New Unique Events Site for NYC Metro Area
New, Unique Events Site for NYC Metro Area. Hundreds of events not found on other sites or print publications. By date, by category and by location.
(PRWEB) May 24, 2001
For Immediate Release
New Events Site for NYC Metro Area
New York City is expected to host about 34 million visitors this year. Many
Of them seek new, unique, exciting things to do.
Events-nyc. com, just launched, has hundreds of events that are not found on
Other sites or in print publications.
There are events for adults and children. They are organized by date, by
Category and by location. The site covers all 5 boroughs and beyond.
Many visitors to New York City rarely set foot outside of Manhattan. Most
Print publications and other web sites have little information about what's
Happening there. Events-nyc. com provides new, entertaining, educational,
Exciting and unusual events for the exploring visitor
Easy-to-access www. events-nyc. com.
More information is available at (212)579-0689.