Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Counting on Social Security Benefits Being There When You Retire is Like Counting Your Chickens Before They Hatch, Warns Kingdom Financial Principles

Counting on Social Security Benefits Being There When You Retire is Like Counting Your Chickens Before They Hatch, Warns Kingdom Financial Principles

The phrase “if you want anything done do it yourself” has never been more relevant than with the looming crisis facing retirees hoping to survive on Social Security benefits. More to the point, the pool of income funding Social Security will not be enough to supply the benefits needed by the large baby boom generation. While the government will do what it can to ease the coming storm, it is the upcoming retirees themselves who must take matters into their own hands.

(PRWEB) September 2, 2004

A recent news release quotes Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan as saying America will face "abrupt and painful” choices unless immediate actions are undertaken to trim benefits under Social Security and Medicare for the baby boom generation. That the government has promised more than it can deliver is the point Greenspan delivers as Martin Crutsinger, an AP Economics Writer, sums up Greenspan’s warning to America: “Government resources even under the most optimistic economic assumptions on growth and productivity will be inadequate to provide baby boomers with the level of benefits their parents got.”

Greenspan emphasizes that we must not promise to our retirees more than we can deliver saying we need to allow “pending retirees … time to adjust through other channels."

Gene Jolley, President of Kingdom Financial Principles (KFP) and creator of the Rapid Debt Reducer software, agrees with Greenspan, “What younger people need to know is that there will be less for them. They need to be saving for their own future.” But Jolley knows that the sea of debt drowning the landscape of America is hindering any possibility of individuals and families saving toward a prosperous future. The only way to secure your future is to take matters into your own hands and that begins with getting rid of debt according to Jolley.

“Just look around” admonishes Jolley, “96% retire with little more then social security. Is that the life that you want?” Jolley’s message is clear as one man at an Amway seminar some years back referred to living on the welfare system as a “fool’s paradise.” By the same token the same can be said about trying to survive on Social Security benefits alone to supply all your needs. "Is that the life that you want” echoes Jolley.

Jolley’s not affiliated with Amway but has been busy conducting his own seminars to help people achieve “True Financial Freedom.” Living prosperously in the retirement years is a matter of making the right choices as those who attend Jolley’s seminars find out. Education is vital to securing a financially prosperous retirement and as Jolley emphatically states “They should not be putting their faith and trust into the Government to supply a retirement.” More than enough money to supply a comfortable retirement is being given away to creditors through high interest. Many feel the trap of credit card debt and see no way out but Jolley is quick to show how debt including the mortgage can be wiped out in as little as 5 to 7 years by using his Rapid Debt Reducer software.

“Counting on Social Security Benefits being there when you retire is like counting your chickens before they hatch. ItÂ’s time to put your eggs in more than one basket.” 


Gene Jolley

Kingdom Financial Principles


Http://www. solongbills. com (http://www. solongbills. com)

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