New Jersey Watershed Ambassadors AmeriCorps Program
SuccessFul Environmental Education Program in New Jersey. Watershed Ambassadors AmeriCorps Program. The EnviroScape model is teaching thousands of New Jersey residents about water pollution with the help of the New Jersey Watershed Ambassadors.
(PRWEB) December 1, 2001
The EnviroScape model is teaching thousands of New Jersey residents about
Water pollution with the help of the New Jersey Watershed Ambassadors. The
New Jersey Watershed Ambassadors Program is a community-oriented AmeriCorps
Environmental program designed to raise awareness about watershed issues in
New Jersey. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP),
Division of Watershed Management, hosts the AmeriCorps program. Through
This program, AmeriCorps members are placed in the twenty watershed
Management areas across the state to serve their local communities.
One of the main focuses of the Watershed Ambassadors program is to educate
And provide information about water and watershed issues to community
Organizations and schools throughout the state. Through interactive
Presentations, which include the use of EnviroScape models, members educate
Students and citizens about watershed issues and empower them to get
Involved in their watershed. The model has successfully helped to explain
Water pollution and demonstrate the concepts of both point and nonpoint
Source pollution to children and adults of all ages. The EnviroScape model,
In addition to frequently being used in New Jersey's classrooms by the
AmeriCorps members, has also been used at municipal government meetings,
Earth Day events, and Watershed Festivals.
The EnviroScape model is a highly useful tool in helping the New Jersey
Watershed Ambassadors to educate all sectors of society to improve the
Quality of New Jersey's waterways and therefore improve the quality of life
In New Jersey.
Article written by:
Michelle Ruggiero, Watershed Ambassador in Watershed Mgmt Area 1
Contact information:
Fran Varacalli
Program Manager, NJDEP