Ahhh, the Humanity! MyFax Chooses 10 Messy Office Finalists: Public now invited to choose winner online in Messy Office Contest
Forget Hillary. Forget Barack. The real election news is that the 10 finalists have been selected by the MyFax "messperts," and now it's time for the People to have their say regarding who is the biggest slob in the MyFax Messy Office Contest.
OTTAWA (PRWEB) February 26, 2008
For the next week, those who wish to reward those brave souls who turn their noses up at society's pressures to conform to the rules of organization and propriety can go to www. messyofficecontest. com and select the one office they believe stands out as "the messiest of them all." Voters are encouraged to take factors such as originality, creativity, and artistic merit of the mess into account when making their selection.
"This contest has been an educational and uplifting experience for many of us here at MyFax," said Joseph Nour, CEO of Protus IP Solutions, which owns and operates MyFax. "Educational because we had no idea the level of utter chaos in which so many people work. Uplifting because we really, really feel a whole lot better about our own offices here. Honestly, many of these entrants probably qualify for FEMA grants."
Finalist selection is open to anyone who chooses to go online and vote. Each individual may only vote once. The Grand Prize is $10,000. In addition, each finalist has already earned a $200 gift certificate to Amazon. com as well as a one year subscription to the MyFax Internet fax service, which carries an approximate retail value of $110.
"It's obvious from looking at the photos that these messy offices didn't just happen overnight," Nour added. "They are the result of years of commitment to carefully creating stacks of monthly reports, old pizza boxes, newspapers and magazines, and I don't even want to think about what else. We congratulate all the finalists on making it this far, and wish them all the best of luck in the voting. May the messiest office win!"
About MyFax
MyFax is the fastest growing Internet fax service used by individuals, small, medium and large businesses to send and receive faxes using existing email accounts or the web. MyFax offers services in North America and Europe, including the United Kingdom to industries recognized among the fastest growing adopters of internet fax including finance, insurance, real estate, healthcare, transportation and government. More than 15,000 new customers subscribe to MyFax each month. Additional information is available at www. myfax. com and www. myfax. uk. com.