Thursday, October 15, 2009

MathBid--The Solution for Math Help, Physics Help, Statistics Help, and Computer Science Help is Now Available in a Reverse Auction Format

MathBid--The Solution for Math Help, Physics Help, Statistics Help, and Computer Science Help is Now Available in a Reverse Auction Format

Individuals looking for math help, math solutions, computer science help, statistics help, physics help, or calculus solutions, can find it 24/7 on MathBid. com.

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 4, 2009

MathBid President Issac Newton announced the release of a unique enterprise educational website service that is indexed as NewMathBid. com.

What makes the site different from others of its genre is that it allows experts who bid to solve math, and statistics problems in a safe and business-friendly environment an opportunity to interface with the buyers who want problem solutions.

MathBid is unique since it is structured in a way analogous to eBay where individuals who want to ask a question are prompted that, if they have a math, statistics, computer science or physics question, then MathBid is your solution. The procedure is simple. First, post the question, then watch as experts bid with each other to solve your problem for the least expensive price.

Next, the buyer decides which expert they would like to solve the problem, based on price as well as the expert's feedback from other customers. Then the expert will work with the buyer until there is mutually agreed satisfactory solution. Registration is free, secure, and easy. Just follow the intuitive links.

The experts who wish to register are prompted as follows: Want to Answer a Question? "Are you an expert in math, statistics, computer science or physics? If so, then register for free and browse for a question which you are qualified to answer."

Unlike other web sites, MathBid uses a reserve account, so that before the expert even begins working on a solution, the payment is secure since the payment for the agreed work has been made.

So if an individual is seeking lhelp with math, math homework help, geometry help, calculus help, physics help, statistics help, algebra help or have a geometry problem that is perplexing them, then www. MathBid. com is available 24/7.
