Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault Explores Bullying and Sexual Violence with Children and Adults Across the State

Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault Explores Bullying and Sexual Violence with Children and Adults Across the State

GNESA, in partnership with State of Georgia, plans to launch statewide campaign to prevent sexual harassment and violence among adolescents

Atlanta, GA (Vocus/PRWEB) January 14, 2011

Adolescent boys in Georgia could be sexually assaulting or sexually harassing adolescent girls and not even realize it. This was among a number of disturbing truths revealed during a statewide series of 22 focus groups and roundtable discussions with children and adults conducted in November and December by the nonprofit organization Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault (GNESA).

Supported by the Georgia Division of Public Health, Sexual Violence Prevention Program and implemented in partnership with Georgia’s federally recognized Sexual Assault Coalition, the focus groups and roundtable discussions were the initial step in developing a statewide campaign to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence among adolescents. Campaign organizers expect the initiative will launch in 2011.

“As difficult as it is to believe, adolescent males sexually assault and sexually harass adolescent females in Georgia – it’s an unfortunate, disheartening reality,” says Jennifer Bivins, GNESA’s chief executive officer. “Many of our boys, however, don’t even realize the danger of this behavior because society has normalized seemingly trivial acts that, over time, could escalate into violence. The goal of our campaign is to reach and educate middle-school-age boys before they sexually harass or commit sexually violent behavior against girls.”

According to input from the focus groups and roundtable discussions – which included 11- to 14-year-old boys, as well as adults who regularly counsel, mentor or work with them – adolescent males often perceive touching or groping girls as innocent teasing, flirting or other socially acceptable behavior. While findings varied from community to community, several key patterns emerged:

Adolescent focus group participants believed bullying can lead to sexual harassment or sexual assault. Most participants believed bullying is psychological, whereas sexual assault and sexual harassment are physical – which could indicate they do not understand sexual harassment and sexual assault can result in psychological implications for victims.

Many young men believe that inappropriate touching of a female is not considered sexual harassment or sexual assault.

Echoing adolescent focus group participants, adults reported witnessing or hearing about instances of sexual harassment or sexual assault often occurring where children are congregated with minimal adult supervision – including school hallways; school playgrounds; school bathrooms; in school cafeterias; on school buses; and at football games in or underneath bleachers, while students are walking around, or behind physical structures, such as bathrooms.

Adults who work with children as their primary occupation – such as principals and teachers – were more likely to include inappropriate touching and groping of a sexual nature as “sexual assault.” Those who work with children as a part of a larger function were more likely to deem inappropriate touching and groping as “sexual harassment.” Regardless, the adult participants believe the issue is of nearly epidemic proportions in Georgia.

“While the results of our research indicate a misunderstanding of sexual assault among adolescent males across the state, GNESA is optimistic about the future,” Bivins says. “The key is early education to spur prevention. Parents, teachers and other adult influencers can make a difference just by talking about the issues.”

About The Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault

GNESA, founded in 1982, is a nonprofit coalition of sexual assault agencies and concerned individuals that share the common goal of ending sexual assault. GNESA performs technical assistance, professional training, media and marketing services as well as legislation support for sexual assault and women’s health and safety concerns. Current membership includes 23 rape crisis centers, several supporting organizations, and individual members. For more information, visit http://www. gnesa. org.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Most Organizations Not Yet Aware of Information Management Inadequacies

Most Organizations Not Yet Aware of Information Management Inadequacies

AIIM research shows a surprising lack of awareness about the true state of information management effectiveness.

Silver Spring, MD (Vocus) February 18, 2009

A new AIIM survey among 400+ IT decision makers and influencers found that 89% of respondents think effective management of electronic information is “very important” or “important” to the long-term success of their organizations. The respondents claimed a surprising confidence in their information management systems with 63% indicating they were “very confident” or “quote confident” that they could prove their electronic information is “accurate, accessible, and trustworthy.” Only 9% of those surveyed expressed a lack of confidence in their information management systems.

“This is clearly a case of ‘not knowing what you don’t know,’” notes John Mancini, President of AIIM, an industry association for information management. “Survey after survey we have done with executives indicate that the MORE organizations know about the integrity of their information management, the LESS confident they are about their ability to meet basic tests of information integrity. These results clearly point to a lack of understanding about the actual state of information management readiness in most organizations.”

This survey (performed in February 2009) was different from many previous AIIM surveys in that the sample was drawn from a group of executives completely unconnected with AIIM. The 400 executives were from companies with more than 10 employees and were responsible for “ordering, recommending, approving or initiating computer hardware or software decisions.”

“Past surveys of information management readiness among those companies that have thoroughly assessed their systems paint a far different picture. These companies place the same high importance on electronic information – in excess of 90%. But among the companies MOST experienced with the challenges of information management, 49% express a lack of confidence in their systems – a huge awareness gap from the 9% reported in the current survey, ” states John Mancini.

“Organizations need to first reach a state of ‘conscious incompetence’ relative to information integrity before they can begin to move down the path to becoming world class organizations,” concludes Mancini. “Clearly the content and records management industry has work to do in helping organizations overcome the state of denial that exists relative to their current systems.”

Mancini recommends executives ask the following questions to identify confidence in their business information:
1. Is your organization able to handle the explosion of digital information? Does the continuing influx of information make your organization less and less effective?
2. Can your employees find information when they need it - in the daily course of business, as well as when an emergency or more urgent event occurs?
3. Can your employees collaborate on projects no matter where they are located in the world, to take advantage of trends towards work spread across the globe, and workers that are at home or on the road 90% of the time?
4. Has your ability to document what your organization did, why you did it, who did it, and when they did it gotten better or worse in the past 5 years?
5. Can your customers find information when they need it? Or are they abandoning your organization for a competitor who outstrips your ability to provide the information they need?

“Increasing awareness is one key reason why AIIM has introduced online and classroom training programs covering how to find, control, and optimize information assets,” states Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President of AIIM. “Close to 10,000 IT and Information Managers have attended our courses over the last year, and we see a growing need for training to improve collaboration, content management, and findability.”

To download key points from the survey "Making the Case for Document Management in Challenging Times," please go to:
Http://www. aiim. org/Research/MarketIQ/Making-the-Case-for-Document-Management. aspx (http://www. aiim. org/Research/MarketIQ/Making-the-Case-for-Document-Management. aspx)

Evaluating SharePoint - Learn to assess whether, where, and how to use SharePoint Imaging and Recognition - Learn ways to improve your scanning and recognition processes Web Content Management (WCM) - Improve your understanding of Web Content Management technologies Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Improve your understanding of Digital and Media Asset Management technologies eDiscovery - Learn ways to build a successful eDiscovery process PDF/A - Learn best practices for preserving your organization's digital documents using PDF/A

The new AIIM Essentials programs have been designed for use as a series of standalone online courses that are focused on very specific topics applicable to any organization, and are a perfect complement to enhance the training our students have received from our current educational Certificate offerings.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) - Learn how to take control of your information assets Electronic Records Management (ERM) - Learn how to take control of your electronic records Business Process Management (BPM) - Learn how to improve your business processes Information Organization and Access (IOA) - Learn how to optimize findability and enterprise search Email Management (EMM) - Learn how to improve the control of corporate emails Enterprise 2.0 (E2.0) - Learn how to use Web 2.0 technologies to improve collaboration and innovation across the enterprise

For more information about AIIM training programs, please go to http://www. aiim. org/training (http://www. aiim. org/training) or call AIIM at 301-755-2631/800-477-2446.

About AIIM
AIIM (http://www. aiim. org (http://www. aiim. org)) is the community that provides education, research, and best practices to help organizations find, control, and optimize their information. The AIIM community has grown to over 65,000 professionals from all industries and government, in over 150 unique countries, and within all levels of management including senior executives, line-of-business, and IT. For over 60 years, AIIM has been the leading non-profit organization focused on helping users to understand the challenges associated with managing documents, content, records, and business processes. Today, AIIM is international in scope, independent, implementation-focused, and, as the representative of the entire enterprise content management (ECM) industry - including users, suppliers, and the channel - acts as the industry's intermediary.

Subscribe to AIIM RSS feeds at http://www. aiim. org/feeds (http://www. aiim. org/feeds)
Subscribe to industry press release feeds at http://www. aiim. org/ResourceCenter/RSSFeed. aspx? Type=PRESSRELEASES (http://www. aiim. org/ResourceCenter/RSSFeed. aspx? Type=PRESSRELEASES)

For more information, contact:

Beth Mayhew
Senior Director
Bmayhew(at)aiim. org


Monday, August 29, 2005

Edmonton Hosts Top International Autism Experts at Autism Awareness Conference in April

Edmonton Hosts Top International Autism Experts at Autism Awareness Conference in April

Conference presenters include “Good Morning America” guest Karen Siff Exkorn, M. A.; Stephen Shore, Ph. D. (candidate); Dr. Teresa Bolick; and author Mary Wrobel, SLP.

Edmonton, Canada (PRWEB) March 17, 2006

Autism Today™, a leading worldwide autism resource centre, is pleased to announce that Karen Siff Exkorn, M. A.; Stephen Shore, Ph. D. (candidate); Dr. Teresa Bolick; and Mary Wrobel, SLP will be participating in the first conference in the “Keys to the Treasure Chest” series, Reflecting On The Spectrum. Running April 21-22, Reflecting On The Spectrum brings together some of the most renowned, diverse and respected authorities on autism and Asperger’s syndrome to Edmonton, Alberta.

Following this conference, Autism Today™ will launch the new “Keys to the Treasure Chest” series, which will visit 13 Canadian cities during 2006. “Keys to the Treasure Chest” will feature the world’s leading autism and Asperger’s Syndrome experts. This series will unlock knowledge and provide a deeper understanding of autism and Asperger’s while offering proven, practical tools and strategies to help families and professionals cope with autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

About Autism Today™

Autism Today™ is the leading source of objective information about Autism Spectrum Disorders, including Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not Otherwise Specified.

In 1996, Karen Simmons, an author, businesswoman and mother of six, one of whom has autism, had a vision to simplify the information gathering and evaluating process for families dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders…and Autism Today™ was the outcome. The Autism Today™ website receives over 2 million hits a month. With over 50 world-renowned speakers, authors and presenters, and their comprehensive database of highly interactive members, it is the largest autism resource online and one of the leading autism and Asperger’s resource distributors in the world.

Autism Today™ is the leading autism workshop and conference provider in Canada, and hosts the well recognized and well received Keys to the Treasure Chest conferences across the country, with an impressive list of speakers, including Dr. Tony Attwood, Maria Bird-West Wheeler, Carol Gray, Nathan Ory, Catherine Faherty, Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr. Barry Prizant, Stephen Shore, Dr. Jed Baker, Dr. Steven Gutstein, and various other experts.

Autism Today™ also promotes awareness of autism and Asperger’s syndrome issues through its bookstore presence at other workshops and seminars across Canada. They work with other groups to help solve the common problems and misconceptions surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorders while empowering others through their non-profit Canadian based organization called the KEEN Education Foundation.

Autism Today™ is the proud publisher of the brand new book The Official Autism 101 Manual, the most comprehensive book on autism featuring 44 top autism experts from around the world including these four experts

Visit: www. autism101manual. com for more information.

Karen Siff Exkorn, M. A., Stephen Shore, Ph. D. (candidate), Dr. Teresa Bolick and Mary Wrobel, SLP are available for interviews.

For more information, contact Terri Robson, 1-866-9AUTISM.


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Educational Software Company Achieve3000 Announces Fall Launch of Literacy Software Programs, KidBiz3000 and TeenBiz3000

Educational Software Company Achieve3000 Announces Fall Launch of Literacy Software Programs, KidBiz3000 and TeenBiz3000

Company's commitment to revolutionize Web-based differentiated learning reinforced with fall launch: Updated brands feature new functionality for parental involvement and unit-building tools to integrate literacy across all content areas.

Lakewood, New Jersey (PRWEB) September 17, 2007

Achieve3000, the leader in Internet-based, differentiated instruction, with solutions for reading comprehension, vocabulary and writing proficiency, today announced the fall launch of flagship products KidBiz3000 and TeenBiz3000. The programs feature updated interfaces, new administrative features and enhanced tools for tracking student performance and increasing parental involvement.

Major upgrades include a new Parent Edition and Unit Building functionality, as well as an improved Writing Center, which is aligned to the writing process and allows students to improve their writing skills through a variety of writing assignments, including timed writing assignments and revising and editing activities.

"We know that schools truly struggle to find ways to involve parents," said Andrea Berlin, vice president of development. "The Parent Edition will invite parents and guardians to become more involved with their children's education by allowing them to track their children's progress and keep them 'in the loop' on what their children are assigned. Every week, parents receive a Conversation Guide that summarizes each daily article and includes discussion questions. These tools help create a strong home school connection," said Berlin.

"We also anticipate more teachers implementing our products from across more disciplines," said Berlin, referring to the new Unit Building functionality included in the upgraded versions of KidBiz3000 and TeenBiz3000. The new functionality invites content-area teachers to integrate literacy into different subjects so that students can read articles in the area their class is covering tailored to their individual reading levels.

"Despite extensive research on adolescent literacy demonstrating its importance, we're aware of the difficulty in getting content-area teachers to dedicate time to literacy when they have so many curricula to cover over the course of a semester," said Rivki Locker, vice president of curriculum at Achieve3000. "This new function will make it exciting for content teachers to become more involved in literacy development, as the upgraded software allows educators to customize the literacy lessons to meet the content area standards and themes." Also new for teachers are daily Curriculum Keys, which include key concepts, vocabulary, content-area extensions and links to comprehension lesson plans.

Expanded reporting features allow teachers to track state standards, record how usage has changed over time and which of their students are using the program outside of their school. Additional revisions include an improved export function to Excel spreadsheets, which allow users to generate customized reports, charts and summary tables. "Achieve3000 has always been really responsive to customers' needs and will continue to do so. Every feature in this launch is a direct response to customer feedback," said Locker.

The upgraded version embodies another step in Achieve3000's commitment to research based solutions to improve student Lexile scores and other high stakes test scores across the board. Further evidence of Achieve3000's success and growth is demonstrated by a recent $9 million investment from New York-based Insight Venture Partners, the leading private equity and venture capital firm focused on the global software and Internet industries. The funding will be used to expand Achieve3000's reach to their target market of students in grades 2 through 12 as well as grow the company's product line. Achieve3000 is currently in place in more than 1,000 schools and after school programs and is in 36 states.

About Achieve3000:
Achieve3000, of Lakewood, N. J., delivers differentiated literacy solutions proven to increase reading comprehension and fluency, vocabulary and writing proficiency for students in grades 2 through 12. Through its proprietary software engine, the company uses the Internet to provide each student with an appropriate version of the same content based on his or her reading level. The company's products include KidBiz3000 (a reading and writing program for grades 2 through 5), TeenBiz3000 (a reading and writing program for grades 6 through 12) and Spark3000 (a reading and writing program for adult learners). For more information, visit www. (http://www. php) or phone 800-838-8771.


CME Outfitters Announces Live CME/CE Webcast: "Closed Enteral Feeding Systems in Children: Best Practices and Outcomes" Premieres Friday, December 7

CME Outfitters Announces Live CME/CE Webcast: "Closed Enteral Feeding Systems in Children: Best Practices and Outcomes" Premieres Friday, December 7

CME Outfitters announces an upcoming live and interactive CME/CE activity titled "Closed Enteral Feeding Systems in Children: Best Practices and Outcomes." Offered as a simultaneous webcast and telephone audioconference premiering Friday, December 7, 2007, from 12:00 p. m.-1:00 p. m. ET, the activity will provide evidence-based guidance about the health and safety benefits of closed enteral feeding systems.

Rockville, MD (PRWEB) November 14, 2007

CME Outfitters, LLC, an independent accredited provider of multidisciplinary medical education programming and related healthcare communications services, is pleased to announce an upcoming live and interactive evidence-based CME/CE webcast titled "Closed Enteral Feeding Systems in Children: Best Practices and Outcomes."

CME Outfitters webcasts are offered as a one-hour, live and interactive simultaneous webcast and telephone audioconference. Each webcast's interactivity is enhanced by offering a Q&A segment during which the faculty presenters can respond to audience comments and questions posed via e-mail, fax, or phone. Online CME/CE credit is offered to participants upon completion of the activity, at www. cmeoutfitters. com.

Premiering Friday, December 7, 2007, from 12:00 p. m.-1:00 p. m. ET, "Closed Enteral Feeding Systems in Children: Best Practices and Outcomes" will provide evidence-based guidance about the health and safety benefits of closed enteral feeding systems. For those who are unable to participate in the premiere, the live webcast will be repeated on Thursday, December 13, from 3:00 p. m.-4:00p. m. ET and on Friday, December 14, 2007, from 12:00 p. m.-1:00 p. m. ET. This CME/CE activity will also be available as an on-demand archived webcast, podcast, and telephone audioconference shortly after the third live webcast.

To participate, visit www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral) 15 minutes prior to one of the live dates and times, and click on either the "View Live Webcast" or "Participate in Live Dial-In" icons.

There is no fee to participate or receive CE credit for this activity; however, registration is required. Three forms of registration are accepted:
Online: Visit the activity details page at http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral) and click the Register icon.
Phone: Call 877.CME. PROS (877.263.7767).
Fax: Visit the activity details page at http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral), print and complete the activity details form, and fax to 240.243.1033.

Statement of Need:
Enteral nutrition plays an essential role in the care of children who are unable or unwilling to eat. Children may require enteral nutrition for a variety of reasons, including prematurity, lack of coordination of the sucking and swallowing reflex, neurologic impairment, or acquired conditions such as burns, sepsis, infection with HIV, cancer, or cystic fibrosis. One potential complication of open enteral nutrition feeding systems is bacterial contamination of formula, which is estimated to occur in as many of 61% of tube feedings. Closed enteral feeding systems offer a number of advantages over open systems, including less bacterial contamination and a safe increase in hang times. This clinical presentation will provide evidence that closed feeding systems have the potential to improve patient outcomes and safety.

Lynn E. Mattis, RN, MSN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD

Jenifer Hampsey, MS, RD, CSP
Pediatric Nutrition Practitioner
The Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
The Johns Hopkins Children's Center
Baltimore, MD

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this CE activity, participants should be able to:
Identify factors that contribute to contamination of enteral feedings. Describe the evidence base for the safety of closed vs. open enteral systems. List at least five indications for the implementation of pediatric enteral nutrition. Identify the benefits of pediatric, home-based, enteral nutrition.

Target Audience:
Nurses, dietitians, healthcare quality professionals (CPHQ), pediatricians with an interest in gastroenterology, and other healthcare providers who are responsible for the implementation of pediatric feeding practices.

Commercial Support:
CME Outfitters, LLC, gratefully acknowledges an educational grant from Abbott Nutrition in support of this CE activity.

Credit Information:
CME Credit (Physicians):
CME Outfitters, LLC, is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CME Outfitters, LLC, designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Note to Physician Assistants: AAPA accepts Category I credit from AOACCME, Prescribed credit from AAFP, and AMA Category I CME credit for the PRA from organizations accredited by ACCME.

CNE Credit (Nurses):
CME Outfitters, LLC, is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the New York State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

It has been assigned code 6WASUP-PRV-0620. 1.0 contact hours will be awarded upon successful completion.

HQCB Credit (Certified Professionals in Healthcare Quality/CPHQ):
This activity will be submitted to the National Association of Healthcare Quality for 1.0 CPHQ CE credit.

CDR Credit (Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians-Registered):
This program has been approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration for 1.0 CPEUs (learning needs code 5440).

Post-tests, credit request forms, and activity evaluations must be completed online at http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com/enteral) (click on the Testing/Certification icon - requires free account activation), and participants can print their certificate or statement of credit immediately (70% pass rate required).

About CME Outfitters:
CME Outfitters develops and distributes live, recorded, print, and web-based educational activities to thousands of clinicians each year and offers expert accreditation services for non-accredited organizations. For a complete catalog of certified activities, please visit http://www. cmeoutfitters. com (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com) or call 877.CME. PROS (877.263.7767).

To view all recent CME Outfitters press releases, visit http://www. cmeoutfitters. com (http://www. cmeoutfitters. com) and click on "News" or visit http://www. prweb. com (http://www. prweb. com) and search for "CME Outfitters."

Contact: Jessica Primanzon
CME Outfitters, LLC
240.243.1308 direct
240.243.1033 fax

# # #

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Florida Doctor Uses Radio Waves to Perform Eyelifts

Florida Doctor Uses Radio Waves to Perform Eyelifts

Radiosurgery is a new technology that our surgeons use to perform eyelid surgery. This technology essentially replaces the scalpel. Dr. Older of Tampa, Fla. says the results are less bruising, less swelling and faster recover time than traditional time.

(PRWEB) May 26, 2004

Dr. Jay Older is a board-certified ophthalmologists who specializes eyelid surgery using radiowaves. The procedure, called radiosurgery is a new technology that essentially replaces the scalpel. The procedure involves passing high-frequency radio waves from a micro-fine wire to an antenna behind the patient. When the doctor touches the skin with the wire, he makes a very precise incision. Radiosurgery allows the doctor to cut and seal blood vessels simultaneously. This causes very little damage to surrounding tissue. With radiosurgery, patients incur less bleeding, rapid healing and greater comfort.

Radiosurgery can help to correct a number of cosmetic eye problems including unwanted bags or excess skin around the upper or lower eyelids; drooping eyelids; growths on the eyelids; and eyelid malformations, such as eyelids turning toward or away from the eyes.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is usually an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation. Most cases are performed in our office surgery suite. In some cases, we may choose to perform the procedure in an ambulatory surgical center. Tissue adhesives may also be used in place of sutures for ‘stitchless’ results. With reduced pain and fast recovery, than traditional surgery, most patients return to work within a few days.

Dr. Jay Justin Older is extremely skilled in caring for the delicate tissue and structures around the eyes, specializing in upper and lower eyelifts and eyebrow lifts. He realizes that the appearance is important, but never loses sight of the fact that the health of your eyes comes first.

Dr. Older is board certified in ophthalmology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology from which he received both the Honor Award and the Senior Honor Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Education. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). He is past president of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a member of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

AspireHR Named to Dallas 100

AspireHR Named to Dallas 100

AspireHR, Inc., the largest SAP HCM implementation partner in the U. S., has been named to the Dallas 100™. The Dallas 100™ recognizes the 100 fastest growing privately held companies in the Dallas Metroplex.

Plano, TX (PRWEB) October 8, 2008

AspireHR, Inc., the largest SAP HCM implementation partner in the U. S., has been named to the Dallas 100™. The Dallas 100™ recognizes the 100 fastest growing privately held companies in the Dallas Metroplex.

Co-founded by the Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship in 1990, The Dallas 100™ is an acknowledgment of the energy and entrepreneurship of the emerging business community in the North Texas Region. In order to qualify for this recognition, a company must meet a number of criteria including location, sales history, and character.

“It is a privilege for us to be recognized in this way in our home market,” commented Joseph Hillesheim, the president and founding partner of AspireHR. “The Dallas market is full of dynamic and enterprising companies, so we are thrilled to be a part of this year’s list.”

The official ranking of all of the companies of this year’s Dallas 100 will be announced at a reception and dinner on Thursday, November 20th at the Meyerson Symphony Hall in Dallas, Texas.

The Caruth Institute for Entrepreneurship was established at SMU in 1970 by W. W. Caruth, Jr. The institute provides education and training for the entrepreneur and addresses the various challenges and opportunities presented by the rapidly changing, fast paced, technology-driven environment of today’s economy and business environment.

AspireHR celebrated its tenth anniversary earlier this summer. Over the course of the past ten years, Aspire HR has become a major player in the HCM technology industry. As the largest SAP partner focused exclusively on the needs of the HR marketplace, the company has demonstrated its ability to bring experience and innovation to its clients.

Hillesheim was a finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year competition earlier this year. In addition, AspireHR was recently ranked #364 on this year’s Inc. 500 list of the Fastest Growing Private Companies and ranked #16 among the Top 100 Businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX area.

“I am very proud of our team and the recognition that we have earned this year,” said Hillesheim. “While these accomplishments demonstrate the strength and growth of our organization, they are also a testament to the individuals who make up our corporate team and represent the company every day.”

The AspireHR corporate headquarters is located in Plano, Texas, and the company has offices in London, Dubai, and Melbourne.

For Additional Information, Contact:
Susan Kern, Director of Marketing
214-880-0099, Ext. 168

About AspireHR
AspireHR is the largest SAP partner in the U. S. focused exclusively on the unique needs of the HR marketplace. With a passion for eliminating risk in human resource technology implementations, AspireHR has revolutionized the SAP HR industry with world-class packaged software solutions tailored for our client’s specific needs, experienced and knowledgeable consultants who are full time employees, and remote development from our Dallas Delivery Center of Excellence. AspireHR is recognized by SAP as an authorized Services Partner, an exclusive distinction reserved for elite-level service providers. SAP HR services include E-Recruiting, E-Learning, ESS (Employee Self Service), MSS (Manager Self Service), and SAP upgrades/reimplementations, as well as traditional SAP HR implementation services such as payroll, benefits, time management, and full historic data conversions.
For more information, please visit www. aspirehr. com or call 214-880-0099.

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: www. HRmarketer. com) on behalf of the company listed above.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Go Green Solar Energy Launches New Site on the Advantages of Solar Energy

Go Green Solar Energy Launches New Site on the Advantages of Solar Energy

Each one of us can help the Earth in some very simple and practical ways through our daily lives. Go Green Solar Energy hopes to both educate and inspire people to make a difference by using solar power and other clean renewable energy sources.

Bend, OR (PRWEB) December 31, 2009

Go Green Solar Energy is pleased to announce the official opening of their new website, Go-Green-Solar-Energy. com which offers simple, easy to understand information on the benefits of using solar power at home and in daily life.

"With the current climate crisis, it is becoming more important that each one of us do everything we can, every day, to help the Earth and the environment" says M. S. Rochell, editor of the site.

"Our mission is to provide useful information on the advantages of solar energy (http://www. go-green-solar-energy. com/advantages-of-solar-energy. html) and to help ordinary people to learn how to affordably access the savings and clean energy that solar power can provide".

Although solar power for homes is not yet widely available, new technological advancements are being made now that are creating opportunities for even ordinary citizens to begin to use solar power technology in their daily lives. 

The focus of Go-Green-Solar-Energy. com is on helping people to find affordable ways to use solar energy, and to provide education about the different options available for creating home solar power systems, including those that make use of cheap solar power, solar energy grants, building solar panels, and "do it yourself" diy solar power (http://www. go-green-solar-energy. com/diy-solar-power. html) resources.

"Go Green Solar Energy hopes to inspire and educate people so that each one of us can discover even small ways to contribute to making a healthier world for our children and grandchildren" said M. S. Rochell, a lifelong environmental enthusiast.

"Consider the impact if everyone on the Earth would switch from using disposable batteries to using rechargeable batteries with a solar batter charger (http://www. go-green-solar-energy. com/solar-battery-charger. html). This is a simple, affordable solution that doesn't require a lot of time. what each one of us does to help the environment makes a difference! "

Free Solar Power eBooks

The site offers several useful eBooks and a growing resource library of free solar energy information in their affordable solar energy section which are available free of charge from the site.

Some of the books and information currently available include:
Residential Solar Panel Basics Build a Passive Solar Water Heater Build a Homemade Wind Generator Build Your Own Electric Car A Free Solar Hot Air Do It Yourself Manual Where to meet and share information with others who are using DIY solar power Where to find solar power grants Free grant writing software Additional options for financing home solar systems Energy tax incentives for businesses Frequently updated new affordable solar energy (http://www. go-green-solar-energy. com/affordable-solar-energy. html) sites and resources

Some of the additional information resources available on the site include:
Tips on Going Green What Is Solar Energy? Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages Solar Energy History Passive Solar Energy Solar Appliances Solar Power Lights Solar Panels Portable Solar Power Devices Solar Power Homes

The site also has available an area where visitors can share their own experiences using solar energy and solar power for homes (http://www. go-green-solar-energy. com/solar-power-for-homes. html). Future plans for the site include a free solar energy directory, expanded DIY solar power resources and updates as new solar power technologies become available.


Wide Ranging World Map released and available for Earth Day. First and only environmental wall map for the classroom and home school students

Wide Ranging World Map released and available for Earth Day. First and only environmental wall map for the classroom and home school students

The Exploration Company (http://www. theexplorationcompany. com) has released the Wide Ranging World Map, featuring ecological and cultural details never before shown in a world wall map. Its initial market-testing over, the mapÂ’s wide-release is made to coincide with Earth Day, on April 22nd.

(PRWEB) April 12, 2002

Breaking with tradition, this map replaces elevation with the rendition of terrain (deserts, forests, savanna). In addition to displaying all countries, active border disputes and key cities, the map notes cultural regions (Kashmir, Scotland, Transylvania) and prominent indigenous nations (Kurds, Palestinians, Inuit).

Daniel Rirdan, Director of The Exploration Company and producer of the map, explained, “If conventional political maps are the story of governments, the Wide Ranging World Map is the story of the people and the earth. People will not remember the actual extent of rainforest destruction or names of indigenous nations that make up Indonesia. But it matters not. By the sheer inclusion of these features on a map, they acquire a reality in people’s eyes.”

Chris Durbin, the Formal Geography Advisor for BBC Education, stated that the map is “one of the best I have seen. I would without hesitation recommend it. Pupils were drawn to it like a magnet.”

The map has already made its way to Marcellus High School in Michigan. The school’s social studies teacher commented, “The kids are looking at the map all the time. They think that it’s really ‘cool’.”

The map indicates population density and where natural vegetation has been replaced with cropland, along with marine pollution, radioactive contamination, and destroyed rainforests. This is the first time any of these features has been shown on a wall map of the world.

The map has also been of keen interest to environmental organizations. Foremost are The Rainforest Site and Earth Day Network.

Greg Hesterberg, co-owner and President of The Rainforest Site (www. therainforestsite. com), commented, "The Rainforest Site, in partnership with Earth Day Network, is proud to offer this eye-opening map to those interested in the health of the planet, and the reality of environmental issues. It offers a powerful view of the world that you can't get elsewhere, educating viewers and encouraging them to take action to protect our shared home." The Rainforest site is one of the WebÂ’s leading activism sites, dedicated to the preservation of rainforest land.

The map comes in a number of sizes and prices, ranging from $15.95 (40” x 27”) to $132 (60” x 37,” on a spring roller, for schools) and is available for purchase at www. theexplorationcompany. com, select teacher-supply stores (Learning is Fun), nature stores (The Nature of Things), and map stores nationwide.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Illinois Social Workers Conference Sept. 24-26 to Discuss Bridging Health Disparities

Illinois Social Workers Conference Sept. 24-26 to Discuss Bridging Health Disparities

The National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter will discuss bridging health disparities at its sixth biennial statewide conference scheduled Sept. 24-26 at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) August 30, 2007

The National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter (NASW/IL) (www. naswil. org) will discuss bridging health disparities at its sixth biennial statewide conference scheduled Sept. 24-26 at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza.

The conference theme 'Bridging Health Disparities: Help Starts Here,' is part of a national campaign by the profession (www. helpstartshere. org), focusing on the important role of social workers in health settings, according to NASW/IL Executive Director Joel L. Rubin, MSW. "Our members provide assistance in many different healthcare areas, including aging, mental health, child welfare, cancer, end of life, adolescent health, HIV/AIDS and family violence," said Rubin. "As such, they are concerned about what they can do to help eliminate health disparities, including racial and ethnic inequalities in medical treatment that persist for many - not only in Illinois and the United States, but globally."

Highlights of the event, open to social workers and the public, include:
Keynote speaker Michael E. Bird, MSW, MPH, former president of the American Public Health Association, the world's oldest and largest association of public health workers. With more than 25 years of public health experience - including 21 years with the Indian Health Service - his career has touched on medical social work, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS prevention and health care administration. His address at 9 a. m. Sept. 24 will focus on how to "Bridge the Gap" when it comes to health disparities in the United States.

The premier of Kevin's Room: Together (www. kevinsroom. org), the third and final installment of the acclaimed series that addresses the HIV/AIDS crisis in the African American gay community. The 90-minute video, produced by the Chicago Department of Health's Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Health, will air at 5 p. m. Sept. 24.

Workshops by human services professionals from Mexico City, focusing on the trends and challenges they face in dealing with child welfare, poverty, an aging population, and other national issues. The NASW/IL is hosting the delegation's participation in the conference.

A job fair with human services organizations and agencies promoting social work employment opportunities throughout Illinois.

Exhibits featuring more than 60 products and services of interest to social workers.

Participants can receive up to 19 Continuing Educations Units (CEUs) for attending the full three-day conference. Registration may be completed at www. naswil. org or by calling 815-753-6900.

A limited number of sponsorships and exhibitor spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For information, contact khillman@naswil. org.

About the NASW/IL
Based in Chicago, the 8,000-member NASW/IL is part of the National Association of Social Workers, the world's largest membership organization of professional social workers. With 150,000 members worldwide, the NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005



(PRWEB) June 28, 2003

A Fort Washington firm is at the vanguard of providing valuable financial information to families of citizen soldiers, such as reservists or those in the National Guard.

There is valuable information on the Internet about financial relief available for families of civilian soldiers -- addressing everything from mortgages to auto loans, to credit cards, to leases that are in jeopardy, and other obligations that can't be met on a new military income.

It was up to the Edcomm Group of Fort Washington to devise a self-paced, step-by-step online tutorial to guide families through what's officially called "The Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940."

Says Dr. Linda Eagle, president of The Edcomm Group:

"Although the SSCRA has been in effect for more than 60 years, many members of the financial services industry have never heard of the act and are unaware of how it is administered. We created this tutorial to fill that need, and at the same time, provide informational support to those military personnel who have been called to defend our country in this time of national crisis."

Dr. Eagle says the act applies to those on active duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and officers in the Public Health Service who were called to duty.

Eagle says banks who are not familiar with the act may also inquire about it, and get up to speed in order to help families who inquire about the benefits due them.

The tutorial may be viewed online or downloaded free from www. bankersacademy. com.

The Edcomm Group is a 16-year-old multimedia education and communication consulting firm specializing in the development of creative business solutions that improve productivity, customer service and market share - providing bottom-line results. The Edcomm Group (www. edcomm. com) is headquartered in New York City with an Advanced Design Center located in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania.

For more information, please contact:

Linda Eagle

President, The Edcomm Group


Linda. eagle@edcomm. com

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Life Insurance Opportunities in Qualified Plans to be Focus of Nineteenth Annual Henry A. Deppe Lecture

Life Insurance Opportunities in Qualified Plans to be Focus of Nineteenth Annual Henry A. Deppe Lecture

Five financial experts will participate in Life Insurance Opportunities in Qualified Plans as part of The American College's nineteenth annual Henry A. Deppe Lecture. The event will be held at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America's headquarters in New York City on Friday, November 9th. The event is free and open to the public.

Byn Mawr, PA (PRWEB) November 1, 2007

Five financial experts will participate in Life Insurance Opportunities in Qualified Plans as part of The American College's nineteenth annual Henry A. Deppe Lecture. The event will be held at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America's headquarters in New York City on Friday, November 9th.

The Deppe Lecture Series provides insurance agents, financial planners, attorneys and accountants who deal with insurance, retirement and estate planning issues with a forum to learn about changes in the financial services industry. This year's lecture is designed to educate attendees on life insurance opportunities in qualified plans. Lecturers will discuss the following topics:
Qualified Retirement Plans: Who Is An Employee? Life Insurance Opportunities: Qualified Plans Challenges of Section 409A for Insurance Professionals

The program has been submitted for continuing education approval for life insurance agents in three states as well as PACE, CPE and CFP® continuing education credit. Presenters at this years' event include:

Andrew Fair, Esq. Fair is one of the nation's foremost attorneys in the areas of estate business and retirement planning. He has developed a concept known as a subtrust, intended to permit life insurance purchased in a qualified retirement plan to avoid estate taxes. He writes and lectures extensively in these areas for bar, banking, insurance, tax accounting, actuarial, and business groups throughout the U. S. Fair developed a procedure under which survivorship life insurance policies could be acquired by qualified plans.

Paul S. Schneider. Paul is the Guardian/Henry A. Deppe Chair in Pensions and Retirement Planning at The American College. Since joining The College he has contributed to the Planning for Retirement Needs textbook, and has become a columnist for the Journal of Financial Service Professionals. Paul is also an accomplished employee benefits and tax lawyer at two major Philadelphia firms.

Laurence I. Sacher. Sacher is the recently retired President of Capital Planners, LLC, and the event moderator. He has an extensive background in business and personal finance management and planning. Larry has obtained and holds Series 6 and Series 7 licenses with FINRA and has entered into course work towards his CLU® designation through The American College. In 1983, Larry founded Capital Planners, LLC, which devotes itself to the markets of closely held business owners, medical professionals, and high-wealth individuals.

Susan M. Grant. Susan is celebrating her 20th year in the Qualified Retirement Plan and Employee Benefits industry. She is currently the head of the Qualified Plan Marketing Department for Guardian Life Insurance. Just prior to joining Guardian, Grant held the position of Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer for an independent insurance agency located in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Sheila Hickey. Hickey has been working in the field of retirement planning with Guardian since 1972. Her area of expertise is qualified retirement plans, including the defined benefit plan, new comparability and age based profit sharing plans, safe harbor 401(k) plans, as well as SEPs, Simple plans and IRAs.

The lecture is named for Henry A. Deppe, CLU®. Deppe has dedicated his career to the pension and retirement plans and is a nationally known authority on these subjects. The Henry Deppe Endowment at The American College makes this lecture series possible. The friends and associates of Henry Deppe and the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America support the endowment. Earnings from the fund are used to help finance this annual lecture. The endowment fund is also intended to make possible a chair at The American College for research and teaching in pension and retirement security.

Registration is free. For more information please contact Wendy Sutowski at The American College at 610-526-1204.

Founded in 1860, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY (Guardian) is one of the largest mutual life insurance companies in the United States. As of December 31, 2006, Guardian and its subsidiaries had $39.5 billion in assets (on a consolidated statutory basis). With more than 5,000 employees and 3,000 financial representatives, as well as more than 80 agencies nationwide, Guardian and its subsidiaries protect individuals, businesses, and their employees with life, disability, health, long-term care, and dental insurance products, and offer 401(k), annuities and other financial products and trust services. More information about Guardian can be obtained at: www. GuardianLife. com

The American College is dedicated to leadership in innovative training and development that helps financial services companies and their employees succeed. As a non-profit educational institution holding the highest level of academic accreditation, The College has served as a valued business partner to banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, and others for 80 years. The American College's faculty represents some of the financial services industry's foremost thought leaders. For more information, visit www. TheAmericanCollege. edu


Monday, August 22, 2005

College of Golf Participates in the TaylorMade Team Sales Club Purchase Program

College of Golf Participates in the TaylorMade Team Sales Club Purchase Program

Students attending the College of Golf (COG) at Keiser University can get a 20%-40% discount on wholesale prices of TaylorMade products through COG’s participation with the TaylorMade Team Sales Club Purchase Program

Port Saint Lucie, FL (Vocus) February 28, 2010

Keiser University’s College of Golf is now a full participant in the TaylorMade Team Sales Club Purchase Program. Students attending the golf school (http://collegeofgolf. keiseruniversity. edu/) are eligible to receive a 20%-40% discount off wholesale prices on Taylor Made equipment.

The TaylorMade program is intended to provide all United States collegiate and high school golf teams the chance to purchase the company’s golf clubs and equipment at a special golf team price. TaylorMade Golf provides teams and students attending any college of golf (http://collegeofgolf. keiseruniversity. edu/) with the most innovative golf products available, along with a high level of service. It supplies equipment such as golf clubs and golf balls, drivers, wedges, irons, putters, and more.

Dr. Erik Wilson, VP of the College of Golf, said, “We are honored to participate in the TaylorMade Team Sales Club Purchase Program. It will benefit our students greatly, since they not only have a chance to have the best golf education and prepare for golf jobs, but also take advantage of a great discount on professional, top-of-the-line equipment to practice with.”

Students will be able to use the TaylorMade equipment in the course of their study. As they work their way through the Associate of Science degree in Golf Management, students will have affordable access to the best golf equipment. This is a great benefit as they train on golf school grounds or on the 20 nearby PGA golf courses, such as Ryder, Dye, and Wanamaker courses in Port St. Lucie “The perks to our students, such as course access and eligibility for equipment discounts, make their 16-month stay with us the most educationally productive time in their lives. We look forward to maintaining our partnership with TaylorMade for many years,” Wilson added.

About College of Golf at Keiser University
The College of Golf at Keiser University offers a broad education through its Associate of Science degree in Golf Management, which teaches students about golf instruction as well as course management and maintenance. The golf school features a 20,000 square foot facility that includes 4,000 square feet of indoor golf instruction space with the latest technologies. The school’s program prepares students for the many types of golf jobs (http://collegeofgolf. keiseruniversity. edu/placement-services. html) in the golf industry.

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WebmasterWorld's PubCon, Boston, Search Engine & Internet Marketing Conference Includes Sessions for All Interests

WebmasterWorld's PubCon, Boston, Search Engine & Internet Marketing Conference Includes Sessions for All Interests

WebmasterWorld's PubCon, has announced an extensive line-up of industry-leading speakers and more than 25 sessions in Boston, 18-20th April 2006.

Austin, TX (PRWEB) March 17, 2006

WebmasterWorld's PubCon, has announced an extensive line-up of industry-leading speakers and more than 25 sessions in Boston, April 18-20th, 2006. The line up features speakers from the search engines, including Yahoo!, Google, MSN Search (Microsoft), and Ask. com. The full list of speakers and sponsors can be found at the conference website http://www. pubcon. com (http://www. pubcon. com).

The event features a Keynote Speech by best selling author Malcolm Gladwell, writer of "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference," and "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." Gladwell is also a writer with The New Yorker magazine.

The conference itself includes four tracks each day and these include sessions focusing on some of the hottest topics. The tracks are: Organic Search & General Webmaster Issues, Paid Search, Affiliates & Advertising, and Site Reviews.

For example, in the Organic Search & General Webmaster Issues track there are sessions on domain name technical and legal issues, and organic search forum, local search and real world opportunities for webmasters, search engine content copywriting, link building campaigns, and forensic and competitive intelligence gathering.

In the Paid Search track there are sessions on the basics for success of PPC, PPC bid management, paid search performance evaluation and tracking, conversion tweaking, the PPC engines and their programs.

For the Affiliates and Advertising track there will be a session on affiliate microsites and niche marketing, affiliate strategies and optimization, podcasting and RSS feeds. In addition, there will be a sessions on major contextual advertising programs, super affiliates in highly competitive markets, and a session on paid links - the risks and the rewards.

On the Site Reviews track, there will be a PPC ad optimization forum, a link building clinic, a PPC landing page clinic, an organic site reviews session, and a public relations session panelled by the industry's top businesses and consultants.

The event will also feature two special Super Sessions, one titled: Blink! Thin slicing search, and the other will be the main conference Search Engine panel with the A-list search engines.

The special 'Coffee Talk' session, this time, is with Eytan Seidman of Microsoft's MSN Search.

WebmasterWorld's Search Engine & Internet Marketing Conference, PubCon, is supported by the Internet industry's leading businesses, including: (A to Z of exhibitors and sponsors) AdBrite, Ask. com, Best of the Web, Digital River, Efficent Frontier, Ewealth, Forge Business, Google, Infosearch Media, Iprospect, JoeBucks, Kanoodle, LinkConnectors, LivePerson, MonsterCommerce, Morevisibility, Pokeraffiliate, PRWeb, Revenue Magazine, Search Marketing Standard Magazine, SEO, Inc., Submit Express, TextLinkAds, TrueLocal, ValueClick / Commision Junction, Web Marketing Assoication, WebmasterRadio, and Yahoo!.

WebmasterWorld's PubCon conferences and sessions are for anyone involved in Internet Marketing, the Search Engine Industry, the Online Advertising Industry, Affiliates, Webmasters, and any business with an Internet presence.

Pre-registration is essential to avoid disappointment. Conference registrations http://www. pubcon. com (http://www. pubcon. com)

About WebmasterWorld:

WebmasterWorld is the leading source for Search Engine and Internet marketing news, best practices and educational events. Founded by Brett Tabke, an early '80s innovator in running BBS (Bulletin Board Systems), the WebmasterWorld Forum began in 1996 and is now the largest community of online marketing professionals with more than 2 million posts and more than 100 discussion topics. WebmasterWorld Conference and PubCon events are for thought leaders in search engine and Internet marketing professionals to gather to share best practices in the, design, development, promotion and marketing of their businesses and brands.

For more information about the conference, contact Brett Tabke at 512-231-8107 or brett at webmasterworld. com.

In the UK, contact Neil Marshall Tel: (+44) 118 988 0288 or engine at webmasterworld. com.

For more details about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities contact Strategic Marketing Director Joseph Morin at 512-497-6856 or joe at webmasterworld. com

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Seniors and Active Adults Benefit from the Expertise of a SRES Realtor&#174

Seniors and Active Adults Benefit from the Expertise of a SRES Realtor®

55 plus seniors considering buying or selling homes in active adult communities benefit greatly from working with a Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES)®. Kem Roda, Associate Broker with The Home Source Realtors is a designated SRES with more than 20 years of real estate experience.

Peachtree City, GA (PRWEB) September 25, 2006 -–

For any senior thinking of buying or selling real estate, particularly in an active adult or retirement community, utilizing the experience and knowledge of a Seniors Real Estate Specialist can make all the difference in assisting you in your decision making process. Kem Roda, of the “Home Team” Home Source Realtors is a SRES® designee. Visit http://www. georgia-retirement. com (http://www. georgia-retirement. com) to learn more about Kem and the SRES® designation.

To earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialists designation, the agent must successfully complete a two-day education course, pass an exam, as well as provide documentation of at least three transactions involving senior clients.

SRES® designees can assist senior clients in making wise decisions regarding selling the family home, financing, buying rental properties or managing capital gains and tax implications of owning real estate. Senior Real Estate Specialists remain current on trends and information specific to retirement communities and can assist with referrals to other service professionals such as attorneys and C. P.A.’s who also have special interest in senior clientele.

Changes in family situations and lifestyle can happen quickly. With good planning, these situations can be handled efficiently and with your financial security in mind. For more information on Georgia retirement, 55 plus communities, active adult lifestyles, and how a SRES® designated agent can assist you with your real estate needs, contact Kem Roda at 770-631-6058 or visit http://www. georgia-retirement. com (http://www. georgia-retirement. com)


Saturday, August 20, 2005

Daylight Saving Time Reminds Americans to Check on What's Most Important

Daylight Saving Time Reminds Americans to Check on What's Most Important

Like a string tied to a finger, the switch to Daylight Saving Time has become more than a reminder to adjust the time on one's clocks. Over the years, "Time Change Sunday" has become practically synonymous with changing smoke alarm batteries thanks to years of educational outreach on the part of fire safety organizations and manufacturers. But changing batteries each year won't be enough to protect your home and family if a smoke alarm isn't working properly. It's just as important - if not more so - to regularly assess the age and condition of the alarms throughout your home.

Aurora, Ill. (PRWEB) March 4, 2009

Like a string tied to a finger, the switch to Daylight Saving Time has become more than a reminder to adjust the time on one's clocks. Over the years, "Time Change Sunday" has become practically synonymous with changing smoke alarm batteries thanks to years of educational outreach on the part of fire safety organizations and manufacturers. The effort appears to be working. According to a recent study by First Alert (http://www. firstalert. com), one of the most recognized safety brands in America, more than 79 percent of Americans changed the batteries in their smoke alarms last year.

But changing batteries each year won't be enough to protect your home and family if a smoke alarm isn't working properly. It's just as important - if not more so - to regularly assess the age and condition of the alarms throughout your home.

"Smoke alarms should be tested every month and immediately replaced if they fail or if they are 10 years old or older," said Deborah Hanson, director of external affairs for First Alert. "If you don't know how old an alarm is, the safest bet is to replace it."

For those in need of new alarms (http://www. firstalert. com/smoke_alarms. php), a wide variety of innovative products are available with an assortment of features to meet different needs. Following are just a few of the safety and convenience options incorporated into today's array of high-tech smoke alarms:
Long-life 10-year lithium batteries - eliminates the need for battery replacement for the 10-year life of the alarm Bright escape lights - lights the way to safety in case of an emergency Strobe technology - provides visual alerts for the hearing-impaired Remote-controlled mute - Infrared sensor allows for easy, hands-free silencing and testing of alarm function with most conventional remote controls Photoelectric smoke sensing - reduces "nuisance" alarms like those caused by cooking smoke and shower steam Combination smoke/CO sensing - offers double the protection and double the peace of mind

No matter the features, smoke alarms should be positioned throughout a home - at least one on each level and one in every bedroom or sleeping area. It's also a good idea to position an alarm in the main hallway between bedrooms, as well as in the furnace room. For ultimate protection, First Alert offers an integrated alarm system called ONELINK (http://www. firstalert. com/onelink_wireless. php)®, which connects alarms throughout the house using wireless technology. After following a simple one-step programming process, these alarms communicate via radio frequency and alert residents via voice output to the danger and its specific location. For example, if there is a fire in the basement, alarms throughout the house will announce, "Warning…, evacuate…, smoke in basement."

"In an emergency, seconds count," said Hanson. "Integrated alarms communicate with each other and sound together wherever they are located in your home, so you'll receive an earlier warning of potential danger that can increase your chances of getting out safely."

For more information and a complete home safety checklist, please visit http://www. firstalert. com/safety_checklist. php (http://www. firstalert. com/safety_checklist. php). First Alert® smoke alarms are available at national retailers or for purchase through the First Alert online store at http://www. firstalertstore. com (http://www. firstalertstore. com).

The First Alert survey results are based on the responses of 1,000 adults in the United States who answered a telephone survey from Jan. 29 through Feb. 1, 2009. Results are accurate to +/-3 percent points with a 95 percent confidence level and can be generalized to the entire U. S. adult population.

BRK Brands, Inc. (Aurora, IL), is a fully owned subsidiary of Jarden Corporation (Rye, NY) NYSE:JAH, a leading provider of niche consumer products used in and around the home. For 50 years, BRK Brands, Inc. has been the manufacturer of First Alert®-branded home-safety products, the most trusted and recognized safety brands in America. BRK® Brands designs and develops innovative safety solutions including Tundra® Fire Extinguishing Spray, ONELINK® wireless alarms and a comprehensive line of smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and escape ladders to protect what matters most. Such products are also marketed under the BRK Electronics® brand, The Professional Standard for the builder and contractor audiences. BRK Brands, Inc. products are found in more than 30 countries worldwide. For more information, visit http://www. firstalert. com (http://www. firstalert. com), http://www. brkelectronics. com (http://www. brkelectronics. com) or http://www. jarden. com (http://www. jarden. com).

©2008 BRK Brands, Inc., Aurora, IL 60504. All rights reserved.
First Alert® is a registered trademark of The First Alert Trust, Aurora, IL 60504.
BRK Electronics® is a registered trademark of BRK Brands, Inc., Aurora, IL 60504.
NYSE is a registered service mark of NYSE Group, Inc.


Travel Agency for Disabled Travelers Will Take Educational Seminars on Road

Travel Agency for Disabled Travelers Will Take Educational Seminars on Road

Rumpleduck Travel™, a Southern California travel agency serving a clientele in the United States and Canada, will debut a new seminar in Strategies for Disabled Travel this month at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The agency can currently consider scheduling this seminar anywhere in the U. S. and Canada, free of charge to the inviting entity, through March 2003. Jennifer Mosier, owner of Rumpleduck Travel™ and alumna of UC Berkeley and USC, was a professor for both the California State and Arizona State University systems prior to becoming partially disabled. “I know from experience that travel can be highly empowering for the ill and disabled as well as their families,” says Mosier, “And the more that disabled consumers make clear to the travel industry that they intend to travel and travel well, the more the travel industry will, I believe, engage the challenge of meeting--even exceeding--disabled consumers’ expectations.”

(PRWEB) July 8, 2002

Rumpleduck Travel™, a Southern California travel agency serving a clientele in the United States and Canada, will debut a new seminar in Strategies for Disabled Travel this month at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The agency will currently consider scheduling this seminar anywhere in the U. S. and Canada, free of charge to the inviting entity, through March 2003. Presentations can run from twenty minutes to one hour depending on the needs of the host organization. Interested organizations should contact Mosier with pertinent details including desired seminar date(s).

Jennifer Mosier, owner of Rumpleduck Travel™ and alumna of UC Berkeley and USC, was a professor for both the California State and Arizona State University systems prior to becoming partially disabled. “I know from experience that travel can be highly empowering for the ill and disabled as well as their families,” says Mosier, “And the more that disabled consumers make clear to the travel industry that they intend to travel and travel well, the more the travel industry will, I believe, engage the challenge of meeting--even exceeding--disabled consumers’ expectations.”

Rumpleduck Travel™ is prepared to assist travelers facing a variety of physical challenges by presenting strategies not only for travel preparation but also suggest ways to ascertain that desired itineraries include sufficient accommodations. Mosier does not promote sales of specific travel suppliers during speaking engagements, but rather focuses on the resources available to the disabled who are unaccustomed to travel and want to know "what it's like out there." Seminar benefits include a checklist that disabled travelers may use to interview travel agents and tour operators with whom they are considering doing business.

Rumpleduck Travel™ is an agency member of the Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped (SATH.)Rumpleduck Travel™ is bonded, insured, and a registered California Seller of Travel, # 2063867-50.*

*Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.


Friday, August 19, 2005

A Commitment to Consumer Education Keeps Bob Casteel Focused

A Commitment to Consumer Education Keeps Bob Casteel Focused

Preventing needless deaths and keeping families safe is the goal of heating and cooling company

Marietta, GA (PRWEB) May 12, 2010

Bob Casteel (http://www. casteelair. com/) had no idea 20 years ago what a huge role education would play in his company. Though he had always wanted to assure that consumers were well-educated on all of the intricacies of making an investment in heating and cooling systems, keeping families safe has become a passion of the founder.

"We've helped quite a few families over the last year that had carbon monoxide in their homes. It's a situation that is completely avoidable with education. We recently developed the Casteel Carbon Monoxide Protection Program to help keep Atlanta's families safe from this deadly gas," says Casteel.

Most homeowners know that carbon monoxide (CO) can be deadly, but not much more. According to the CDC, each year more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning. It is estimated that over 20,000 people end up in the emergency room by breathing the odorless gas, and more than 4,000 are hospitalized from CO poisoning each year.

"We're releasing a research-based survey that helps consumers determine whether they are at risk or not. Education and early action is the best defense in saving lives," says Casteel (http://aboutbobcasteel. com/).

This educational approach to helping consumers has been extended in the form of "Thermo," Casteel's recently released mascot. The avatar provides consumer education in a fun and informal way. Additionally, the company provides online resources like the "Selecting a Contractor" section of their website for tips on the minimum criteria that should be used in selecting a contractor.

"An educated consumer is our best customer," adds Casteel (http://www. casteelair. com/). "We want all of our customers to make informed decisions about their heating and cooling systems--whether they are making a major purchase, getting a service check-up, or proactively keeping their family safe."

About Casteel
Based in Marietta, Georgia, Casteel offers a wide variety of products and solutions, including HVAC units, system design, and more. With superior customer service rankings by respected third-party sources like Kudzu and Angie's List, Casteel Heating and Cooling has received statewide recognition for being a socially-conscious business. In 2010 the company was named again to Cobb County's list of the 25 best small businesses for the second year in a row and has held an A+ rating from the BBB since 2002. Learn more at www. casteelair. com.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Rediscovering Rugs: A BuyerÂ’s Guide to Area Rugs

Rediscovering Rugs: A BuyerÂ’s Guide to Area Rugs

Your only weapon in this wonderful world of infinite possibilities is knowledge. iFLOOR. com offers free advice from those who live and breathe rugs.

(PRWEB) September 23, 2005

Much like quilting, rug-making carries with it a long history. Choosing the right kind for your home is purely a matter of taste. Your only weapon in this wonderful world of infinite possibilities is knowledge. iFLOOR. com offers free advice from those who live and breathe rugs.

Know your Options

The first step to solving any shopping dilemma is to know your options. Here is a breakdown of the different rug styles available in the market today:

The Persian style is characterized by curvilinear patterns and intersecting lines. They feature wool or silk and the Persian knot construction. Patterns are intricate and highly detailed. The basic background colors are deep reds or blues.

Oriental rugs often feature items with symbolic meanings. Traditionally made from wool or silk with a sculpted surface, they come in light colors with widely spaced patterns.

Contemporary rugs contain Western European-influenced patterns less than 25 years old, reflecting an urban lifestyle, geometric styling or any abstract art style or pattern that creates an impression rather than an exact likeness.

Native American rugs have geometric patterns and blocks. Southwestern rug colors include red and orange tones, salmon, rust and browns. North American tribal rugs have deep blue and primary red bands. Grays and more muted tones are found in South American patterns.

Floral rugs include the three European floral styles: Aubusson, Savonnerie and English Garden. Some of the modern Chinese styles also fit in this category.

Folk-Tribal rugs often have primitive patterns with simple geometric shapes and straight lines or stylized animal representations. Influences include Far Eastern European, Moroccan and North African patterns.

European and Americana rugs include all non-floral European styles such as French, English, Spanish and Irish traditions, American braided rugs, Early American motifs, Baroque, Rococo, Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.

Although this short guide is the step in the right direction, there are more things to consider in choosing your rug. To find out more about area rugs, read iFLOOR. comÂ’s Area Rug Basics and other informative articles online.

About iFLOOR. com

Since 1999, iFLOOR. com has been the world's largest online flooring retailer, offering over 60,000 flooring products in the following categories: hardwood floors, laminate flooring, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, and area rugs. Exclusive educational articles and installation videos are also available on the website.

IFLOOR. com is the 115th largest internet retailer according to Internet Retailer Magazine, and is the 135th fastest growing private company in the United States, according to Inc. Magazine.

More information can be accessed at http://www. ifloor. com (http://www. ifloor. com)


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Innovative Parent-Teacher Store Offers Educational Gift Ideas for Children, Kids

Innovative Parent-Teacher Store Offers Educational Gift Ideas for Children, Kids

The Teachers' Lounge, an innovative retail store for smart supplies in St. Louis, Missouri is offering an array of children's learning toys this holiday season.

St Louis, MO (PRWEB) November 26, 2008

The Teachers' Lounge, a unique school supply store in St. Louis, Missouri is offering an array of learning toys for kids this holiday season. If you want to make your child's Christmas gift educational, The Teachers' Lounge carries products ranging from toddlers' educational toys to games for kids 8 and up.

For infants:
Soothe your little one to sleep with these gorgeous lullaby songs from around the world. The Dreamland lullaby CD collection from Putumayo Kids ($15.99) introduces even the youngest child to other cultures and languages. Babies and parents will love listening to these calming little songs over and over again.

Best toddler toys:
Ready-2-Learn Giant Stamper Set ($7.99-$24.99) - Among the best of kids' arts supplies are these giant rubberstamps. They feature a large, color-coded knob, making them easy to hold and easy to sort; a clear plastic guard to keep little hands clean, and a directional arrow for perfect placement on the paper. Kids will love these. Ready-2-Learn Stamps come in several themes, including letters, numbers, animals and more. Jumbo washable stamp pads are also available. Exceptional products like the Ready-2-Learn Giant Stamp Set not only create cool kids' projects, but also make kids want to learn.

Smart Splash ($18.99) - These bath water toys help pre-schoolers learn letters with the Linking Crabs, Shapes with the Shape Shell Turtles and will boost their memory skills with the Memory Match Clams. These are great tools for learning. Kids will hone their cognitive skills while they get clean. Sets are made from mildew-resistant plastic and come with a mesh bag for storage.

For kids ages 5 - 7:
Floor Puzzles ($11.99) - One of the best among kids' puzzles. Games like this help your child work on problem-solving skills as they piece together sturdy cardboard pieces to form a beautiful illustration. Choose from titles like Rainforest, Pirate's Bounty and more. Floor Puzzles will provide your child with hours of educational fun.

Sight Word Space Station/Fire Station Dalmatian ($18.99) - These two new games from Carson Delossa offer a clever way for you to help your child review crucial school skills. Match up sight words on Sight Word Space Station and add and subtract the Dalmatian's spots in Fire Station Dalmatian. These are enjoyable and stimulating games to play: kids won't even know they're learning.

Ages 8 and up:
Set ($11.99) - An award-winner among educational card games, Set will definitely challenge your child's critical thinking skills! Players place twelve cards marked with shapes in various colors and patterns face up on the table. They then race to find sets of three cards that are linked by their similarities or differences.

Bananagrams ($14.99) - This educational word game is a great vocabulary builder. Race against opponents to create a crossword puzzle from drawn letter tiles. The first to use all of his or her tiles wins.

The Teachers' Lounge also offers lower price point learning toys for kids that make perfect stocking stuffers:

Do-A-Dot Art Dabbers ($2.69) School Zone Flash Cards ($2.99) Wind Ups ($2.99-$3.49) Folkmanis Finger Puppets ($3.40-$7.99) Animalz ($7.49)

Ages 5-7
Itty Bitty Phonics Readers ($0.99) Trend Card Games ($2.99) Home Workbooks ($3.49) Trend Stencils ($6.99) Toobs ($8.79)

Ages 8 and up
Fun-N-Nuf Bookmarks ($1.75) Super Tubes ($3.99) Learning Wrap-Ups ($8.99) Mark My Time Bookmark ($8.99) BrainQuest ($10.99)

Located in the South County area of St. Louis, Missouri, The Teachers' Lounge is a retail store offering a comprehensive selection of education supplies to teachers, parents and children. We provide our customers with a welcoming, comfortable environment where everyone--teachers, parents and kids--feels free to hang out, share ideas and learn something new. The goal for our store is simple: To provide quality educational products that will help instill a love of learning in every child. To learn more, visit http://www. the-teachers-lounge. com (http://www. the-teachers-lounge. com)


"Free" Small Business Online Global Marketing Forum

"Free" Small Business Online Global Marketing Forum

(PRWEB) February 10, 2001


Contact: Laurel Delaney


Ldelaney@globetrade. com


CHICAGO, February 6, 2001 -- Global TradeSource, Ltd., announced today the launch of a timely new e-group called "Small Business Global Marketing," a moderated discussion list for entrepreneurs and small businesses interested in going global.

As the online export market is expected to soar to $1.4 billion by 2004 (according to a Forrester Research study), the need for export business folks to meet online and discuss their entry and navigation in a burgeoning and complex global market will likewise mount.

"A lot of people will wake up one day and discover that they too need to tap into the huge reservoir of global business," says Laurel Delaney, founder and president Global TradeSource. " When they realize this, theyÂ’ll just about do anything to sell their products or services in the online global marketplace. But theyÂ’ll need some wise counsel." Delaney, a seasoned internationalist herself, believes the launch of this small business global marketing group will provide access to the tools and essential information people will need to go e-global. "And itÂ’s free!" Delaney emphasizes.

According to the U. S. Small Business AdministrationÂ’s Office of International Trade, AmericaÂ’s small businesses have become big players in international trade. "And their role is growing rapidly," says the report. Export data analysis shows that a whopping 97 percent of U. S. companies involved in export are in fact small businesses, 40 percent of which are owned by women.

"ThereÂ’s no doubt that business people interested in global trade need to network and exchange their ideas and experiences," Delaney says. "ItÂ’s difficult to proceed any other way."

Anyone interested in joining the Small Business Global Marketing e-group may do so by going to http://groups. yahoo. com/group/SmallBizGlobalMarketing (http://groups. yahoo. com/group/SmallBizGlobalMarketing).

Members of the group so far include a rich cross-section of businessmen and businesswomen who are entrepreneurs, small business owners, or work in academia. They all, however, are keenly interested in global marketing.

In addition to lively discussions and free and friendly exchange of tips, information, and ideas, the forum will also introduce the very latest trends and groundbreaking data concerning global markets. Topics featured to date are eCRM, m-Commerce, software

Translation, global education, global eCommerce, and more.

"All members of the group will indeed learn something important about global e-business and how to apply it to their own business concerns," says Delaney.


To see the aforementioned Forrester Research study, "Sizing Global Exports," go to:

Http://www. forrester. com/ER/Press/Release/0,1769,433,FF. html (http://www. forrester. com/ER/Press/Release/0,1769,433,FF. html)

To see the U. S. Small Business AdministrationÂ’s Office of International TradeÂ’s statistical report released last year, go to:

Http://www. sba. gov/library/oitreport/oitnov99report. html (http://www. sba. gov/library/oitreport/oitnov99report. html)
Http://www. sba. gov/news/speeches/alvarez112900.html (http://www. sba. gov/news/speeches/alvarez112900.html)


Global TradeSource, Ltd. (est. 1985) is an "e-global solution" provider that focuses on global strategy, marketing, design, and technical services that even BIG companies have trouble assembling on their own. Global TradeSourceÂ’s goal is to increase customersÂ’ traditional and online global market presence, sales, and profits. Global TradeSource also helps businesses in cultivating and maintaining a worldwide network of valuable business relationships.


Laurel Delaney, MBA, is a speaker, educator, and entrepreneur. She is the author of "Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business"(Self-Counsel Press, Inc.) and teaches MBA International Marketing at Loyola University of Chicago. Ms. Delaney was awarded the Small Business AdministrationÂ’s "Illinois Exporter of the Year." Her articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Small Business, ClickZ, Businessknowhow, SBAÂ’s Online WomenÂ’s Business Center, exporthotline. com, and the Institute of Management & Administration. She serves on the Illinois Board of Higher Education International Education Industry Advisory Council, private sector, and on the board of CIBER (Illinois Center for International Business and Education and Research). Ms. Delaney also serves as Director of International Development for SeekingCapital. com, a global funding community that facilitates education and interaction between entrepreneurs and investors.

Monday, August 15, 2005

MPT Launches Interactive Poe

MPT Launches Interactive Poe

Back from the dead and digital, Edgar Allan Poe comes to life in this highly interactive educational website from Maryland Public Television.

(PRWEB) January 9, 2003


January 6, 2003

CONTACT: Colleen Wright

Telephone: (410) 581-4293

E-mail: colleenwright@mpt. org

Poetry, Roses, Graveyards...and a Football Team?

MPT Launches Knowing Poe: The Literature and Life of Edgar Allan Poe

OWINGS MILLS, MD--Travel back to 19th-century Baltimore and meet Edgar Allan Poe in the interactive online

Experience Knowing Poe, found on the Web at:

Http://knowingpoe. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp (http://knowingpoe. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp).

Maryland Public Television brings one of Baltimore's most famous writers to life (just in time

For Poe's birthday on January 19) with a media-rich electronic field trip designed for Maryland middle and high school

Students, teachers, and Poe fans.

Explore Poe the person and Poe the writer with over 10 different interactive activities that examine everything

From Poe's Baltimore and his perfectionist editing to his house and

His fascination with cryptograms. John Astin (best known as Gomez from the Addams Family)appears as Poe throughout the

Site, introducing themes

And theories of Poe's work as Poe himself might have.

Fun features, visuals, sounds, video, music, mysteries, and learning exercises abound at this highly entertaining, yet

Highly educational, new cyber-destination. Visitors will

Be intrigued with the ability to interact with the literature, life and times of one of America's most compelling authors.

There's a lot to do and learn in Knowing Poe - here's a sampling:

Tour Real-Life Places--Take a virtual tour of early 19th century Baltimore sites through annotated "then" and

"now" maps of the city and see Poe's tiny home from 1831-1835.

Experiment with Poe's Writing--Follow one of Poe's short stories from three different points of view and create

Your own version of The Bells with voices and sound effects.

Explore the Mystery of Poe's Life and Death --Investigate the real-life mystery of Poe's death, solve

One of Poe's cryptograms and create your own.

Knowing Poe--(http://knowingpoe. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp (http://knowingpoe. thinkport. org/default_flash. asp)) developed in collaboration with educators, historians and

Poe experts--features a wealth of tools and

Resources for the classroom and beyond. Maryland teachers will appreciate that all the lesson plans,

Discussion questions, and activity sheets are linked to Maryland

Learning Outcomes. Poe fans and purists will delight in the authenticity of the

Materials-gathered from primary sources held by the Maryland

Historical Society and the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore. And students and visitors alike will be

Entertained while they explore the literature, life and times of one

Of Baltimore's most famous writers.

And what about that football team? Just for fun, Baltimore Ravens head coach, Brian Billick, appears in

Video clips along with cheerleaders and players quoting lines from

Poe's "The Raven."

Knowing Poe, one of many digital education projects of Maryland Public

Television, joins MPT's other award-winning

Online field trips and interactives on the Web designed to inspire and

Teach Maryland students, including Pathways to Freedom: Maryland & the Underground Railroad

(http://www. mpt. org/learningworks/pathwaystofreedom/flash_home. cfm (http://www. mpt. org/learningworks/pathwaystofreedom/flash_home. cfm)),

Bay Trippers: An Online Field Trip to the Chesapeake

Bay, Sense and Dollars

(http://www. mpt. org/learningworks/senseanddollars/home. html (http://www. mpt. org/learningworks/senseanddollars/home. html)),

And Plastic Fork Diaries

(http://www. plasticforkdiaries. org/index_flash. cfm (http://www. plasticforkdiaries. org/index_flash. cfm).)

Experience them

All at http://www. mpt. org (http://www. mpt. org).

Knowing Poe is funded through a grant from the U. S. Department of Education Star Schools Program.

Maryland Public Television is a not-for-profit, state-licensed public television station which serves the

Citizens and communities of Maryland and beyond through a variety of broadcast and nonbroadcast activities. For more

Information on MPT and its on - and off-air programming, visit http://www. mpt. org (http://www. mpt. org)

For Online Community Members, It's Business As Usual

For Online Community Members, It's Business As Usual

(PRWEB) March 18, 2001

The Creative Enterprises Network online community has announced its first intra-community company sale, effective this date. Kristi Grigsby of Naples, Florida, founder of Sunsational Kids www. sunsationalkids. com, has announced today that the popular toy and children's specialty shop has been sold to Carol Daly of Creative Enterprises, Jacksonville, NC www. creativethought. com for an undisclosed sum.

Due to growing family commitments and a desire to continue her work to build the Send A Child A Smile program ( www. sendachildasmile. com ) into a non-profit organization, Grigsby says she feels the need to move away from the retail environment and "concentrate on those things near and dear to my heart -- my family and Send A Child A Smile."

Although a retail operation is outside the perimeters of her general service-oriented operation, Daly says other family members will be handling day-to-day operations. "My husband and two of my grown children are extremely talented and experienced in retail operations and customer service. And they are as thrilled as I am to be able to acquire such a wonderful business. Kristi is to be commended for building a first-class Internet store that has done extremely well in only a little over a year. Sunsational Kids is definitely ahead of the pack."

What plans are in the works for Sunsational Kids under its new management? "Nothing radical is planned." says Daly, "The plan is to carry on exactly the way Kristi has run the company from the beginning -- offering great products and great service. From time to time, products will change in keeping with customer demand and changing trends. But we have a terrific resource available to us -- Becky Koch-Farrar of Indigo Kids in Naples -- she has been advising Kristi on toy trends and supplying fantastic educational and developmental toys for some time; and we're pleased to say that she has agreed to stay on and work with us as well."

Beyond the successful sale and transfer of the business, Grigsby and Daly are both very pleased that the sale was made possible as a direct result of their working together within The Creative Enterprises Network community. "My greatest pleasure," says Grigsby "will be to see that all my work on Sunsational Kids is not wasted -- that someone will be able to pick it up and run with it. Carol and Mike Daly are very anxious to do that, and I feel good about selling it to another member of our CE community -- someone who understands what I've put into creating the business."

As for Daly, her "greatest pleasure at this moment, is knowing that what we're doing here really works. The trust we have developed among our members. . . the confidence we place in one another. . . the work we do together in order to grow together. . . this just shows that it's not a superficial thing. Our group is strong and our hopes are high for the future. Despite the stock market woes and the problems that the big Dot. coms continue to have, our small online businesses are doing very well and showing steady growth. This is the new economy. . . an economy that stretches across miles, creating business relationships and developing consumer confidence in ways that big business simply can't. This is a great day for me, for Kristi, and for all our CE member merchants -- we're living proof that the cyber marketplace can and does operate the way your local community operates. . . if you work at it."

Sunsational Kids is open for business in the Yahoo! shopping pages.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Faith-Based Travel Industry Attracts More Tourism Boards

Faith-Based Travel Industry Attracts More Tourism Boards

With 300 to 330 million religious travelers worldwide each year, tourist boards and government officials at the highest levels are launching new initiatives to attract a segment of this $18 billion industry, the World Religious Travel Association (WRTA) reports. Countries such as the Bahamas, Cyprus, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, Jamaica, Jordan, Turkey and India among others have embarked on new marketing ventures to the faith community, particularly focusing on the North American market, which accounts for more than $10 billion of the global religious travel industry.

Littleton, CO (PRWEB) June 29, 2007

With 300 to 330 million religious travelers worldwide each year, tourist boards and government officials at the highest levels are launching new initiatives to attract a segment of this $18 billion industry, the World Religious Travel Association (WRTA) reports. Countries such as the Bahamas, Cyprus, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, Jamaica, Jordan, Turkey and India among others have embarked on new marketing ventures to the faith community, particularly focusing on the North American market, which accounts for more than $10 billion of the global religious travel industry.

One of the most significant developments among religious travelers is the increase of leisure, retreat or "fellowship" vacations by churches and religious groups. The Islands of the Bahamas remains a top choice for these travelers, and is one of the few countries with a dedicated religious travel department and director. The religious/faith department of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism recently joined WRTA as a charter member. On June 5, WRTA officers met with the Honorable Neko Grant, newly-appointed Minister of Tourism and Aviation, and Linville Johnson, Deputy Director of the Religious Market for the Bahamas Tourist Office, to discuss the country's efforts toward developing religious tourism.

"The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Religious/Faith department is pleased to be a charter member of the World Religious Travel Association," said Grant. "In this new partnership we look forward to WRTA assisting us in delivering our message to our key audience, and it is our hope that through our association with this organization that the number of religious/faith meetings, conferences, conventions and retreats to The Islands Of The Bahamas will increase substantially."

"We are delighted the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism has joined us as a Charter Member, and it is a privilege to provide them a framework to help increase awareness of their destination among faith-based travelers," said Kevin J. Wright, founder and Executive Director of WRTA and a fifteen-year veteran of the travel industry. "The travel and tourism industry is responding to the clout of this built-in affinity group of 330 million vacationers, and tourism boards are wisely taking a long-term view to establish and develop their brand within this very lucrative tourism segment."

Switzerland Tourism is a prime example. According to Mirko Capodanno, Trade Manager of Central USA and Canada for Switzerland Tourism: "Switzerland has many religious and historically very important sites to offer and to visit. Not only in regards to the Reformation and its leaders such as Calvin or Zwingli, but also because in Switzerland lies the origin of many churches and religious fellowships which are spread throughout the U. S. today, such as Baptist, Mennonite and Amish. Besides this, there is a tremendous amount of very ancient historic sites, abbeys, museums and churches. Our goal is to approach religious group leaders all over North America in cooperation with some tour operators, and show them many aspects of our country which travelers who are interested in religious trips may not realize, and show them how to combine these best with popular tourist attractions in Switzerland such as the highest rail station in Europe, the Glacier Express Railway or the Matterhorn."

With the substantial growth in faith-based tourism comes the demand for an international convention. This summer the World Religious Travel Association will announce details and begin registrations for the Fall 2008 World Religious Travel Expo. The primary purpose of the conference is to provide a world-class forum for networking opportunities and educational seminars for both the trade and consumer.

All companies and individuals can take advantage of membership within the World Religious Travel Association, the leading network for the faith-based tourism industry. To learn more, visit www. religioustravelassociation. com or call 1-800-657-1288. Both free and paid memberships are available, including the complimentary monthly e-newsletter Religious Travel Buzz, which keeps companies, groups, and individuals abreast of the faith-based travel industry news, events, and announcements.

About the World Religious Travel Association (WRTA):
The World Religious Travel Association (WRTA) is the world's leading network for the faith-based tourism industry. WRTA exists to bring the worldwide trade and North American religious consumer together for the primary purpose of promoting and providing quality travel experiences around the globe. All seven segments of the $18 billion worldwide religious tourism industry are represented: (1) Tour operators, tourist boards, cruise lines, and travel wholesalers (2) Travel suppliers and vendors (3) Travel agencies and consortiums (4) Religious suppliers and vendors (5) Churches and religious/non-profit organizations (6) Individuals and clergy (7) Media. The World Religious Travel Association will host the 1st Annual World Religious Travel Expo in Fall 2008. To learn more about the Association or become a member, visit www. religioustravelassociation. com. Or, contact WRTA at 1-800-657-1288.

For photos, more information or to obtain an interview:
Please contact Christine Moore, epiphany media, at 469-688-5683.
