Monday, August 18, 2008

Kids Dig Into History at New Web Site

Kids Dig Into History at New Web Site

Secrets and Reality of Colonial Maryland Revealed--Online

(PRWEB) October 16, 2003


October 14, 2003

CONTACT: Betsy Peisach (410) 581-4042 betsypeisach@mpt. org

Kids Dig Into History at New Web Site

Exploring Maryland's Roots Reveals Secrets and Reality of Colonial


OWINGS MILLS, MD (PRWEB) October 15 2003--Dangerous sea voyages, backbreaking labor, and taming a wild land. Is it the next version of "Survivor" or the real lives of Maryland settlers and colonists? Students (grades 4-8) discover the adventure AND the reality at Exploring Maryland's Roots, a new interactive Web site from Maryland Public Television. http://mdroots. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp (http://mdroots. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp)

Developed with a group of advisors from Historic St. Mary's City, the

Maryland State Archives, the Maryland Historical Society, and Maryland

Teachers Exploring Maryland's Roots features primary source documents,

Diaries, sketches, settlement schematics, activities, storybooks, and

Digital video.

With the recent discovery of human remains from the late 17-century at

Leonardtown, MD, interest in archaeology and early history is up,

Especially as modern scientists use new forensic methods to uncover

The mysteries of the past. Kids find mysteries fascinating and with

Exploring Maryland's Roots they research, interact and experience history as the story of real people in a trying time, not as dates to be memorized.

In an online simulation called "Build Your Own Plantation," students

Experience life as it was in the time and face some of the same

Challenges and choices as the early colonists. In this activity,

Students are given 100 acres of land and a few tools and they need to

Make choices about crops and house placement and dodge diseases,

Flood, and drought.

Other exciting interactive activities include a virtual archaeological dig-using where students use their computer mouse to uncover, identify and piece together bits of history. Visit a Woodland Indian village and see what life was like before colonists reached Maryland's shores. and examine the real-life mystery of "The Three Lead Coffins" in St. Mary's City. Student use their powers of deduction to unravel the mystery of who was buried in the lead coffins

Under the chapel and why.

Exploring Maryland's Roots includes an extensive library with case

Studies and biographies of people important to the young colony, and

Related primary source documents. Students can investigate an interactive timeline on slavery illustrated with important

First-person documents from the archives to underscore the events and people that shaped the practice of slavery.

The Web site can be used inside the classroom or out and includes

Teacher resources such as lesson plans coordinated to Maryland Learning Outcomes. Says one 4th grade teacher from St. Augustine School in Elkridge, Maryland: "This is an awesome site! My students are in the middle of their Maryland unit, and we dropped everything to explore this Web site. They thoroughly enjoyed it, especially "Build a Plantation." The archaeology section was also popular."

The site also helps you continue the learning experience offline. The

Section for families includes suggestions for books to read together,

Recipes so kids can try cooking like a colonist, and links to places

To visit in person and tour Maryland's colonial past.

Exploring Maryland's Roots presents a complex and historically accurate

Picture of life in colonial Maryland in a fresh, engaging, and fun way

For kids to dig into history.

Exploring Maryland's Roots, a digital education project of Maryland Public Television, joins MPT's other award-winning online field trips and interactives on the Web designed to inspire and teach Maryland students, including Knowing Poe: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe; Pathways to Freedom: Maryland & the Underground Railroad; Bay Trippers: An Online Field Trip to the Chesapeake Bay; Sense and Dollars; and Plastic Fork Diaries. Experience them all at http://www. thinkport. org> (http://www. thinkport. org>);.
