ENDURING FREEDOM Painting w/americana symbols donated to American People by Internationally exhibited, Hawaii artist Aelbert Aehegma ~July 4th release Limited Editon Memorial Print. President Bush gets first Artist Proof. U.S. Press gets 2nd Proof.
ENDURING FREEDOM, a retro-americana/ poster design ~original painting is being donated to the "Spirit of Freedom of the American People." The Hawaii artist, Aelbert Aehegma is also gifting the first, signed amd numbered Giclee Artist Proof to president Bush and the First Lady, Laura Bush. The 2nd Proof goes to Freedom of the Press. The Artist whose work has been exhibited in over a dozen countries, has also had his work in the First Art Show in Space, ARS AD ASTRA in an international co-operative exhibit aboard the former MIR Space Station. The artist will contribute a portion of all sales of the Commemorative Print to charities.
(PRWEB) April 17, 2002
The Original Painting "Enduring Freedom",stylized in a retro-americana, poster fashion will be gifted to "The Spirit of Freedom of the American People". The Artist, Aelbert Aehegma, an internationally exhibited Hawai'i resident, is donating a portion of all proceeds from sales of the Commemorative, Memorial Prints of the art to charities. The White House has been notified that Mr. Aehegma will be giving President Bush and the First Lady, the First, signed and numbered limited edition giclee print for serving "American Values & Freedom," during this time of crisis.
The Second Artist Proof of this patriotic print, recently released for America's Birthday, 4th of July Celebration, will be gifted to the American Media and "Freedom of the Press." The artist, a former journalist himself, born of a patriotic New England family, when viewing the news of the September 11th attack on the Trade Center, The Pentagon and our Nation, asked himself what he could do. The answer was immediate. While still listening to the tragic news he began to proccess the events; the symbols, meaning and values in the profound words, slogans and symbols which the founding fathers of our nation carefully chose for us possessed him, and the painting commenced.
Utilizing antiqued bold colors, and retro - World War I & World War II patriotic Poster designs, he wove together current events. By the end of September, the painting was nearing completion. A five-page educational legend which ellaborates on the mystical and metaphysical meaning of our american symbols which endow the poster art, accompanies the prints. "We must learn for ourselves what we have not been taught by our families, our schools and our nation, to be regain strength and meaning for ourselves, our loved ones and our communities from the symbols and values for which we as a people stand for," states the artist.
It is the artist's hope that an open, unlimitied publication of the print will be made available at some point to reach more Americans at a reasonable price. The artist, whose original works have been exhibited in more than a dozen countries, also had his creative work included in an international co-operative exhibit aboard the former Mir Space Station, The First Art Show in Space, ARS AD ASTRA. That work was entitled "Our Renaissance: The Next Enlightenment." That work later toured five European countries in Space Exploration & Art Exhibits. The artist feels that everyone has a gift, and as Americans we too often take our gifts and freedoms for granted. Being born of a working class family, he has proven in his own life, that in a free society, even the sky is not the limit.
The artist's final words on freedom of expression, before our interview ended, follow "I encourage every American and every world citizen, to not loose their freedom of expression; every day, in some way we must stand behind what we believe, say it, mean it, and act upon it: write a letter to an editor, or send a viewpoint to some news media; to remain equal, we must speak up and state our views in public or among friends and family, freely adding our voice to our mutual evolution."
Freedom of expression, Freedom of choice, Fredom of Press, Freedom to pusue Happiness in our own manner, ~these, and all other Freedoms we so often take for granted can be lost If we do not exercise our freedoms, daily, somehow."
For further information, contact Pacific Museum Services, P. O. Box 1380, Kamuela, Island of Hawaii, HI 96743.Phone:(808) 895-1630. URL http://www. pacificartguild. homestead. com (http://www. pacificartguild. homestead. com)