Monday, May 31, 2004

Celebrities, Sports Stars, and Politicians Join Forces with DAD Program

Celebrities, Sports Stars, and Politicians Join Forces with DAD Program

Landing, NJ (PRWEB) October 2, 2006

Numerous celebrities, sports stars, politicians, doctors, school systems, and major corporations have joined forces with the non-profit organization DAD (Drums and Disabilities,) in an effort to help inform and educate disabled children, and their parents and teachers throughout the world. Some include Senator Anthony Bucco, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, the Morris County Park Police, the New Jersey Education Association, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, The NJ Devils, the NY Giants, Members of the NY Yankees, the WWE Superstars, Pepsi-Cola, Chevrolet, Hasbro Toys, WDHA Radio, Vater Percussion, Drum Magazine, and Guitar Center music stores among others.

"Statistics indicate the percentage of disabilities present in children increased over 47.9 %, over the past 10 years. The significant growth of the disability population signals an opportunity to meet the needs of these youth,” said DAD President/CEO Pat Gesualdo. “As a result, the DAD Program is expanding nationally, in an effort to help inform and educate children with disabilities and their parents and teachers. In so doing, the future of these kids may be made brighter as they benefit from work with DAD."

"We need this program to help children with disabilities," said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as he wished Gesualdo the best of luck, as the two spoke about the program on a major radio station recently. "It's absolutely amazing, the kids don’t want to leave school until they've had the DAD program," said Principal Alexis, from one of the many schools where DAD is featured. "It's a great honor to have Guitar Center as the home base for the DAD program," said the Regional Vice President of Guitar Center, the world’s largest music instrument retailer.

About the DAD Program

DAD, a Federal 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, was originally launched in the New York City schools and communities, and is now featured in numerous schools and communities throughout the United States and Europe. The DAD curriculum has been widely accepted by the Medical, Education, and Music communities throughout the world.

Psychologists, Doctors, School Systems, Community Leaders, Occupational Therapists, Music Therapists, and Teachers of all subjects, use the DAD program to help disabled children develop and expand retention, coordination, and physical and mental ability. DAD also features special lectures, workshops, and teacher-training classes, on the latest research, advice, and teaching methods, to help parents and teachers raise and teach children with disabilities.

For more information, please contact DAD World Headquartes at www. dadprogram. org, or by phone at 973-725-5150.

Official DAD Websites:

Www. dadprogram. org

Www. myspace. com/patgesualdo (http://www. myspace. com/patgesualdo )

Www. myspace. com/dadprogram (http://www. myspace. com/dadprogram )

Www. vater. com

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