Sunday, October 14, 2007

Online Wizardry Recognized with a 501(c)(3)

Online Wizardry Recognized with a 501(c)(3)

Grey School of Wizardry offers Generation "Z" an Esoteric Education.

Cotati, CA (PRWEB) October 26, 2007

One can hardly read a newspaper or watch a talk show without encountering lamentations on the sorry state of public education in America. With the much-discussed shortcomings of the utopian "No Child Left Behind" education program, we seem to be in a never-before-seen nationwide education crisis.

Contrasting with this bleak cultural climate, the U. S. government -- recognizing an unusual approach to education -- recently awarded the online Grey School of Wizardry a 501(c)(3) tax exemption for charitable and educational purposes.

Several generations ago education was seen in a different light than it is by today's youth. Historically, schools were seen as repositories and purveyors of esoteric knowledge that would unlock the keys to the universe, and the secrets to success. Scholars and teachers were held in the highest esteem by society.

Today, members of "Generation Z" (born 1985 through 2000) -- the first web-centered and web-raised age group -- typically dislike and distain school! Gen Z *pop culture* supports this outlook: cartoons, games, and music on the web commonly mock the prison-like nature of today's education environment. (Have your doubts? Do a Google search for "I hate school" and you'll get 260,000 website hits!) Public school teachers report that in most of their classes, an average of 60% of the students freely admit feeling hatred towards school in general.


Then along came Harry Potter! With seven novels and movies -- and more toys, games, clothes, ancillary books, and web activities than you can wave a wand at -- J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series has brought "knowledge" back "in" and has increased literacy…well, magically!

Every avid Harry Potter fan wishes that they could attend "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The very fact of its exclusivity makes it irresistible, to say nothing of the lure and wonder of forbidden and arcane knowledge it promises. Magic and Mysteries, spellcraft and sorcery, hidden history, wands and wortcunning, things that go bump in the night…everything that the mundane ("muggle," quilled Rowling) world doesn't know about, or believe in.


Young people find the lure of magical secrets and esoteric education irresistible! They yearn to be on the "inside" of an exclusive group, to access "forbidden" knowledge and arcane secrets unknown to their parents and their peers. "Knowledge is power," they know -- from being the first generation to grow up with the Faustian fantasy of the web -- and "with great power comes great responsibility" (Stan Lee -- Spiderman, 1962)

"What is needed today," says Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, renowned author and beloved Headmaster of the Grey School of Wizardry, "is to restore the wonder and mystique that once imbued the very idea of education."

The Grey School of Wizardry

On August 1, 2004, the online Grey School of Wizardry opened its virtual doors. It was incorporated as a non-profit educational institution in the State of California on March 14, 2005.
Designed for students of all ages -- 11 and older -- the Grey School provides an extensive seven "year-level" program of studies, at an Apprenticeship level. Graduates are certified as "Journeyman Wizards."

Courses offered in the 16 Departments of the Grey School provide a magical education in history, mythology, geography, mathematics, literature, natural history, general science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, and even Latin! The arts are also included with classes in poetry, music, theater, and creative writing. These are taught by a faculty of over 30 brilliant and dedicated teachers, with about 270 exciting classes that keep nearly 1,000 students captivated and committed to learning.

In October of 2007, the Grey School received a 501(c)(3) tax exemption from the Internal Revenue Service for charitable and educational purposes. This achievement will help with fundraising and expanding the school to reach more students interested in learning the "Wisdom of the Ages."

The Future

The ultimate goal of the Grey School of Wizardry is to inspire, educate, and inform students -- enabling them to go out and make a real difference in the world. This is true education. For the difference between wisdom and folly is really all about considering the consequences -- "unto the seventh generation," as the Hopi proverb says.

To learn more about the Grey School of Wizardry: Go to www. Greyschool. com or phone Headmaster Oberon Zell-Ravenheart at 1-888-698-4421 for an interview.
