Monday, August 15, 2005

For Online Community Members, It's Business As Usual

For Online Community Members, It's Business As Usual

(PRWEB) March 18, 2001

The Creative Enterprises Network online community has announced its first intra-community company sale, effective this date. Kristi Grigsby of Naples, Florida, founder of Sunsational Kids www. sunsationalkids. com, has announced today that the popular toy and children's specialty shop has been sold to Carol Daly of Creative Enterprises, Jacksonville, NC www. creativethought. com for an undisclosed sum.

Due to growing family commitments and a desire to continue her work to build the Send A Child A Smile program ( www. sendachildasmile. com ) into a non-profit organization, Grigsby says she feels the need to move away from the retail environment and "concentrate on those things near and dear to my heart -- my family and Send A Child A Smile."

Although a retail operation is outside the perimeters of her general service-oriented operation, Daly says other family members will be handling day-to-day operations. "My husband and two of my grown children are extremely talented and experienced in retail operations and customer service. And they are as thrilled as I am to be able to acquire such a wonderful business. Kristi is to be commended for building a first-class Internet store that has done extremely well in only a little over a year. Sunsational Kids is definitely ahead of the pack."

What plans are in the works for Sunsational Kids under its new management? "Nothing radical is planned." says Daly, "The plan is to carry on exactly the way Kristi has run the company from the beginning -- offering great products and great service. From time to time, products will change in keeping with customer demand and changing trends. But we have a terrific resource available to us -- Becky Koch-Farrar of Indigo Kids in Naples -- she has been advising Kristi on toy trends and supplying fantastic educational and developmental toys for some time; and we're pleased to say that she has agreed to stay on and work with us as well."

Beyond the successful sale and transfer of the business, Grigsby and Daly are both very pleased that the sale was made possible as a direct result of their working together within The Creative Enterprises Network community. "My greatest pleasure," says Grigsby "will be to see that all my work on Sunsational Kids is not wasted -- that someone will be able to pick it up and run with it. Carol and Mike Daly are very anxious to do that, and I feel good about selling it to another member of our CE community -- someone who understands what I've put into creating the business."

As for Daly, her "greatest pleasure at this moment, is knowing that what we're doing here really works. The trust we have developed among our members. . . the confidence we place in one another. . . the work we do together in order to grow together. . . this just shows that it's not a superficial thing. Our group is strong and our hopes are high for the future. Despite the stock market woes and the problems that the big Dot. coms continue to have, our small online businesses are doing very well and showing steady growth. This is the new economy. . . an economy that stretches across miles, creating business relationships and developing consumer confidence in ways that big business simply can't. This is a great day for me, for Kristi, and for all our CE member merchants -- we're living proof that the cyber marketplace can and does operate the way your local community operates. . . if you work at it."

Sunsational Kids is open for business in the Yahoo! shopping pages.