Wednesday, May 21, 2003

"The Next Internet Millionaire" Reality Show Receives Rave Reviews from Blogosphere and Attracts More Site Visitors than American Idol, NBC and CBS

"The Next Internet Millionaire" Reality Show Receives Rave Reviews from Blogosphere and Attracts More Site Visitors than American Idol, NBC and CBS

The world's first competitive Internet reality show debuts at NextInternetMillionaire. com, providing hungry reality audiences an opportunity to view original long-form entertainment on demand via their web browser. Bloggers all over the world are applauding this groundbreaking online entertainment and prove that the Internet is ready for 'prime time.'

Loveland, CO (PRWEB) August 20, 2007

The blogosphere is buzzing with rave reviews for the world's first competitive Internet reality show, "The Next Internet Millionaire (http://www. nextinternetmillionaire. com)." Debuting last Friday at http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com (http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com), bloggers and fans are universally applauding this web-based reality show that is being hailed as a major breakthrough for online long-form video.

Within just a few days of launching the premiere episode, Joel Comm's "The Next Internet Millionaire" is mentioned on over 60,000 web pages (according to Google) (http://www. google. com/search? hl=en&rls=GGLJ%2CGGLJ%3A2006-32%2CGGLJ%3Aen&q=%22next+internet+millionaire%22+joel), with bloggers around the world sharing their thoughts.

The site shot up the charts on Alexa. com and was the #1626 most popular site on the web on August 18th, beating AmericanIdol. com, CBS. com and NBC. com that day.

Some of the more prolific bloggers who have covered the show include:

Shoemoney (http://www. shoemoney. com/2007/08/17/the-next-internet-millionaire-episode-1/) (Jeremy Schoemaker), who says, "The first episode of The Next Internet Millionaire reality web show has been released. Hats off to Joel for putting this together. The quality is top notch. It takes a lot of balls to jump right in on something like this."

Jim Kukral (http://www. jimkukral. com/creative-marketing-ideas-in-video-form-done-right) (Revenews. com), who wrote, "Joel Comm really nailed it. Very well done. I was worried that it wouldn't come off strong enough, but I must say that it's really, really well done. Congrats to Joel. Worth a watch."

Matt Huggins (http://www. matthuggins. com/the-next-internet-millionaire-episode-1/) stated, "I found the style and format of The Next Internet Millionaire sucking me in almost immediately after it started."

Darren Rowse (http://www. problogger. net/archives/2007/08/18/the-next-internet-millionaire-episode-1) (ProBlogger. net) indicated that he was initially skeptical about the program, be he then wrote, "I actually enjoyed it. They managed to have me watch all the way through and wonder when the next episode will go up."

"I am thrilled to see such a positive response from the blogosphere," says Joel (http://www. joelcomm. com) Comm, Host and Executive Producer. "Over 90% of viewers who have provided feedback support this program and tell us they will be watching each week to watch how it unfolds." Comm continues, "Those kinds of numbers would make any network executive do backflips, and we intend to continue producing a quality program that audiences will find entertaining and educational."

The first in a complete fall season of episodes found twelve aspiring entrepreneurs on location in Northern Colorado where they were taught the principles of Simpleology by Internet marketing legend, Mark Joyner. The cast members consisting of six men and six women were put to the task both individually and as teams.

The individual immunity task gave the contestants five minutes to get to know a randomly selected partner and deliver a one-minute speech indicating why their partner would win the competition. The winner received the HackerSafe tshirt, a symbol of safety and immunity for the entire day.

The team execution challenge was centered on applying Joyner's principles of Simpleology to the creation of a new web page that would serve to reach a new market with the Simpleology program. The winning team received a lifetime subscription to all Simpleology products. The losing team joined Joel Comm, Mark Joyner and Cresta Pillsbury (of HackerSafe) in the Judgment room, where two team members were targeted for elimination.

With varying levels of online experience, the contestants will continue to learn from some of the world's leading Internet marketing experts, including Marlon Sanders, Brad Fallon and Perry Marshall. Episode two to be released soon will feature Armand Morin, a man whose Internet business has made over $25 million dollars.

The Next Internet Millionaire leverages the new media in ways that the major television networks have been unable to accomplish. Viewers may watch the show at their leisure by visiting the site at http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com (http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com). This 24/7 distribution model, accompanied by programs of variable length, demonstrate how original long-form entertainment is rapidly transitioning to the web.

The Next Internet Millionaire is a joint venture between InfoMedia, Inc. and Eric Holmlund. InfoMedia, Inc. is a new media company based in Loveland, Colorado. Providing a twelve-year track record of building profitable Internet sites, InfoMedia leads the way in innovative, entertaining and educational uses of the Internet.

To interview Joel Comm, for sponsorship opportunities or for more information, contact InfoMedia, Inc. (970) 278-0011 or visit http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com (http://www. NextInternetMillionaire. com)
