, spiritual connection and then the physical connection. And contrary to what people think, marital sex can get better and better as the years go by.”

Tulsa, OK (PRWEB) May 26, 2006

Married for over 20 years, Scott and Lori Phillips have witnessed how many of life’s trials can affect all aspects of a marital relationship but hits a couple’s sex life particularly hard. Unfortunately, many people -- especially wives -- don’t realize just how important a healthy sex life is in a marriage.

“A great sex life isn’t the solution to marital problems, but it definitely fortifies a couple to face just about anything together,” Phillips said. “The biological act of sex itself is a bonding ritual. And, when there is a mind-body connection as there should be during marital sex, it brings a couple closer each time.”

The couple revealed that sex was a problem for them during certain periods of their marriage. There was a big difference between their libidos, for one thing, and then outside influences hit their bedroom hard.

“We’ve faced major crisis in our marriage, one right after the other,” Phillips said. “Scott had a heart attack; we lost our little boy to a terminal illness. Then, there were the endless daily challenges like sheer exhaustion and just plain being annoyed at each other.”

Both in their late forties, they wrote Get Your Wife Interested In Sex -- Again! to help other couples revitalize their sex lives so their sexual aspect of their relationship can strengthen their marriage. “Sex isn’t just icing on the cake. It is another important way of relating and connecting as husband and wife. Think of a marriage as a four-footed stool with each leg representing the emotional connection, mental connection, spiritual connection and then the physical connection. And contrary to what people think, marital sex can get better and better as the years go by.”

Available from EbookoMatic. com (http://www. ebookomatic. com/publish/authorinfo. asp? EbookId=1001 (http://www. ebookomatic. com/publish/authorinfo. asp? EbookId=1001)), the ebook is written in a clear, easy-to-read format. Get Your Wife Interested In Sex -- Again! may seem to have obvious information from a woman’s viewpoint, but it was written for men who often are clueless when it comes to how a woman relates to sex.”

Scott is an entrepreneur with several businesses, including a computer networking company that focuses on bank security, a music studio and real estate investment. With degrees in both journalism and education, Lori is a k-6 teacher and freelance journalist. They currently reside in Brea, California with their two surviving teenage children who will be horrified if they publish that second book, two dogs and a cat.

For more information about Get Your Wife Interested In Sex -- Again!, please visit:

Http://www. ebookomatic. com/publish/authorinfo. asp? EbookId=1001 (http://www. ebookomatic. com/publish/authorinfo. asp? EbookId=1001)
Or contact the authors, Scott and Lori Phillips.
