Wednesday, July 5, 2006

The Bloodsugars...Are Too Dam* High Party: Author Says Recent CDC Stats Reflect What Could be the Next Big Political Party

The Bloodsugars...Are Too Dam* High Party: Author Says Recent CDC Stats Reflect What Could be the Next Big Political Party

1 in 10 Americans are now diabetic. By 2050 it's expected to be 1 in 3. A proposed new party…(one you'd rather not be a member of) The Bloodsugars Are Too Dam* High Party is aimed at getting the diabetic vote. It appears just about everyone will be a diabetic one day if trends continue....

Jacksonville, FL (PRWEB) October 31, 2010

"If you are a diabetic, and you vote for me...I will soon have all the votes in the U. S. as just about everyone will be diabetic in the coming years." So says Bob Hawkinson, author, and a lifelong insulin dependent diabetic. "I would make a great Prez-abetic!" Of course Bob's statement is a bit tongue in cheek, but there is a lot of truth to the humor. These past weeks the CDC has announced some startling statistics regarding diabetes. Today the estimated number of people living with diabetes in the U. S. is 1 in 10. By 2050 they are predicting 1 in 3 people will have diabetes.

If trends continue, diabetes will likely bankrupt the healthcare system. Right now it is estimated that about 174 billion dollars a year is spent on diabetes management. The current estimated number of diabetics in America is somewhere near 30 million. If estimates hold true, by 2050, there will likely be over 100 million Americans living with diabetes. Diabetes is a very expensive disease to manage, and costs continue to escalate as new treatments and technologies become available.

So, what would THE BLOODSUGARS ARE TOO DAM* HIGH party's platform be if it existed?

1.  It is going to take a huge effort to overcome this chronic condition. We should redirect funds from some of the crazy recent special interest legislation into research to help find a cure. We need money and time!

2. Education, education, education. It is estimated that 20% or more Americans are living with diabetes and don't know it. We need people to think about this disorder and make sure they are aware of the warning signs. Extreme thirst, unexplained weight loss, low energy, and lack of appetite are a few of the symptoms.

3. Exercise! It doesn't make sense to me that we can't understand why as kids become adults…they don't exercise much. We have removed recess and physical education from our schools to the point where they are almost non - existent. THE BLOODSUGARS ARE TOO DAM* HIGH party is demanding that recess and P. E. be back in schools so kids get the exercise they need.

According to Hawkinson, "We can't afford America's Blood Sugar being too Dam* High. We have to get people educated, eating better, and moving again. " Staying healthy and in good control is always a challenge for a diabetic, but it is possible when you learn to do the right things.. insulin, oral meds, exercise, or diet changes may be required to achieve success.

Bob Hawkinson's book "The Joy of Diabetes" is not only inspiring, but it also educates with a light-hearted and thoughtful approach. Bob, who is almost 48, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 1. His goal is to "help other diabetics grab hold of this disease by the horns, and wrestle it to the ground".

To order his book, go to http://www. joyofdiabetes. com. For an entertaining and informative interview, call Bob at 904-699-0046 or bob(at)joyofdiabetes(dot)com. If you just want to have fun join Bob's diabetes forum at http://joyofdiabetes. ning. com/].

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