Judi Thomases will have her article entitled ÂIf All Is Chosen, Why Did I Pick Such Hard Aspects published in the December 2001 issue of Dell Horoscope Magazine. The article discusses the conundrum of fate versus free will, and gives a new and more spiritual slant to karmic patterns.
(PRWEB) August 18, 2001
The new slant is gained through JudiÂs facility with trance-channeling, and the amazing insights offered therein. This helpful guidance from non-physical sources offers clear understanding to reframe everyday experiences into joyful challenges.
Previously, another article was published in the same national publication; it was entitled ÂAstrology for the New Age; Creating Your Own Reality (Dell, February 2000), and discussed the connection between astrology and quantum physics.
Judi can be reached at Starspro@aol. com. Her articles, services, products and background can be researched on her website at www. StarladyAstrologer. com.
Judi, a Phi Beta Kappa, a member of two national astrological organizations (The American Federation of Astrologers, & The National Council for Geocosmic Research), two national metaphysical organizations (The International Tarot Society, & The Seth Network International), and past vice-president and fund-raising Chairperson of The Astra Guild for Education, is a highly respected professional astrologer and Tarot consultant with over twenty five years' experience. Teacher, lecturer, writer, columnist, and consultant in astrology, Tarot, metaphysics, and intuitive sciences, she has appeared on radio and cable TV; been published in Dell Horoscope magazine, American Astrologer magazine, Inner Realm magazine, Writings on the Wall magazine, and TodayÂs Astrologer (the monthly bulletin of the American Federation of Astrologers); been profiled in The Journal News, Hudson Valley magazine, and Hudson Valley Business Journal; and has been a speaker at conventions and seminars. She is the founder of ÂMind's Eye Forum, ÂGoddess Gatherings, and ÂLife Through a Different Lens, and a co-founder of ÂThe Professional Healers Alliance. She is also a member of The Rockland WomenÂs Business Network.