We all know the adage Âthe shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In the age of the Internet, that straight line is hard to find when youÂre talking about an online application process or information gathering.
(PRWEB) October 18, 2001
The Red Dot Group, a LeeÂs Summit, Mo.-based firm providing innovative technology and consulting to higher education, announces its new service to help colleges and universities nationwide streamline and strengthen their admissions Web sites.
Enrollment Power Index (EPI) is a numerical measure of a college or university Web siteÂs ability to take students from prospect to applicant through a series of pre-determined benchmarks. EPI was created as an indicator that a college or university admissions page reached or exceeded high standards of Web functionality and design.
Nearly 2,000 college and university admissions sites have been analyzed by The Red Dot GroupÂs independent Web site research teams. Prominence of admissions link; admissions page appeal; online access to application materials; ability to pay fees online; helpful links to college entrance sites; ease of navigation; and the ability to contact the admissions office formed the foundation by which each site was judged.
As criteria were met, researchers indicated so on an institutional rating form. Results generated from this rating make up a report and recommendations offered to colleges and universities to assist in better preparing their admissions Web sites for use by prospects.
The top-10 ranked college and university admissions sites fitting the criteria are, (in order from first to 10th): Canisius College (Buffalo, N. Y.); Beloit College (Beloit, Wis.); Babson College (Babson Park, Mass.); Bates College (Lewiston, Maine); Colby College (Waterville, Maine); Bentley College (Waltham, Mass.); Lycoming College (Williamsport, Penn.); Florida Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Fla.); Berklee College of Music (Boston, Mass.); and Carthage College (Kenosha, Wis.). The top 100 ranked sites may be found at www. thereddotgroup. com.
For more information about The Red Dot GroupÂs Enrollment Power IndexÂ, visit www. thereddotgroup. com, or call, 1-800-862-7759.
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