Saturday, September 20, 2008

Support for Foster Carers in 2007

Support for Foster Carers in 2007

Anyone who is interested in being a foster carer would do well to consider the options now available from Foster Care Associates (FCA) Cymru region.

(PRWEB) April 19, 2007

As the UK's leading independent foster care agency, FCA prides itself on providing quality care for looked after children and young people who sometimes display challenging behaviour. The organisation provides a truly first class support service to meet the needs of all its foster carers who play a vital role in the social and academic development of these youngsters.

Drawing on expertise from a team of professionals, each carer is supported by a qualified social worker, therapist, education liaison officer as well as a support worker. This unique wrap around service is now available 24 hours, seven days a week. On-going training for carers is also part of the support package.

With a strong presence in Wales, FCA operates a local office in Milford Haven which services the Pembrokshire region. Anyone interested in finding out more about FCA and the opportunities currently available to foster carers should call FCA's Milford Haven office on 01646 697 703 or the national freephone 0800 085 2225, alternatively visit the website www. thefca. co. uk
