POLYNESIAN INTERCONNECTIONS Dwayne Johnson as King Kamehameha. 1st & 2nd Editions on Barnes & Nobles.
POLYNESIAN INTERCONNECTIONS an education book to clarify Dwayne Johnson\'s role as King Kamehameha. Research at University of Hawai\'i 2003.
(PRWEB) October 30, 2003
In November 2003, Polynesian Interconnections 1st & 2nd Editions will be available online & your local bookstores at Barnes & Nobles, Amazon. com & Borders BOOKSTORES.
Polynesian Interconnections is advertised on Barnes & Nobles now, and can be ordered by Barnes & Nobles for book buyers & readers, because their inventory is not there yet until November 2003.
Polynesian Interconnections has only been accepted for Nation-wide publishing & distribution in October 2003 so its just beginning now.
Don't miss out on a collectible item ( HOT ). Read the latest scientific data researched at the University of Hawaii at the eve of the KAMEHAMEHA movie productions, know the scientific published data about Polynesians and Hawaii as documented and analyzed by a published Polynesian Scientist in the journals of MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOLOGY 1998, again in GENETICS 1999 while in New York, and in the journal of PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG 2001 while at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.
Enjoy the research revelations and be sure to buy it for your school age children & discuss it with friends & family.
1) POLYNESIAN INTERCONNECTIONS Dwayne Johnson as King Kamehameha
Book # or ISBN # 1-4116-0227-7
2) POLYNESIAN INTERCONNECTIONS Dwayne Johnson as King Kamehameha. 2nd Edition.
Book # or ISBN # 1-4116-0273-0
These two books will be available nation-wide for the mass public to learn from concerning the supposed inter-relatedness
Of the Polynesian people and their homelands of Samoa, Tahiti, Hawaii, Fiji, Tonga, Marquesas & Cook Islands, Rapa nui... etc.
Polynesian Interconnections pioneers literature that analyze pieces of the greater puzzle, connections of the Pacific. Enjoy the research & writings of a Science Journal Published Author & Medical Student at the John A. Burns School of Medicine in Hawaii.
Aloha kakou,
For more details:
Phone # 1-(808)-225-1728 email: rocco1830@yahoo. com Honolulu, Hawaii 96822