Online Degrees & How They Affect Your Resume
Online degrees are everywhere and they are revolutionizing the way people learn. Before enrolling, it’s a good idea to consider how they will affect your resume and, before signing on the dotted line, take the time to learn which school’s are properly accredited.
Huntington Beach, CA (PRWEB) March 4, 2006
What is accreditation? This is a term used by higher learning institutions to validate their curriculum. Many distance learning schools, including those that offer certificate and degree programs, are nationally accredited. This is a good opportunity for students who wish to acquire a career diploma or an associate’s degree, but will do little for anyone interested in earning transfer credits to a conventional college. In order to transfer credits, most colleges require that previous credits be acquired from a school that has been regionally accredited. Nationally accredited colleges, which price at approx. $1,000.00 for career programs and slightly less than $4,000.00 for a four-semester associates degree program, are more affordable than regionally accredited institutions, which price their courses at a per credit hour basis. Before enrolling in any college that claims to be nationally accredited, potential students should consult with traditional colleges regarding transfer credits if they plan to continue their education.
Online degrees, be it nationally or regionally accredited, are positive additions to any resume. Many employers actually use online degree centers for employee training, so most are very familiar with the concept. Nationally accredited colleges, such as Ashworth College, PCDI and Education Direct offer a wide variety of correspondence courses while many traditional universities offer classes via satellite, internet and correspondence. Students should not shy away from furthering their education as there are a number of ways to accomplish this goal even if campus classes are not an option. In part, learning online is gaining in popularity due to the ability for students to learn at their own pace and in the comfort of their own home.
When considering online degrees, consumers should be careful of dealing with any institution claiming to provide degrees based solely on life experience. This is especially true if the self-proclaimed college provides false transcripts with a letter grade or fails to disclose their location. For a fee, many websites claim to issue legal degrees to anyone who qualifies through a very brief online assessment. Many job applicants have found their careers in jeopardy after being discovered as having a false degree. If a college is not nationally or regionally accredited, and can be verified as such, there is no legal recognition of their degree granting authority.
Contact Information:
Dana Goldberg
16835 Algonquin Street #411
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Http://www. jobinterviewhelper. co. uk (http://www. jobinterviewhelper. co. uk)
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