Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lorman Education Services Presents 'Zoning And Land Use' Seminar on November 16, 2005

Lorman Education Services Presents 'Zoning And Land Use' Seminar on November 16, 2005

This "Zoning And Land Use" seminar is designed to education attendees on local ordinances that control development and the processes that are required to make an application.

(PRWEB) September 17, 2005

Lorman Education Services presents 'Zoning And Land Use' Seminar on November 16, 2005. This "Zoning And Land Use" seminar is designed to education attendees on local ordinances that control development and the processes that are required to make an application.

The public planner can provide a lot of insight, help and background to the developer, his agent, engineer, architect, surveyor or legal counsel at no cost except for a little of their time. Planners are familiar with local ordinances that control development and the processes that are required to make an application, to amend an application or an existing ordinance, or to suggest alternative ways which may be less burdensome that ultimately satisfy the needs of the developer.

South Carolina's Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994, as amended, allows municipalities to utilize various zoning and planning techniques to implement their comprehensive plans.

Thomas R. Goldstein is a partner with the firm of Belk, Cobb, Infinger & Goldstein, P. A. Mr. Goldstein received his B. A. degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Georgia and his J. D. degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law. He also attended graduate school at the USC Department of English and attended Trinity College in Dublin.

Melinda A. Lucka, Esq. is an attorney who has been in private practice in Charleston, South Carolina, since 1992. Prior to law school, Ms. Lucka served as planner and subdivision administrator for Charleston County. Her practice includes the areas of zoning and land use, handling board hearings and zoning appeals. In addition to her law practice, Ms. Lucka has taught land use law at the College of Charleston for the past 11 years.

Daniel C. Pennick, AICP is the assistant director of the Charleston County Planning Department. Mr. Pennick has been a professional planner since 1972 and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners of the American Planning Association. He holds a B. Arch. degree and an M. S. degree in architecture from Penn State University, and is a graduate of the University of South Carolina's Leadership Development Program. Mr. Pennick has been a guest lecturer for the U. S. Census Bureau, Penn State University, Juniata College and the University of Charleston. He has worked with various municipal governments in the preparation and administration of comprehensive plans, zoning and land development regulations, and initiating and administering a countywide farmland preservation program. In addition, Mr. Pennick has also been a private developer and participated in evaluating major project proposals such as energy parks, high-speed rail, housing rehabilitation and public infrastructure development.

Mary D. Shahid, Esq. joined the McNair Law Firm, P. A. as special counsel in March 2002. Her practice areas in the McNair firm are environmental, regulatory and administrative law. Prior to that, Ms. Shahid was employed by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, as its chief counsel. She served as the general counsel to the South Carolina Coastal Council until the 1994 merger with SCDHEC. Ms. Shahid graduated from Vanderbilt University with a B. A. degree. She is also a graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law.

This one-day seminar is designed for attorneys, presidents, vice presidents, owners, planners, project managers, engineers, architects, developers, council members, zoning board members, property managers, public works directors, title insurance representatives, principals, surveyors and land use officials.

To register for this event please click http://www. lorman. com/info/357930 (http://www. lorman. com/info/357930) or please call 866-352-9539 to speak with a Lorman Education customer service representative. Reference number for this event is 18189.

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