Independent Hawaii-based church with an international Internet audience offers a spiritualist view of "The Passion of the Christ"
The Honolulu Church of Light, a spiritual church based in Hawaii with a large virtual congregation on the Internet, offers a spiritual perspective of Mel Gibson's controvesial film "The Passion of the Christ." The church's senior minister, Rev. Fred Sterling, is a trance medium for a spirit guide known as Master Kirael, who has shed light upon the life and times of Jesus. Thousands of spiritual seekers connect with the Honolulu Church of Light each week through the Internet to receive messages about truth, love and healing.
Honolulu, HI (PRWEB) February 26, 2004 -
ÂAmidst the controversial release of "The Passion of the Christ" and religious leaders scrambling to respond to the film, the Honolulu Church of Light (HCoL), a local spiritual church with a growing global congregation, is sharing a little-publicized view of Jesus' life and death that comes primarily from a channeled spirit entity, known as Master Kirael. According to Kirael, neither the Bible nor Mel Gibson's cinematic creation offers a fully balanced story of Jesus' final hours and crucifixion.
"There's a much larger truth at work than what you read in your current day Bible," explains the church's senior minister, Reverend Fred Sterling, who has served as a trance medium for Kirael for more than 15 years here in Hawaii. "The histories are always written by the victors and those in power who seek to maintain their power. As spiritualists, we read the Bible with an open mind, knowing that much of the original truth has been muddied by word of mouth and by editing, rewriting and translation. We also look to other wisdom sources, such as the spirit guide Kirael, to fill in the gaps for us."
Kirael has explained, for example, that in the Roman practice of crucifixion, the nails were never driven through the palm of the hand because it could not hold the full weight of the body. They would only drive a spike through the wrist bone. However, in most instances they used no spikes at all; they simply roped the person to the cross so that death would be slow. The vivid image of the punctured palms of Jesus and the importance of these stigmata in certain Christian traditions were created many years after Jesus' death to add drama to his story. Many such embellishments have been propagated to this day.
In a similar revelation Kirael has offered that, contrary to popular belief, Jesus was not forced to drag a complete cross through the streets to his own crucifixion. The condemned in those times would only carry the cross piece. The post, or the longer piece, was always laid where the cross would be erected. The Romans were very efficient and methodical in this way.
Rev. Sterling suggests, "Truth is in the heart of the beholder. As spiritualists we learn to look within ourselves for the truth. Does what we read in the Bible resonate with us or not? It's that simple. We can't rely on our politicians or religious leaders or even the Bible to discern the truth; we must learn to ask our hearts and listen for the answer."
A fundamental spiritual belief at the Honolulu Church of Light is that love is the one force in Creation that has no opposite; it simply is. This force of love is based on the principles of truth, trust and passion and unites all beings as one.
"Do you know who finally called for Master Jesus' death?" asked Kirael in a 1999 channeling session. "It was the religious leader, my friend." Furthermore, Jesus' was "put to death because if the trinity [of truth, trust and passion] reigned, all those in power could not." Throughout the years, Kirael has maintained that the world's religions are based on fear and that Jesus offered humanity a powerful, spiritual alternative: unconditional love based on the interconnectedness and divinity of all life.
Founded initially in the early 1990's as a healing center, the Honolulu Church of Light has been sharing its brand of spirituality, including an alternative view of Jesus' life and crucifixion, with a worldwide congregation of spiritualists and healers. The church publishes books and audio recordings by Rev. Sterling and Master Kirael, broadcasts its Sunday service over the Internet, and produces a weekly, international Internet talk-radio program that attracts callers and listeners from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
"Through the wisdom of Master Kirael, we've known for over a decade that the stories of the women who surrounded Jesus were almost completely edited out of the Bible. Yet, in truth, these women were highly educated, influential, highly spiritual individuals who understood the true messages of Jesus much better than their male counterparts, who by comparison were full of fear and doubt," says Sterling. "And the true message of Jesus was simple: we are all connected in love to a single, common Creator, and that each of us has the birthright to create, to experience and to heal anything we choose to heal in love."
Interest in spirituality is growing dramatically around the world each year. According to a 2001 survey conducted by Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University, the vast majority (77%) of Americans believe in angels. Popular movies and TV series such as "Touched by an Angel" or the more recent "Joan of Arcadia" also demonstrate our nation's increasing fascination with spiritual topics rather than religion.
A Time Canada cover story from November 2003 reported that eight out of 10 Canadians say having an inner spiritual life matters to them and that 81 percent believe in God, yet only 20 percent attend church weekly. In the U. S. in the last year, even the largest news magazines have offered us compelling cover stories on spiritual topics such as meditation, prayer, and the truth about Mary Magdalene.
"Spirituality is no longer a new age, fringe experience," says HCoL executive director, David Bower. "More and more people are looking for truth and understanding outside of their traditional religious sources. We see it every day here at the church; we receive passionate emails from seekers worldwide who express their heartfelt gratitude for finding us on the Internet."
As a local example of this growing demand for all things spiritual, last Sunday thousands of local residents flocked to the Hawaii Convention Center  at $40 to $125 per head  to see internationally acclaimed psychic medium, John Edward, and best-selling psychic and author, Sylvia Browne. The event was nearly sold out.
A basic tenet of a spiritual belief system is that there is much more to life than meets the eye. Spirit guides, angels, and other entities fill our world, and accessing their guidance and wisdom is just a matter of tuning in our awareness to their existence. The Hawaiian culture, for example, is founded upon on such a spiritual view of life, as are all indigenous cultures. Channeling is simply the act of connecting with the consciousness of a non-physical entity and communicating its messages through voice, the written word or artistic expression.
"Channeling is nothing new," says Sterling, who is one of a growing cadre of prominent spirit mediums with a global reputation. "From Moses to John the Baptist to the biblical Book of Revelation  and every prophet in between  the Hebrew and Christian Bibles are full of channeled work. Every artist or writer who has ever created a work of art has experienced channeling. Anyone who's ever listened to their gut, their intuition, has experienced channeling. It's only a matter of how much you allow your waking consciousness to get out of the way so that the information can come through."
Fred Sterling is a medium, a minister and a messengerÂa man who walks between the third dimensional world of being human and the boundless realms of spirit. For more than 15 years, he has channeled the loving light and wisdom of Kirael, a master spirit guide, into books, articles and recorded sessions. As founder and Senior Minister of the non-traditional, spiritual Honolulu Church of Light, he shines his own love and light upon both a local congregation and an international community of lightworkers (spiritualists and healers) via the Internet. He has authored several books with Kirael, including Kirael: The Great Shift, Guide to the Unseen Self, and The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation, and shares his wisdom and Kirael's messages through frequent radio, Internet and television programs. His weekly, live Internet radio broadcast, The Great Shift with Fred Sterling, brings many of the top spiritualists and healers from around the world to lovingly awaken an international audience to the Great Shift in Consciousness. Rev. Sterling is, first and foremost, a gifted and dedicated healer, helping seekers around the world discover their own paths of healing into Love. He is also the pioneer of the Signature Cell modality of energy-based healing.
Kirael is a loving spirit guide from another dimension who has committed his light into the Earth plane to help humanity heal, evolve and experience what he calls "the Great Shift in Consciousness." Brought forth through the mediumship of Rev. Fred Sterling, Master Guide Kirael consistently maintains that this profound, all-encompassing "shift" is a time of great joy and celebration, as Mother Earth rebalances her energy and the human world evolves into a brilliant new era of consciousness. Kirael's wisdom is published on the web at www. Kirael. com as well as in books and audio recordings by the Honolulu Church of Light.
Honolulu Church of Light is a spiritual, non-denominational church that maintains a sanctuary and healing center in Honolulu, Hawaii (the healing capital of the world), yet serves the needs of thousands of virtual congregation members worldwide via the Internet. As a healing ministry the church provides a safe space for all to celebrate life, awaken spiritually, and heal (i. e., become whole) on all four levels of human experience: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Its global mission is simple: "We the People are consciously creating opportunities for all to heal through love into love."
Kirael. com is the church's primary outreach vehicle and is the hub of its online community. Through this website the organization publishes articles, shares news and events, webcasts Sunday services and talk-radio programs, and distributes wisdom and healing tools, such as books, CDs and cassettes. Kirael. com is the official home of Master Guide Kirael, Rev. Fred Sterling, the Ten Principles of Conscious Creation, and the Billion Person Peace Meditation Project.
Channeled Facts about the Life and Times of Jesus
Source: Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Rev. Fred Sterling
Honolulu Church of Light - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
***In the Roman practice of crucifixion, spikes were driven through the wrist bones, not the hands.
In the Roman practice of crucifixion, nails were never driven through the palm of the hand because it could not hold the full weight of the body. They would only drive a spike through the wrist bone. However, in most cases the Romans used no spikes at all; they simply roped the person to the cross so that death would be slow. The vivid image of the punctured palms of Jesus and the importance of these stigmata in certain Christian traditions were created many years after Jesus' death to add drama to his story. Many such embellishments have been propagated to this day.
"Somewhere along the lines, someone should be thinkingÂ
If you can make a little mistake [in the stories of Jesus] like putting this big spike through the palm of the hand  as opposed to through the wrist bone  what else could have been a little off?"
Master Kirael through Rev. Fred Sterling
Wisdom of the Lost Scrolls: The Book of Revelation
(Live recording of a channeled session, 1999)
***Jesus did not carry his cross to the crucifixion site.
Jesus was not forced to drag a complete cross through the streets to his own crucifixion. The condemned in those times would only carry the cross piece. The post, or the longer piece, was always laid where the cross would be erected. The Romans were very efficient and methodical in this way.
***Jesus had twelve female disciples in addition to his male apostles.
For many years Master Kirael has contended that if Leonardo da Vinci, painter of the famous Last Supper, had turned around in his mind's eye, he would have seen twelve women seated at a table opposite the males. Jesus had picked a dozen women who were vitally important to the movement and the understanding of his ministry. The women congregated late at night while everyone was asleep. They were not to become famous but to serve Jesus' divine purpose.
***A different view of the last supper...
The twelve women at the last supper created a lot of discomfort in the room because females would not normally be allowed to eat in the same room with men, let alone with the son of God.
The meal was held at the house of a relatively wealthy young man with servants, but Master Jesus chose to have no servants and asked to have them sent away. The meal was held upstairs in the house. It was customary to wash the feet prior to having a meal for both physical and spiritual reasons. When the disciples arrived, they were in a dither because there was no one to wash their feet.
They looked to see where the Master would sit and an outburst of confusion followed as they debated who would be seated next to the Master. Being seated next to the Master would indicate that you were the ranking energy, the closest to Jesus and therefore had the most power.
As they were arguing young Judah went and sat next to where the Master would sit. At that moment Judah did not know he was going to be the one to betray Jesus. They were still arguing about who would sit where when Master Jesus appeared in the doorway. He looked upon all the squabbling and noticed the feet had not been washed. He opened the doors and the male apostles were joined by the women. Master Jesus then set about washing the feet.
At one point in the meal, Jesus said softly to Judas, ÂGo do what you must do this night." Judah left but still did not know that he was the one to betray the Master. Because of his youth, he believed that the Master had the power to overcome the prophecy that he would die at this time. He told the guards where Master Jesus could be found because he believed the Master would raise his hand and they would immediately be felled.
Later on in the meal one disciple asked, ÂIt is said you will die a violent death and why is that Master? He answered, ÂIf I am to die in any other way, my death would go unseen, perhaps. We cannot let that happen because it must be remembered at all times that I have come here on this journey to let you know about love and about healing.Â
***Jesus upon the cross did not plead with God.
The Bible says that the final words of Jesus on the cross were: "Father, why have you forsaken me?" According to Master Kirael, what he actually said was, "Father, I have done what I have come to do. Accept my light back into your Light. Let this one called Jesus be left for the world to see" and he asked that his pain be lifted. Jesus hung from the cross for approximately nine hours.
***Mary Magdalene was a highly educated individual.
As the daughter of a successful merchant, Mary Magdalene came from affluent background and was very well educated. She worked in the family business, conversed with many sea merchants, and gained a great deal of knowledge by studying the ships' logs that were filed with port authorities.
"Fortunately, Mary Magdalene was schooled at a very young age in the translation of these recordsÂ
learning of worlds beyond a common person's imaginationÂ
. Her retention of this information was said to be flawless because she hadÂ
what would be considered today as "photographic memory."
"Mary Magdalene would eventually share all this knowledge with JesusÂ
.In essence, Mary Magdalene gave Jesus the most modern conceptual education possible. They would spend long hours together, far into the night, going from one detail to the nextÂ
. This may explain why such a misconstrued picture would be painted of this female energyÂ
Excerpt from Kirael Volume II: The Genesis Matrix
by Fred Sterling
Spiritual Beliefs about Master Jesus
In most spiritual belief systems, there exists a single Creator force that creates all that ever was, all that is, and all that ever will be. Nothing exists outside of the All That Is and therefore everything in Creation is connected as One.
For the sake of clarity, the Christ Light is not to be confused with Jesus the man from Nazareth. The Christ Light, or the Christ Consciousness, is the thought of the Creator or the All That Is. Jesus carried the Christ Light within him throughout his life, and at the time of his baptism in the River Jordan became fully infused with the Christ Consciousness.
Spiritualists who honor Jesus consider him to be an ascended master, or one who has mastered this earthly dimension and has ascended into the realm of wise and omnipresent spirit beings such as Buddha, Lady Quan Yin, Saint Germaine and Mother Mary.
It is said that Jesus died for the sins of "we the people," yet from another perspective one might view his death as his choice to end a conflict  not just between church and state, but within ourselves. The dramatic circumstances of his death may have been a symbol for all to see that, even in death, a statement that lasted thousands of years could be made about the nature of love.
Often religions see the world as a struggle between good and evil. Within the spiritual community, seekers often push themselves to see the truth beneath the struggle and find ways of healing our differences and celebrating our unity.
Sterling, Fred. Kirael: The Great Shift, Lightways Publishing, 1998
Sterling, Fred. Kirael Vol. II: The Genesis Matrix, Lightways Publishing, 2001
Audio Recordings of Live Channeling Sessions-
Wisdom of the Lost Scrolls: The Life and Times of Master Jesus
Wisdom of the Lost Scrolls: Conversations at the Last Supper
Wisdom of the Lost Scrolls: The Book of Revelation
The Female Energies that Surrounded Christ
Christ Consciousness
The Crucifixion: A Spiritual Perspective