Over 50 and Afraid to Lose Your Job?
Alan Sklover, Attorney/Expert on "Working Wisdom," Offers 8 Ways to Keep Yourself Employed and Employable.
New York, NY (PRWEB) May 29, 2008
Sadly, many in today's workplace environment equate "older worker" with "obsolescence" and "low productivity." Yet "older" can also mean "more experienced," "larger perspective" and "better judgment." You can't stop yourself from getting older, but there are many things you can do to fight the negative connotations of being "older" in today's workplace.
Attorney/Author/Workplace Expert Alan Sklover has just issued a new www. SkloverWorkingWisdom. com newsletter in which he shares the 8 ways to maintain your critical "perceived value" in your workplace, and for keeping yourself employed and employable as long as you want to work:
1. Keep Yourself "Tech-Savvy"
2. Stay Close to People and Projects that Produce Revenue
3. Involve Yourself in Long-Term Projects and Programs
4. Build and Maintain Your Company and Industry Relations
5. Play Your Strongest Card -- Experience
6. Look Beyond the Horizon; Surf the "Next Big Wave'
7. Be a "Reputation Enhancer" for Your Company
8. Be Vigilant about Your Physical Appearance
"Learning how to navigate for yourself at work is not mandatory," says Alan Sklover, "But neither is remaining employed." These are the specific steps you can take to keep yourself employed and employable and they are neither costly nor difficult, and surely worth the effort.
Sklover Working Wisdom™ (www. SkloverWorkingWisdom. com) is an interactive Blog dedicated to education and empowerment for employees. The Blog's creator and driving force is Attorney Alan L. Sklover, who has represented and counseled employees worldwide for over 25 years. Mr. Sklover is counsel, author and speaker on issues of employment rights and workplace negotiating.
Sklover Working Wisdom™ contains thousands of practical pointers for navigating and negotiating career and workplace issues. The Blog encourages the submission of questions and offers real-life answers, and offers free subscriptions, as well. Individual employees of all ages are invited to interact with the Blog and Mr. Sklover free of charge. Contact Sheree Donath at contact@skloverworkingwisdom. com for information, comments or a feedback.
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