Christian Traders Invited to Appear on "World Business Review"
The weekly television series hosted by General Alexander Haig, Secretary of State during the Reagan administration, and directed by Emmy Award winning Alan Levy, invites Christian Traders CEO to appear on a special upcoming series - "Innovative Investment Philosophies".
Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) July 23, 2004
Christian Traders (http://christiantraders. com/forum), the internet's fastest growing faith-based online investment community, is pleased to announce an exciting development which will enable the company to share it's corporate vision worldwide, via a highly respected, award winning television news program.
World Business Review is currently broadcast over CNN, BRAVO, TECH TV, and ASIA TELEVISION to an audience in excess of 140 million households. It is also available to 112 million internet subscribers and is shown in-flight on American Airlines. Due to its high quality content, it has been developed into a full curriculum for college and university level courses. There are 90+ educational institutions who currently use "World Business Review" in a variety of business and technology courses, within their business libraries, and on-campus TV networks.
DeWayne Reeves, CEO of Christian Traders (http://christiantraders. com/forum), stated,"We are extremely flattered to be approached by WBR at such an early stage in our company's growth. We are currently in the final phase of our proprietary software development, which will enable us to provide "Real-Time" data delivery to every internet connected computer in the world. We have also requested a meeting with Mr. Urban Casavant, CEO of CMKM Diamonds Inc (http://casavantmining. com). CMKX is rapidly becoming the biggest story ever to hit Wall Street, trading more shares per day than Microsoft, Cisco and Intel combined. Since we have profiled CMKX (http://christiantrader. cgi? board=diamond) on our site with a special disclaimer, it is imperative that we be able to meet with Mr. Casavant before formally accepting the invitation to be interviewed by former Nasdaq President, Al Berkley. In the event we are unable to meet the production deadline based on these issues, we hope the Associate Producer of WBR, Mr. Robert Stalzer, will extend his gracious invitation again in the near future."
Other Company News
Christian Traders recently announced that is has successfully finalized negotiations with Barchart. com Inc. (http://www. barchart. com/), to form a strategic alliance whereby, Barchart will implement, maintain, and provide data feed for the company's recently launched Financial Portal (http://www2.barchart. com/market. asp? code=bchrstt).
A Modern Day 'David vs. Goliath', Battle on Wall Street (http://news. yahoo. com/news? tmpl=story&u=/040714/234/7capv. html)
Online Financial Community "Prosperity for God's People" (http://news. yahoo. com/news? tmpl=story&u=/040703/234/7aroa. html)
CMKM Diamonds Inc. Message Board Now Available (http://news. yahoo. com/news? tmpl=story&u=/040623/234/78i94.html)
You can view current CT profiles and daily trading alerts at the
Christian Traders Online Forum (http://christiantraders. com/forum)
Current profiles include AZMN (http://azco. com)- Azco Mining, DHPI (http://dhpi. com)- Desert Health Products, and DJRT (http://racingadventure. com)- Dale Jarrett's Racing Adventure.
Company Info -
Christian Traders Inc.
911 W Woodland Ave
Phoenix AZ 85007
602.252.4903 (fax)
Http://christiantraders. com (http://christiantraders. com)
To visit our online community:
Http://christiantraders. com/forum (http://christiantraders. com/forum)