Friday, January 28, 2005

Minnesota's Top 100 CEOs Support Employer Leadership Summit's Vision and Objectives

Minnesota's Top 100 CEOs Support Employer Leadership Summit's Vision and Objectives

Minnesota Business Partnership, Buyers Health Care Action Group and HPI Advisors help area employers understand the impact and opportunity of health and performance improvement.

Denver, CO (PRWEB) May 30, 2007

The Minnesota Business Partnership (http://www. mnbp. com/mnbp/pageDetail. aspx? pgID=home) announced its role as a supporting organization of the inaugural Buyers Health Care Action Group (BHCAG) Employer Leadership Summit, (http://www. healthandperformance. info/EmployerLeadershipSummitMN. pdf) Health Living Healthy Working Series -- Employers Helping Employees to Better Health. The Partnership joins the Minnesota Governor's Office, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Minnesota Council of Health Plans, Disability Management Employer Coalition, Minnesota Pharmacists Association and others in supporting this educational event, to be held June 21, 2007 (http://www. healthandperformance. info/registration. htm) from 8:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. at the Park Plaza Hotel Bloomington, (http://www. parkplaza. com/bloomingtonmn) Bloomington, Minn.

According to Les C. Meyer, president and CEO of HPI Advisors, LLC, the Summit's producer, the Partnership's affiliation with the Summit is a natural fit. Meyer elaborates, "The vision of the Summit is to promote the notion that keeping people healthy in Minnesota is a good business strategy for government, business and individuals. This dovetails with their mission to maintain a high quality of life for all Minnesotans by ensuring the state's economy remains strong, globally competitive and its prospects for growth bright."

Summit attendees will learn from industry experts what works and what doesn't (http://www. healthandperformance. info/BHCAGHPIMNSummary. pdf) when developing and implementing health and performance improvement programs. Companies who will present their employee-centered strategies and evidence-based best practices include Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Carlson Companies, Employers Association, Inc., Hawaii Business Council, HealthPartners, Lincoln Industries, Medica, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and WellPoint, Inc.

Actionable learning includes the fundamentals of health and performance improvement (HPI) -- how to: impact employee health and job satisfaction to yield organization-wide results; receive the full benefit of value-based benefit design; understand the Governor's "Fit Workplaces" initiative; conduct an effective workforce HPI assessment and gap analysis; identify the critical elements and steps required to design and implement an HPI strategic plan; advocate for a more accountable health care system, higher quality of care, enhanced efficiencies and incentives and opportunities for all stakeholders; and identify the critical success factors that drive healthy living, healthy working and healthy performance outcomes (organizational success) that increase value for companies and employees.

Healthways, Inc., Mercer Health & Benefits, Pfizer, Inc. and sanofi-aventis are sponsoring the Summit. In addition to the organizations listed above, other supporting organizations include the Employee Benefits Planner and The Industry Radar.

About Minnesota Business Partnership
The Minnesota Business Partnership is composed of 100 chief executives representing some of Minnesota's largest companies. Collectively, they employ 1.9 million people, including 400,000 Minnesotans. Annually, member organizations distribute $15+ billion in wages and benefits, purchase $15+ billion of Minnesota goods and services, pay $1+ billion in state taxes and contribute well over $300 million to Minnesota's charitable causes. The interests of the Minnesota Business Partnership extend far beyond those of its member organizations. Since its founding in 1977, the MBP's mission has been to forge a partnership between the public and private sectors to improve the economy and quality of life for everyone in Minnesota. For more information go to: www. mnbp. com

The Buyers Health Care Action Group (BHCAG) is dedicated to helping health care consumers get the care they need at the right time, in the right place, at the right price. Its mission is to recreate the health care system to focus on a collective goal of optimal health and total value. The BHCAG creates value for its members by pursuing strategies that openly challenge conventional practice and foster innovation; aggressively pursue performance improvement; actively influence the behavior of all stakeholders to achieve alignment in providing and purchasing health care; and proactively engage and connect members to initiatives that further a goal of optimal health and total value. For more information go to: www. bhcag. com

About HPI Advisors, LLC
HPI Advisors, LLC (health and performance improvement) is a think tank of national experts seeking solutions to the upward spiral of health care costs and downward spiral of the nation's overall health. The company's mission is to facilitate community-based, collaborative projects with employers and all stakeholders that are built around value-based benefit designs that pinpoint healthy living and working strategies, as well as designate healthy performance best practices to achieve better health outcomes and business performance results. For more information go to: www. healthandperformance. info

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: www. HRmarketer. com) on behalf of the company listed above.

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Thursday, January 27, 2005

New Book Uses Dating as a Metaphor to Demystify the Job Search

New Book Uses Dating as a Metaphor to Demystify the Job Search

When you ask someone about their job search or career, they may fumble for the right thing to say. When you ask the same person about the dating scene, they will be jittery with enthusiasm. The fact is many people lack critical job search skills, but they do love to date. To reach these people, Shawn Graham has created a whole new approach to the job search, using dating as a metaphore to demystify the process of finding a great job.

Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) October 2, 2007

Twenty-something job seekers can get help on the career front from a new book by Shawn Graham, a career counselor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Kenan-Flagler Business School.

Graham draws parallels between searching for a job and the more familiar rituals of dating to demystify each stage of the process of beginning a career search in his new book, "Courting Your Career: Match Yourself with the Perfect Job" (JIST Works, September 2007).

Courting Your Career uses real-life anecdotes and graphic examples straight from the trenches of 21st century job hunting (and dating), Graham says. He addresses the kinds of questions he fields daily from job-seekers, and helps readers avoid the mistakes made by his clients. He also incorporates insights and encouragement from people at different stages of their careers--from a first-time job hunter to a veteran human resources consultant.

"Being 34 and recently single, I can tell you first-hand that I've had more success with my career than I've had in the romance department. But when relating it to the job search, dating is a subject everyone can identify with," says Graham.

For example, the close of an interview is a lot like the end of a date, he says. "You're nervous, wondering whether the person you're with wants to give you a goodnight kiss, the 'let's be friends' hug or the ever disappointing 'don't call me, I won't call you' handshake.

"Although you'll never, and I repeat never, actually go for a goodnight kiss at the end of an interview, there are some things you can do to seal the deal," says Graham.

The equivalent of "call me" is to reaffirm your interest in the job. Ask about next steps in the interview process, which is the equivalent of "will I see you again?" Knowing when the company plans to notify candidates of whether they made it to the next interview round can be incredibly valuable information."

An associate director in the MBA Career Management Center at UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School, Graham has extensive career counseling experience. He has worked with more than 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students at the UNC-Chapel Hill, where he previously served as assistant director of University Career Services.

Graham writes a popular blog for Fast Company magazine, and has written about career issues in articles for The Wall Street Journal's CollegeJournal. com and The Charlotte Observer. He also is the author of The Graduate Student's Guide to Internships and Summer Programs.

Courting Your Career is available at all major bookstores and from the publisher (www. jist. com or 1.800.648.JIST). To speak with the author, contact Natalie Ostrom. To learn more about Shawn Graham and his book, visit www. courtingyourcareer. com.

JIST, America's Career Publisher, is a division of EMC/Paradigm Publishing and is the leading publisher of job search, career, occupational information, life skills and character education books, workbooks, assessments, videos and software.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

News-Tipping Washington Power Breakfasts Go Online at The Christian Science Monitor and FORA. tv

News-Tipping Washington Power Breakfasts Go Online at The Christian Science Monitor and FORA. tv

Deal between The Christian Science Monitor and FORA. tv creates weekly video series that puts Web viewers in the room with Beltway news makers and top journalists at Monitor Breakfasts. 44-year-old event has featured Presidents and Vice Presidents, tipped off major news stories, and influenced high-profile careers. Highlights of the timely meetings are free; full videos are subscription-access.

Boston, MA, (PRWEB) May 17, 2010

The Christian Science Monitor and FORA. tv today debut online videos of the weekly Monitor Breakfast, a 44-year-old tradition where Washington news makers meet unscripted and on-the-record with top journalists. This new partnership brings a pivotal resource to the public in a way that only online video can, and gives a wide audience the chance to get ahead of the news.

Same-day highlights of The Monitor Breakfasts, which invite top journalists on short notice to ensure timeliness, are available free at www. CSMonitor. com/MonitorBreakfast (http://www. CSMonitor. com/MonitorBreakfast) and www. FORA. tv/MonitorBreakfast (http://www. FORA. tv/MonitorBreakfast). Full-length videos of each Breakfast can be viewed for $14.95 monthly or $99.95 annually. These may be accompanied by advertising sponsorships. Advertising sponsorship opportunities consist of pre-roll video within the videocasts on both Web sites and standard ad units on the video page of the Monitor Web site.
"The Christian Science Monitor is now at the forefront of online video in terms of selling subscriptions, pushing distribution across multiple platforms, and promoting this one-of-a-kind a weekly event," said Blaise Zerega, CEO of FORA. tv. "The Monitor Breakfast is the type of gathering that online video can bring from the confines of a meeting room to a worldwide audience without losing its intimacy or immediacy."

For 44 years, Monitor Breakfasts have been the source of defining and dramatic news stories. For instance, in 1991, then-Governor Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, came to Breakfast to discuss their marital problems for the first time. It became, in effect, a dry-run for their famous 60 Minutes interview - and helped preserve his viability as a presidential candidate. And in 1995, Speaker Newt Gingrich complained about being made to exit through the rear of Air Force One while on a presidential trip. Some say his Breakfast comments helped trigger the subsequent government shutdown.

In all, four presidents, five vice presidents, and thousands of Beltway power players have been guests at Monitor Breakfasts. At the first event in 1966, Illinois Senator Charles Percy tipped off reporters to his Presidential run. Recent guests have included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader John Boehner, Democratic strategist James Carville, U. S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and U. S. Postmaster General John Potter. A highlight video of recent Breakfasts is available at http://fora. tv/2010/05/12/Monitor_Breakfast_Highlights (http://fora. tv/2010/05/12/Monitor_Breakfast_Highlights)].

"We are committed to explaining the news and foreshadowing what's next," said John Yemma, Editor of The Christian Science Monitor. "Online video of Monitor Breakfasts opens access to actual news-making conversations for a wider population of influential people in business, government and media."

The Monitor Breakfasts going online represents the latest in resurgence for The Christian Science Monitor. After publishing an acclaimed daily newspaper for more than 100 years, the organization dropped daily newsprint in favor of online news and a weekly magazine in April 2009. The company has since added a Daily News Briefing, E-mail newsletters, e-reader editions, and more. Its weekly magazine circulation has grown by more than 75% (to 77,000), while monthly website traffic has more than doubled (to 14 million page views).

About The Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor is an international news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage via its website, weekly magazine, and other platforms. During more than a century of reporting, it has developed a global reputation for thoughtful, in-depth coverage of the world - and won seven Pulitzer Prizes along the way.

About FORA. tv
FORA. tv is the leading destination and distributor for smart videos about the people, issues, and ideas changing the world. The company gathers the web's largest collection of unmediated video drawn from live events, lectures, and debates at the world's top universities, think tanks and conferences. Named a Top 50 Web Site by TIME, a Top Education Site by U. K Telegraph, the company has also been covered by Fast Company, The Boston Globe, and many others. FORA. tv was founded in 2005 and is funded by a select group of investors led by William R. Hearst III. FORA. tv is based in San Francisco and can be found at http://fora. tv (http://fora. tv) or on Facebook


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Most Widely Distributed Magazine for Canadian School Principals Gets New Look

Most Widely Distributed Magazine for Canadian School Principals Gets New Look

The Canadian Association of Principals (CAP) Journal has had a makeover. Changes include improvements to publication design and content.

(PRWEB) November 28, 2003

(PRWEB)November 28, 2003 – The Canadian Association of Principals (CAP) Journal, Canada’s most widely distributed magazine for Canadian school principals and school administrators, has had a makeover. The Journal, which is currently distributed to over 12,500 principals across the country, will have a new design layout and more informative articles for school leaders.

“This year we’ve decided to make some major changes to our publication,” says Erin McCall, Assistant Editor. The publishers have redesigned the journal and have also committed to partnering with the Canadian education research community in order to provide more timely and more informative articles for readers. In the past, the publishers have relied on interested parties to submit articles for the three yearly issues. “This year we’ve issued a call to all Canadian Faculties of Education and have asked for professors and their graduate students to send us articles on their latest work and research interests. The response has been phenomenal,” says McCall, “We’re hoping the Journal will become a place where researchers can share their findings on best practices in educational leadership with those who will use them everyday”.

For the JournalÂ’s upcoming issue on special needs education, articles have been submitted from professors at the University of Alberta, University of Ottawa, Nipissing University, and the University of Prince Edward Island.

The CAP Journal is distributed to all CAP members and to non-association members (via individual subscriptions) in September, January, and May. The publication features a mix of leadership and education topics in each issue and contains a number of regular articles (i. e. book reviews, student leadership advice, CAP news, etc.) as well as several feature articles on a selected theme (i. e. special needs education, Aboriginal education, student transitions, etc.).

The CAP Journal is made possible through the sale of advertising space. Advertisers include government bodies, non-profit groups, and producers and distributors of educational products and services for students, schools, and school administrators. For more information on advertising space and rates, please visit http://www. schoolfile. com/capjournal/totalCAP2.htm (http://www. schoolfile. com/capjournal/totalCAP2.htm).

About the Canadian Association of Principals

CAP is the advocate for principals and vice-principals at CanadaÂ’s national level. Working with other national educational groups, CAP presents the views and opinions of principals and vice-principals regarding a variety of issues and in many different forums. CAP works with public and private sector partners and provides valuable services to all facets of the educational community. CAP is a founding member of the International Confederation of Principals.

For more information about the CAP Journal, please contact:

Erin McCall

Assistant Editor

CAP Journal

(604) 575-3199

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Kinder Kit Give Parents an Alternative to Television

Kinder Kit Give Parents an Alternative to Television

Kinder Kit provides a guilt-free, fun and educational tool for parents of small children.

Frisco, TX (PRWEB) March 25, 2006

Finding free time with small children at home can be difficult. Parents are often looking for creative and educational ways to keep their children occupied and enhance their learning experiences. Stealing moments to work around the house or take advantage of quiet time can be challenging. Many times, parents rely on television for help. We all know the reports and well-documented side effects that too much television can have on children, and we struggle to balance the guilt, with the ease of using it as a pacifier. We all do it, and we continuously reach out for better, more enriching alternatives to television. Kinder Kit provides this alternative.

For years, Kindergarten teachers all over the world have used “Learning Centers” to keep their classrooms busy while they attend to students individually, or perform other tasks around the classroom. The secret is out, and parents everywhere are using the same methods at home that Kindergarten teachers have been using for years in the classroom.

The Kindergarten Kit has over 580 pages of pre-designed Learning Centers that will keep children occupied for hours. The Kindergarten Kit offers easy step-by-step instructions that any parent can follow. The creative activities make learning fun, and give you as a parent, the free time you deserve – guilt free. The Kindergarten Kit was designed by a veteran Kindergarten teacher who uses the Literacy Centers with her own children.

Free sample Learning Centers can be downloaded at www. kindergartenkit. com. Soft copies of the book can be instantly downloaded for $24.95 at www. kindergartenkit. com. CD’s and hardcopies are also available on the website.

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Monday, January 24, 2005

Estrella Mountain Community College Expands Usage of Starfish Following Successful Pilot Program

Estrella Mountain Community College Expands Usage of Starfish Following Successful Pilot Program

Institution Providing Timely Student Services to Rapidly Growing Student Population

Arlington, VA (PRWEB) September 21, 2010

(PRWEB) September 21, 2010 -- Starfish Retention Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of student success systems, announced today that Estrella Mountain Community College (http://www. estrellamountain. edu/)(EMCC), a Maricopa Community College, has committed to expanding its use of Starfish® following a Spring 2010 pilot program. The institution is leveraging the technology to reach students with the help they need, when they need it, while also reengaging faculty in the institution’s student success initiatives.

“It is important that we provide systems and tools to our faculty and student services personnel that support our efforts to foster a student success culture,” said Dr. Bryan Tippett, vice president of academic affairs for EMCC. “Starfish is offering us an effective technology platform from which to identify those students who need help and then keep track of our efforts to intervene and provide support.”

Estrella Mountain Community College enrolls approximately 15,000 students annually and is master planned to be a large comprehensive learning college of more than 40,000 students. Because EMCC is an open enrollment institution, a large number of students enter the college needing to complete developmental courses in English, math and/or reading prior to beginning college-level courses. This reality, when coupled with the institution’s continuous growth, has resulted in an increasing number of students needing early intervention.

“Our goal at EMCC is to ultimately improve our student success rate, as measured by course completion, retention and graduation metrics,” said Dr. Lauren Shellenbarger, dean of student services. “To do this, we need to be able to focus on actually delivering services to students that need help — rather than spending time on the administrative process. The reporting function of Starfish also means we can easily track the effectiveness of interventions.”

During the Spring 2010 pilot, faculty members used Starfish to easily raise a concern on a student from a list of predefined issues including tardiness, absences and academic concerns. Once an issue was raised, the Starfish system sent the flag to the appropriate service provider, such as a tutor or counselor, who then connected with the student. During the pilot, 98 percent of the faculty concerns resulted in referrals to tutoring, a significant increase over referrals in previous academic terms. In the Fall of 2010, EMCC will expand its use of Starfish by sending e-mail–based surveys to faculty members to proactively request feedback on students. Starfish will also automatically review student performance as recorded in the online Grade Center within the Blackboard (http://www. blackboard. com) course management system for online courses.

“Starfish is enabling EMCC to work more closely with faculty to solicit feedback about their students. The fact that Starfish automatically delivers that feedback to the service providers on campus makes timely intervention possible. Faculty confidence in the system is increasing as service providers close the loop to inform faculty that their student referrals are being addressed,” added Ms. Joyce Jackson, dean of academic affairs.

Accessible with a single login to an institution’s student information system, portal system or course management system (e. g., Blackboard, WebCT or ANGEL), Starfish is a collection of two software systems. Starfish EARLY ALERT™ (http://www. starfishsolutions. com/earlyAlertHome. html) is an early-warning and student-tracking system that makes it possible for instructors, advisors and academic staff to identify at-risk students in real time. Starfish CONNECT™, (http://www. starfishsolutions. com/connect. html) an education support networking system, helps students access a personalized contact list of instructors, advisors and counselors who are dedicated to helping them succeed. Together, the systems generate valuable performance and resource utilization data for the institution, which helps optimize future service offerings.

“Starfish Retention Solutions is proud to have the opportunity to work with Estrella Mountain Community College as they revamp their student success programs,” said David Yaskin, CEO and founder of Starfish Retention Solutions. “The team at EMCC has been instrumental in defining the practical needs behind a number of our new product features. We are grateful for their guidance and innovative perspectives on leveraging technology to support student success initiatives.”

About Starfish Retention Solutions
Starfish Retention Solutions is a leading provider of student success systems. The company offers a collection of software solutions that harness the power of the campus community in order to engage, motivate and graduate more students — securing valuable tuition revenue through student retention. Specifically, the solutions help institutions identify at-risk students in real time, based on their daily course work performance and faculty concerns, and then connect them to the resources designed to help (e. g., advising or tutoring), all while assessing which services and interventions are working. For more information, please call 703.260.1186 or visit starfishsolutions. com (http://www. starfishsolutions. com).


Sunday, January 23, 2005

The American Small Business Coalition Teams with Perot Systems Government Services to Deliver Added Resources to Small Businesses

The American Small Business Coalition Teams with Perot Systems Government Services to Deliver Added Resources to Small Businesses

Quality Consortium will provide efficient and economic pursuit of ISO Registration for small business community

Columbia, MD (PRWEB) April 15, 2005

The ability to pursue, and win, government contracts has never been more critical for small businesses and the federal market has never been more competitive. For this reason, The American Small Business Coalition (The ASBC) is teaming with Perot Systems Government Services and its ISO 9000 Quality Consortium for Small Business in an effort to deliver added reliable resources to the small business community.

The ASBC and Perot Systems will work together to promote and provide greater breadth and depth of services and capabilities, with a focus on assisting small businesses as they pursue the ever-growing amount of contracts awarded by and on behalf of the government.

“As the government moves to a broader use of performance-based acquisitions, it is essential that small businesses have the tools necessary to assist in the success of the program(s) they support,” said Guy Timberlake, chief visionary officer for The American Small Business Coalition. “The partnership with Perot Systems Government Services is another way The American Small Business Coalition will continue to assist in the development of a stronger small business community for the public and private sectors.”

The American Small Business Coalition is a fast growing community of Micro, Small, Medium and Large Companies working in a collaborative and nurturing environment to foster team-building and the exchange of information related to business opportunities with the United States Government. The ASBCÂ’s mission is assisting small businesses in the acquisition of relationships and business intelligence in the federal sector. The ASBC also provides related education and training to its Members most often from companies participating as Business Members or Partners.

“Perot Systems has been, and will continue to be, committed to furthering the goals and success of the small business community,” said Lisa Hartley, vice president of International Standards Compliance for Perot Systems Government Services. “This effort will enable both Perot Systems and The ASBC to really help strengthen the capabilities of small businesses as they prepare to meet the ever-increasing demands of doing business with the U. S. government, through many channels including the ISO Small Business Quality Consortium. We are excited about this opportunity.”

The ISO 9000 Quality Consortium was created to provide small businesses with a cost effective approach to establishing quality management systems to compete for business opportunities in the federal government and contractor marketplace. It represents a win-win-win situation for small business, large contractors, and the government by assisting small businesses in improving their product/service quality; helping large contractors in acquiring more, and better prepared, subcontractors; and aiding the government by getting better quality products while in turn helping them achieve their diversity goals.

Perot Systems delivers program, mission, and infrastructure support to numerous United States government customers, including the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, a number of civilian agencies, and the intelligence community. With an emphasis on commitment, reliability, and accountability, Perot Systems delivers results to its clients.

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FLAVORx Continues Over 10 Years of Safety and Stability in Medication Flavoring

FLAVORx Continues Over 10 Years of Safety and Stability in Medication Flavoring

In its continual commitment to provide safe and effective flavorings for liquid medicine, FLAVORx provides updated technical information and ongoing clinical and laboratory trials to determine drug stability and efficacy. In over 10 years, there has never been a recorded incidence of allergy, adverse reaction or changes in efficacy as a result of flavoring.

Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) January 16, 2007

FLAVORx (SAVEURx+), the industry leader in scientifically-tested and medically-designed flavorings for liquid medicine, celebrates over 10 years of its strong commitment to safety by announcing that, to date, over 40 million prescriptions have been flavored without any incidence of allergy, adverse reaction or changes in drug efficacy. The company has gone to great lengths to ensure its product safety; conducting continual stability, pH and organoleptic testing, clinical testing through pharmacy boards and has been acknowledged by the industry through its inclusion in the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) certified CE course on the use of flavoring agents. In addition to US guidelines, FLAVORx has guaranteed its safety to meet Canadian pharmacy standards for its expansion into all 10 provinces and 3 Northwest Territories.

FLAVORx flavors are FDA-approved, inert, non-allergenic, casein-free, gluten-free, dye-free, alcohol-free, sugar-free, phosphate-free and highly concentrated so only a small amount is used even for large volumes of medication. Continual chemical stability and compatibility tests show that stability and pH of medications is not affected by the addition of FLAVORx flavoring and the presence of FLAVORx does not lead to a degradation of drug activity. In addition, content analyses also show that drug activity remains present at a required level with the addition of flavoring. These examinations of FLAVORx's medication and flavoring combinations have been conducted by credited laboratories nationwide including Northview Laboratories, Dow Pharmaceutical Sciences and Probe Chemical Services.

Prior to entering Canada, FLAVORx underwent extensive clinical examination including a certification process through the University Montreal School of Pharmacy and Health Canada to be deemed a safe and effective solution to the issue of medicinal non-compliance.

"It is true that certain foods or flavors can alter certain medications, and that's why it has been so important to us to make sure that each medication in our formulary is stable with the flavor the child wants. Our formulary details each medication and flavor combination; if the combination causes instability, it is marked 'Do Not Use.' If a drug is not stable or we are unsure of instability, the drug will not appear in our formulary at all. It's our job to conduct continual safety studies and educate consumers, pharmacists, healthcare practitioners and the industry in general, that we are taking more than the necessary steps to ensure FLAVORx's safety and effectiveness," says Kenny Kramm, FLAVORx President and CEO.

In addition to continual testing and regulatory approval, FLAVORx has also expanded its scientific division to form the FLAVORx Research Institute (FRI), the technical arm of the company dedicated to taste science. It is FRI's mission to increase development success of innovative medications by ensuring superior taste compliance. Previous partners have included organizations such as GlaxoSmithKline and the HIV-Netherlands Amsterdam Thailand Research Collaboration.

Increased compliance through improved taste assures that patients are able to swallow medications and achieve treatment success, as well as improved quality of life. Sadly, in many cases, children may need to endure unnecessary procedures, additional medications and increased health risks simply because they are unable to swallow life-saving medications. According to one mother, "I would just like to say thank you to FLAVORx. If it wasn't for this product, I could not have made my daughter more comfortable and I would have had to take her for an unnecessary chest x-ray." In the case of Kramm's youngest daughter Hadley, for whom the company was started, had she not been able to swallow a life saving anti-seizure medication, her quality of life and health outcomes would have been severely reduced. As a result of Kramm's inspiration to develop a banana flavoring, Hadley has never returned to the hospital or emergency room as a result of non-compliance.

For more information, please visit www. flavorx. com or contact Teresa Chen at 800.884.5771 extension 234.


FLAVORx is a pharmaceutical flavoring system used by pharmacists and veterinarians nationwide to improve the palatability of liquid over-the-counter and prescription medications. To date, FLAVORx has flavored over 40 million prescriptions without any incidence of allergy, adverse reaction or changes in efficacy. FLAVORx flavors are non-allergenic, dye-free, sugar-free, phosphate-free and alcohol-free, making them safe for all patients. With over 42 flavors ranging from Bubblegum and Watermelon to Chocolate Silk Pie and Peaches 'n Cream, FLAVORx is sure to please any taste bud whether it's a child or an adult. In addition, 16 animal-inspired flavors such as Crispy Bacon and Salmon Steak help medications go down a little easier for FLAVORx's veterinary friends as well.


Saturday, January 22, 2005

Hosting-Review. com Announces Top 10 Web Hosts for August 2005

Hosting-Review. com Announces Top 10 Web Hosts for August 2005

Leading web hosting review and educational web site announces Top 10-rated web hosts for August 2005.

Oakville, Ontario (PRWEB) August 4, 2005

Hosting-Review. com, a leading web hosting review and educational web site, today announced its Top 10 Web Hosts for August 2005.

BlueHost has been promoted to the #1 position owing to its superb customer support, value for money, and reliability, in addition to solid user feedback. New to the Top 10 list are up-and-comers HostExcellence and Bluefish Hosting.

Hosting-Review Top 10 Web Hosts – updated August 2005:

1. BlueHost

2. IX Web Hosting

3. Powweb

4. Lunarpages

5. iPowerWeb

6. Yahoo Hosting

7. StartLogic

8. Host Excellence

9. Bluefish Hosting

10. Site Build It

About www. Hosting-Review. com

Hosting-Review. com is an independent provider of web hosting reviews and informative articles related to the web hosting industry. Reviews and ratings of web hosting companies are compiled by expert webmasters who combine professional knowledge, personal experience with web hosts and user feedback. Hosting-Review. com is wholly owned by Opie Marketing Group Inc.

Press Contact Information:

Janis Pethybridge

Www. Hosting-Review. com

C/o Opie Marketing Group Inc.

Tel: 416-428-0951

Web www. hosting-review. com

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Friday, January 21, 2005

Wolf Trap Introduces Young Audiences to Opera with a Week of Performances at Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods and Special Inaugural Family Day

Wolf Trap Introduces Young Audiences to Opera with a Week of Performances at Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods and Special Inaugural Family Day

Instant Opera! at Wolf Trap’s Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods, August 3 – 7, 11:15 a. m. “Behind the Curtain” Family Day, August 16, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., Space is limited, reservations required. On-site media coverage encouraged, reservations required.

Vienna, VA (Vocus) August 4, 2010

The Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts presents two special programs to introduce families and young audiences to the world of opera, Instant Opera! (http://www. wolftrapopera. org/whats-happening/instant-opera) at the Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods, and the inaugural Behind the Curtain family day. Instant Opera! features members of the Wolf Trap Opera Company studio artists program who create and perform impromptu operas, based on words and phrases children in the audience provide to fill in the blank spaces in the story outline – similar to the popular children’s word game, Mad Libs. Behind the Curtain (http://www. wolftrapopera. org/familyday) takes families on a tour behind the scenes of the Wolf Trap Opera Company to see what it s like to be center stage, under music and lights and meet the performers. Participants will also create a special craft project related to the Company’s upcoming production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and enjoy lunch together. The event takes place at the Barns at Wolf Trap, the home of the Wolf Trap Opera Company during the summer months.

The Wolf Trap Opera Company is one of the nation’s most highly regarded residency programs for pre-eminent emerging professionals in the opera business. It was established almost 40 years ago by Wolf Trap Founder Catherine Filene Shouse, to give young people a chance to experience the demands of a professional career in the performing arts.

“I’m a strong believer that opera is a living, breathing art form for people of all ages,” says Kim Witman, Director of Wolf Trap Opera & Classical Programming. “Our goal with these initiatives is to create inventive, participatory experiences that introduce music and theater to children in a hands-on, interactive environment.”

“I appreciate the efforts that Wolf Trap is making to connect us with families and children in particular, because its so important to preserve arts education,” says Ashlyn Rust, a soprano in residence this season who will sing the role of Titania, Queen of the Fairies in the Wolf Trap Opera Company’s upcoming production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. “I was very excited to learn about Instant Opera! and Behind the Curtain… but it makes me wish that I had been exposed to more programs like these when I was growing up!”

Instant Opera! tickets are $8 and may be purchased online (http://www. wolftrap. org/Home/Find_Performances_and_Events/Performance/10TITW/WTOC. aspx) in advance of the show or the day of the show at the kiosk by the Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods. Admission to Behind the Curtain is $15 per family member including lunch. Advance registration is required and can be accessed online (https://community. wolftrap. org/NetCommunity/SSLPage. aspx? pid=591).

About the Wolf Trap Opera Company
Established in 1971, the Wolf Trap Opera Company continues to earn national and international recognition for its mission to discover and encourage outstanding emerging talent in the opera field, serving singers of exceptional achievement and potential who are ready to make the transition to full-time professional careers. In addition to the young professional singers, the company also features the work of emerging designers, directors, and conductors; and provides opportunities for aspiring stage managers, administrators, coaches, and technical theatre professionals.

Tickets for Wolf Trap Opera Company performances can be purchased at the Wolf Trap Box Office located at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts at 1551 Trap Road, Vienna, Virginia; by calling 1(877) WOLFTRAP; or online at http://www. wolftrap. org (http://www. wolftrap. org). For more information, call Wolf Trap at (703) 255-1868.

Melissa Chotiner, (703) 255-4096
Graham Binder, (703) 255-1917


GAF Announces Groundbreaking Lifetime Limited Warranty on All of Its Laminated Roofing Shingles

GAF Announces Groundbreaking Lifetime Limited Warranty on All of Its Laminated Roofing Shingles

Homeowners to Benefit from Multiple Decades Increase in Warranted Performance*

Wayne, NJ (PRWEB) January 10, 2011

GAF Materials Corporation, North America’s largest roofing and ventilation manufacturer, is announcing groundbreaking changes to its laminated shingle warranties. Effective January 1, 2011, every GAF laminated shingle, including all Timberline® shingles—the #1-selling shingles in North America—will be covered by a lifetime ltd. warranty when installed on single family residences (see ltd. warranty for complete coverage and restrictions). GAF will no longer offer any laminated shingles with just a 30-year or 40-year warranty, a first for any roofing manufacturer.

This revolutionary change has been made possible by GAF’s Advanced Protection™ technology, which was first introduced in 2007. This innovative shingle technology has resulted in shingles that offer improved performance, including superior durability and wind resistance. GAF is so confident in the performance of its Advanced Protection™ shingles that it has decided to make this unprecedented improvement in its warranties.

“As a company, we are committed to advanced quality, industry-leading expertise, and solutions that make our customers’ lives simple — which is what this warranty upgrade is all about,” stated Bob Tafaro, President and CEO of GAF. “Contractors will benefit from knowing that they can stand with confidence behind every installation of GAF laminated shingles. Homeowners will benefit from knowing that their installed shingles are warranted for a lifetime, adding significant value to their home.”

GAF has also upgraded the coverage of its Golden Pledge® and System Plus limited warranties, which are offered exclusively by its GAF-certified contractors.

“We are especially excited to announce this warranty upgrade, given that 2011 is GAF’s 125th anniversary as a company. At a time when Americans are facing so much uncertainty about the future, you can be sure that GAF will be there decades from now to stand by the performance of our roofing products. This warranty upgrade will reinforce both our leadership position in the industry and our promise of excellence to our customers,” said Tafaro.

Complete details about these changes, including certificates confirming coverage and explaining the new terms which contractors can use with homeowners, can be found at http://www. gaf. com/upgrade.

*See http://www. gaf. com for specific warranty terms and conditions

About GAF Materials Corporation

GAF Materials Corporation is the largest roofing manufacturer in North America, with sales of nearly $3 billion annually. The company’s products include a comprehensive portfolio of steep-slope and low-slope roofing systems, which are supported by an extensive national network of factory-certified contractors. Its success is driven by a commitment to provide property owners and specifiers with the best and safest choice in roofing and by helping supportive contractors and distributors to build their businesses and avoid hassles.

With a focus on social responsibility, GAF Materials Corporation has developed single-ply and asphaltic membranes with superior durability and high reflectivity to meet the most rigorous industry standards while helping commercial property owners and designers reduce energy consumption.

The Company also supports the roofing industry through CARE, the Center for the Advancement of Roofing Excellence, which has provided education to over 100,000 professionals. CARE’s mission is to help professional contractors and distributors build their businesses through sales and management education, and to provide product and installation training to contractors, distributors, architects, property owners, and related industry personnel. For more information about GAF, visit http://www. gaf. com.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

ISSA to Require AED Certification for Personal Trainers

ISSA to Require AED Certification for Personal Trainers

Automated external defibrillation is a critical step in preventing death from sudden cardiac arrest. AED training is a growing requirement in the United States for employees in fitness and health professions. In compliance, ISSA will require all U. S. students who enroll in a certification course after June 1, 2007 to be certified in AED training along with Adult Basic CPR.

Carpinteria, CA (PRWEB) June 7, 2007

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training are necessary skills for fitness professionals. The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), a southern California based teaching institution and certification agency for fitness trainers, will require all U. S. students who enroll in a certification course after June 1, 2007 to submit a copy of AED certification in addition to Adult Basic CPR. Many U. S. states have passed or implemented legislation making AEDs mandatory in a number of public places, including health clubs. Recently, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Louisiana, Oregon, Arkansas, Indiana and Washington, DC have passed legislation requiring health clubs to have at least one AED.

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), also known as sudden cardiac death, is when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. This is caused by life threatening arrhythmias in the heart's electrical system. Sudden cardiac arrest is an unpredictable condition that is fatal if not treated within a few minutes and can happen to anyone, anywhere - although people with heart disease have a higher chance of having SCA, many victims have never suffered from any heart problems. Rapid treatment, within minutes, with the use of a defibrillator can be lifesaving.

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable automatic device used to restore normal heart rhythm to patients in cardiac arrest. An AED sends an electrical shock to the heart that stuns it momentarily, giving the heart a chance to restart normal electrical activity and resume beating effectively.

Automated external defibrillation is a critical step in preventing death from sudden cardiac arrest. AED training is a growing requirement in the United States for employees in fitness and health professions. In compliance, ISSA will require all U. S. students who enroll after June 1, 2007 to be certified in AED training along with Adult Basic CPR. Though AED training is not required for U. S. students who enroll prior to June 1, 2007 or for international students, ISSA strongly recommends that these students seek CPR certification that includes AED training.

Due to ISSA's high standards, online CPR/AED certifications are only accepted from students who have already completed a hands-on practical application CPR/AED class. Documentation acknowledging previous hands-on CPR/AED certification is required for online CPR/AED acceptance.

ISSA allows students to submit CPR/AED certification within 1 year after the successful completion of an ISSA examination. Students who do not submit their CPR/AED within the 1-year time period will be required to retest. A student's ISSA certification is only valid after both successful completion of an ISSA examination and submission of CPR/AED documentation. A completion certificate cannot be issued until all requirements for certification have been met. Additionally, all CPR/AED documentation is subject to verification.

The American Heart Association and Red Cross are two of the post popular providers of CPR/AED classes in the United States. CPR/AED classes can also be found through local gyms, fitness facilities, fire departments, hospitals and YMCA's.

About ISSA

Since 1988 the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) has provided certification and continuing education to over 80,000 fitness professionals. ISSA certifications are recognized worldwide. From Sports Conditioning to Youth Fitness, ISSA offers 10 certification programs and dozens of continuing education courses. For more information on the ISSA, please visit: www. issaonline. com

To schedule an interview with a representative of ISSA, please contact:

Sabeen Sadiq
Director of Public Relations for the ISSA
Toll-free: 1-800-892-4772
International: (805) 745-8111


Advanced Brain Techonologies Launches New Website

Advanced Brain Techonologies Launches New Website

Brain and cognitive development specialists unveil new website design

Ogden, UT (PRWEB) June 6, 2009

Spring has sprung a new look and feel for the Advanced Brain Technologies (http://www. advancedbrain. com) (ABT) website design.

To celebrate, ABT is offering a 15 percent discount on all products purchased in the online store. Use promotion code: ABTWEBSITEPR. This offer ends on June 20, 2009.

The new site offers a fresh design, improved navigation and new features to provide access to valuable brain training resources to occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, neurofeedback practitioners, educators, special education teachers, tutors, parents in addition to anyone interested in improving brain and cognitive development.

Specific features new to the brain training website include:

ABT Community (http://www. advancedbrain. com/index. php? Itemid=125&option=com_community&view=frontpage) to connect with ABT and others worldwide.
Forums (http://www. advancedbrain. com/index. php? Itemid=183&option=com_jfusion) to ask questions and share ideas.
Video Library (http://www. advancedbrain. com/index. php? Itemid=146&option=com_seyret) to see and hear what people have to say about ABT product and programs.
Blog Feeds provide the latest news on what's happening with music research and brain fitness.
Social Bookmarking allows users to share their favorite content on Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon and more.
Online Store enables users to create a Wishlist as well as rate and purchase their favorite ABT products.

The site will also offer news and articles, music samples, provider locator, professional training course information and registration, product registration, support and much more.

Learn, share and connect with others in the ABT community interested in music-based listening therapy and brain fitness from around the world.

About Advanced Brain Technologies
Advanced Brain Technologies (ABT) is a neurotechnology company that develops and distributes interactive software and music-based programs for the improvement of memory, attention, listening, academic skills, sensory processing, brain fitness, peak performance and more.

ABT was founded by Alex Doman in 1998 and is located in Ogden, Utah. ABT products are improving the lives of countless children and adults by training brain function at its core. To learn more about ABT, visit www. advancedbrain. com.

Media Contact:
Cari Burningham
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Advanced Brain Technologies
(801) 622-5676
Carib (at) advancedbrain (dot) com
Twitter: @CariBurningham

# # #

Two Long-Term Care Organizations Select Remedi SeniorCare for Pharmacy Services

Two Long-Term Care Organizations Select Remedi SeniorCare for Pharmacy Services

Remedi SeniorCare, a provider of pharmacy services, has expanded its presence in the Michigan and Ohio long-term care marketplace.

Baltimore, Md. (PRWEB) February 4, 2010

Remedi SeniorCare has expanded its presence in the Michigan and Ohio long-term care marketplace with the addition of two new customers for its comprehensive pharmacy services.

Vista Grande Villa of Jackson, Michigan, and The Laurels in Blanchester, Ohio, have selected Remedi SeniorCare as their long-term care pharmacy of record. Remedi will provide the two facilities with daily deliveries of medications and supplies, cost management and billing support, pharmacist consulting and 24/7 clinical support.

Founded in 1970, Vista Grande Villa is a retirement community providing long-term, skilled nursing care as part of a full continuum of healthcare and lifestyle options for seniors. The 60-bed facility began receiving services from Remedi on Friday, January 15, 2010, and is being serviced by Remedi’s Marshall, Michigan pharmacy.

“Remedi has been an excellent pharmacy partner with our four communities in Maryland, so when we had a need in Michigan, they were the first call,” says Andi Putnam, Business Development Manager with Care Purchasing Services, Inc., the purchasing division for Life Care Services, Inc. “We especially appreciate how Remedi combines great service with real-time technology. We depend heavily on our Web customer portal, My Remedi, to obtain important information from the pharmacy throughout the day.”

“We are thrilled to be supporting Vista Grande Villa, a unique ‘lifecare’ facility for lower Michigan residents,” says Karla Roberts, RPh, Remedi’s Michigan general manager. “With this expanded relationship, Remedi can provide Vista Grande Villa with innovative solutions to support their progressive, compassionate approach to senior care. It is a perfect match.”

The Laurels of Blanchester provides professional care for short - and long-term residents with the highest level of independence, dignity and quality of life. The 50-bed facility started being serviced by Remedi’s Covington, Ohio, pharmacy on Monday, February 1, 2010.

“The Laurels is a staple of its community, and is focused on providing comfort, care and peace of mind to its residents and families,” says Don Groff, RPh, Remedi’s Ohio general manager. “As The Laurels’ long-term care pharmacy partner, we can take much of the labor-intensive administrative and cost management work out of the staff’s hands — and let them focus on caring for their residents. We’re excited about a collaborative partnership.”

About Remedi SeniorCare
Remedi Senior Care, a long-term care pharmacy, transforms the way long-term care organizations manage and deliver medications for their residents. Growing from two established long-term care pharmacy operations, Remedi Senior Care brings a unique understanding of the needs of long-term care nurses and administrators. The company provides reliable and accurate pharmacy delivery, innovative technology, deep expertise and high-touch service to guide facilities through the complex landscape of pharmaceutical care. Currently operating four pharmacies serving eight states and 22,000 residents, Remedi SeniorCare helps long-term care facilities advance outstanding care, medication safety and financial strength. www. remedirx. com

About Sterling Partners
Sterling Partners, the leading investor in Remedi SeniorCare, is a leading private equity firm with over 25 years of experience partnering with entrepreneurs to build market-leading businesses and generate superior returns. With approximately $4 billion of assets under management, Sterling invests growth capital in industries with positive, long-term trends and provides ongoing support to management through a dedicated team of industry veterans, operators, strategy experts and human capital professionals. Sterling Partners is a leader in education, healthcare and business services and is co-headquartered in Chicago and Baltimore. For more information, please visit www. sterlingpartners. com.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Community Organization Hip Hop Government Takes Anti-Sagging Campaign National and Will Battle it Out with the Ying Yang Twins on the ''Dr. Phil'' Show

Community Organization Hip Hop Government Takes Anti-Sagging Campaign National and Will Battle it Out with the Ying Yang Twins on the ''Dr. Phil'' Show

Dallas organization Hip Hop Government has expanded its ''Pull 'Em Up'' billboard campaign and has launched new community initiatives for 2008.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) January 22, 2008

Community organization Hip Hop Government (www. hiphopgovernment. org) has expanded its ''Pull 'Em Up'' billboard campaign to additional cities in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex and is taking the campaign national. The organization's co-founders Jay Scroggins, Damon Wofford, and Chris Williams have been invited to appear on the nationally syndicated ''Dr. Phil'' talk show, which will bring the anti-sagging campaign to a national audience when the show airs on Monday, January 28, 2008. Dallas Deputy Pro Tem Mayor Dwaine Caraway, Rev. Al Sharpton, and rap duo Kaine and D-Roc of the Ying Yang Twins will also appear on the show with the Hip Hop Government co-founders. The featured guests were invited to discuss the controversial topic of whether government should regulate the way people wear their clothes and will also discuss hip hop artists accepting responsibility for the effect of their music and lyrics on the hip hop culture. "We are excited for the opportunity to address issues that concern our culture," expressed Williams. "Too often, when members of the hip hop community are in the media, it's for something negative. It feels good to know that we are being invited because we are recognized for our positive contributions to the community."

Hip Hop Government (http://www. hiphopgovernment. org) caught the public's attention in October 2007 with the initial roll-out of its ''Pull 'Em Up'' billboard campaign, which was launched as a public education campaign against sagging pants and the need for improved public image within the hip hop community. The organization believes that despite the popularity of this boxer-baring fashion trend within the hip hop community, it is often misinterpreted and can leave young people stereotyped as well as hurt their chances for securing employment. Hip Hop Government initially reached out to Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway and Dallas city officials in response to a proposed anti-sagging city ordinance which sparked concerns about constitutionality. The organization joined forces with Caraway and eventually encouraged the city to implement a public education campaign in the form of a man law instead of a city law. "Hip Hop Government is not for legislating how people wear their clothes. But we are in support of people having self-respect and respecting people around them," explained Scroggins.

Hip Hop Government was the creative force behind the artwork and slogans, and Clear Channel Outdoor generously agreed to donate the billboards. The original set of 17 billboards featured illustrations of young men wearing sagging pants that exposed their boxers, accompanied by various slogans. The billboard campaign expanded during the first week of January with the unveiling of 30 additional billboards in cities across North Texas. The latest set of billboards includes a depiction of two grandmothers offering stern advice to youngsters to ''Pull 'Em Up!''

About Hip Hop Government:

Hip Hop Government (http://www. hiphopgovernment. org) was founded 2005 in Dallas, Texas by Damon Wofford, Jay Scroggins, and Chris Williams. The three young entrepreneurs saw a need to get the local hip hop culture involved in the political process, because the issues of that community were not being addressed politically due to their lack of involvement. Seeing themselves as leaders of Dallas' southern sector, Wofford, Scroggins and Williams sought to form a group that would encourage political representation of hip hop culture to benefit all members of that community. The group would serve as an avenue to recruit, groom and promote political leaders within the culture. In addition, the organization's founders wanted to show society and the hip hop community that the mainstream symbols of the culture are not necessarily its leaders. Hip Hop Government's mission is to mobilize the people of the hip hop culture to use their vote for positive change for political, social and economic concerns. In September 2007, the organization helped to organize and mobilize over 1,800 people traveling by bus and car to Jena, Louisiana to protest the incarceration of six black teenagers. Additionally, in recent months the organization's weekly Party with a Purpose has recruited thousands of diverse members to the organization who have registered to vote. Hip Hop Government is also working in collaboration with Obama Dallas Youth & Young Adults to sponsor the First Annual Hip Hop Government Power Summit. The event, scheduled for Saturday, February 23, 2008, will address the political and social issues facing the hip hop generation and its communities. The focus of the first annual event will be urban revitalization, entrepreneurship and education. The half-day event will be a lead-in to the Take It to the Streets Voter Registration March sponsored by Dallas City Councilwoman Carolyn Davis.

For more information, visit www. hiphopgovernment. org].

Media Contact:
Ngozi Mba
MINC Media


Saturday, January 15, 2005

Soy Candle Depot Launches Online Marketplace

Soy Candle Depot Launches Online Marketplace

Soy Candle Depot has announced the launch of its online marketplace as a base to sell its line of premium scented soy candles. Over 150 scents are available for candles of various sizes.

Grand Junction, CO (Vocus/PRWEB) January 04, 2011

Soy Candle Depot has secured its Internet presence with a new online marketplace to sell its soy-scented candles. Over 150 scents are available, including classic Christmas scents such as Christmas tree, candy corn, cookies, holly berries, hot chocolate, cinnamon vanilla, and peppermint. The site also includes the company’s floral scented candles and its soy candle selection with natural, spicy, and vanilla aromas.

Customers can order their favorite soy candle directly via the website’s integrated shopping cart. For orders over $50, shipping is free. There is a $5 flat shipping rate for orders under $50. Visitors can browse the company’s product categories very easily on the home page, as each link is an inviting, and sometimes appetizing photograph. A hierarchal menu makes it easy to switch to any other category while browsing, and enables browsing of soy jar candles by color and size. Wax blocks and accessories such as a wick trimmer and a candle warmer are also readily available

Peter Knepper, Co-Owner of Soy Candle Depot, said, “Soy candles are often the preferred choice because of benefits such as low cost, clean burning, and longer lasting. Our new online marketplace makes it easier than ever for customers to purchase their favorite soy candles online.”

The Soy Candle Depot website offers more than just a place to buy soy jar candles. It is complete with an informative FAQ and the educational Soy Candle 101 page. Safety and allergy concerns are addressed, but the company goes further to detail the history, function, and production of its candles. A synopsis on how to calculate candle burn time is included, even though the company’s own candles have already been tested. The company even describes how to make soy candles at home as a family activity! Their goal is to bring the customer as close to the product as possible.

“Soy candles are also suitable for today’s environmentally conscious crowd,” added Knepper “as they are made from soybeans right here in the United States. Animal testing is done in the development or production process and our products will not affect soy allergies, so they are safe, fun, and pleasant for everyone.”

Visit http://www. soycandledepot. com for more information about Soy Candle Depot’s products and all about soy candles. A flat rate of $5 applies to all orders under $50, and for orders over $50, shipping is free.

About Soy Candle Depot
Owned and operated by Knepper, LLC, Soy Candle Depot specializes in selling scented soy candles, and claims customer satisfaction as its #1 goal. The company operates an online marketplace with all of its scented soy candle products, and provides comprehensive background information on its products as well. Visit http://www. soycandledepot. com for more information about Soy Candle Depot’s products and all about soy candles.


Friday, January 14, 2005

TDA Perks Program Teams with TekCollect to Provide Members with Accounts Receivable Management Solutions

TDA Perks Program Teams with TekCollect to Provide Members with Accounts Receivable Management Solutions

The Texas Dental Association’s TDA Perks Program has partnered with TekCollect, Inc., the nation’s leading accounts receivable management firm, to provide its more than 8,200 members with custom collection programs and services.

Austin, Texas (PRWEB) December 4, 2009

The Texas Dental Association’s TDA Perks Program has partnered with TekCollect, Inc., the nation’s leading accounts receivable management firm, to provide its more than 8,200 members with custom collection programs and services.

Established in 1871, the Texas Dental Association is one of the largest state dental associations in the country. An affiliate of the American Dental Association, TDA provides valued resources to members including ongoing education, dental industry news, legislative advocacy and peer review. Through the TDA Perks Program, the association also teams with premier service companies to offer exclusive programs and value rich services to TDA members.

“TekCollect is an ideal partner for us because it specializes in accounts receivable management within the medical and dental industries. They know our profession. TekCollect knows what’s important to our members, from providing an economical accounts receivable management solution to enhancing patient retention,” said TDA Perks Program General Manager, David Baker.

TekCollect’s executive team has been helping companies across the nation maximize positive cash flow and control and limit delinquencies, for a combined 200+ years. The Columbus Ohio-based firm has a long history of endorsing partnerships with prominent healthcare organizations.

“We offer discount pricing, comprehensive programs designed for members’ unique needs, and guaranteed recovery results. And our approach is non-alienating. Our goal is to preserve the integrity of members’ practices and protect their patient relationships. These are all critical benefits that partners like the TDA Perks Program can feel confident extending to their membership,” said Division Vice President, Caleb Neetz.

For more information about the Texas Dental Association and TDA Perks Program, call 512.443.3675 or visit www. tdaperks. com]. And to learn more about TekCollect’s accounts receivable management programs, non-alienating strategies, and the benefits to your association or business, call 866.652.6500 or visit www. tekcollect. com].


MyMedLab Announces Family Wellness Day Campaign for the New Year

MyMedLab Announces Family Wellness Day Campaign for the New Year

MyMedLab provides an affordable and convenient way for families to have screenings together and privately learn about their health.

Joplin, MO (PRWEB) December 29, 2007

MyMedLab, a 21st Century health care provider, announces its campaign for Family Wellness Day for the New Year. The program makes early detection of many common conditions simple, convenient, and affordable for the whole family. Successful solutions to the current health care crisis will require a shift in focus from treatment only to identifying potential health problems early, even before symptoms appear. The first step in this new process is empowering the individual with the tools they need to make informed health care choices for themselves and their families.

"Without MyMedLab, the cost for a family of four to have yearly checkups that include screening for conditions like diabetes and heart disease, can be thousands of dollars. It would also require four trips to the doctor, just to order routine testing, and four trips to the lab for sample collection," says David Clymer, CEO and founder of MyMedLab. "Our testing includes the ordering physician. This makes it possible for families to visit the lab together at their convenience and without an appointment. Using MyMedLab the same family of four could be screened for less than the cost of one person the old way," explains Clymer. 

In addition to more than 100 individual tests, MyMedLab currently offers 20 different groups of tests called Wellness Profiles. The General Health Screen, a 30-test profile priced at under $60, is combined with other tests specific to the individual's age, gender and family history to create the other packages. This basic information is all a consumer needs to identify which profile provides the best evaluation for the common conditions associated with their specific group. These tests, once only available to physicians, are now available directly to consumers online at the MyMedLab web site for a fraction of the usual cost.

Each lab order is approved by a licensed physician in the consumer's home state and test results, when complete, are reviewed and automatically uploaded into their own secure MyMedLab Personal Health Record (PHR). Inside the PHR, the consumer can access detailed information about their test results including links to the National Library of Medicine. In addition, the PHR also provides a secure place to store other private health information along side their lab results. Having all this information in one place makes it easy to share with trusted health care advisors while keeping it private from everyone else.

First time users start by entering their zip code to locate the participating collection sites in their area from a list of 2000 locations nation-wide. Next, they create an account for each family member and choose the appropriate profile from the MyMedLab web site. Once testing is approved, they print off the lab orders on their home computer and visit the collection site individually or as a family. Within 48 hours, they are notified by email to log into their PHR to review their results. Users can easily share results with their family doctor by printing them before their next visit or faxing their results directly from inside their PHR.

About MyMedLab:
MyMedLab is a privately held company with the primary mission of empowering consumers to make informed health care choices. As a leading provider of direct-to-consumer (DTC) laboratory testing services, MyMedLab has developed a unique suite of software applications and professional networks that enable the ordering, processing, and reporting of test results through a physician network directly to consumers. This innovative set of services includes access to wellness tests organized by organ and disease profiles, physician oversight of test ordering, educational laboratory content, and results reporting through the web-based MyMedLab Personal Health Record (PHR). In addition to the direct to consumer channel, MyMedLab also offers their software as a subscription service to physician offices or provider organizations developing community outreach programs that incorporate DTC services. For additional information, please see www. mymedlab. com.


United States Presidential Hopeful Speaks Out About South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

United States Presidential Hopeful Speaks Out About South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

Seeing the need for reform, Presidential Hopeful Daniel Imperato stepped up today and declared his sincere determination to open up the eyes of our present administration and desire lead the next administration into the greatest reforms and strategic alliances with our neighbors in the South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.

West Palm Beach, FL (PRWEB) October 14, 2005

Seeing the need for reform, Presidential Hopeful Daniel Imperato stepped up today and declared his sincere determination to open up the eyes of our present administration and desire lead the next administration into the greatest reforms and strategic alliances with our neighbors in the South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.

“Being a Catholic born American, an appointed Papal Knight, along with my many years of business and personal experience in the Mediterranean and all over South America I see a tremendous disconnect and disinterest by both our administration and the previous administration to take serious notice and long term action to assist South America, Central America, and the Caribbean,” asserted Imperato.

Imperato felt that our support for our neighbors in the western hemisphere has been more symbolic then actual.

“While our administrations have moved forward with NAFTA and CAFTA, providing the appearance of bilateral relations, the actions that we need to take in order to ensure success throughout the western hemisphere are not being done,” commented Imperato, who believes that NAFTA and CAFTA may do more for other countries in Europe and Asia, than it will do for our neighbors in Mexico, and Central America.

Imperato feels that countries such as Italy, Germany, China, and Japan have played more of a role in developing the region than the United States.

“Throughout all of my years in dealing in South America it always has come to my mind and my heart as to why other countries such as Italy and Germany have taken a frontrunner’s position towards providing business opportunity for the region since the early days. Presently, the Japanese and now the Chinese have taken a greater role, particularly in the Caribbean Islands which are the gateways between our great continents,” stated Imperato.

To date, the United States’ major trading partners are as follows: Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK, China, and Germany.

“While I see Presidents Lula of Brazil and Kirchner of Argentina cry out for help I see these two giant South American countries that could unconditionally develop, manufacture, produce, and sell their products and services not only to the United States but to the rest of the world. I have a plan in mind pertaining to these issues, specifically the labor and education issues, both in the United States and in our Caribbean, Latin, Central, and South American Countries,” explained Imperato.

By ignoring trade relations with our partners in the Western Hemisphere, Imperato feels that the United States is not taking advantage of the political strength and economic foothold that they can implement in the region.

“I believe that we are ignoring the political and economic strength in our neighboring continent and not spending enough time and money securing a great neighbor. I believe that it will be difficult for the United States of America and its people to overtake the rest world when it comes to involvement in the region since many of the European Union countries have been of great importance to many of the continent’s countries,” said Imperato.

Additionally, Imperato went on to address security issues in the region. 

“I am also concerned about our borders pertaining to the shipping of products and security when it comes to the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Mexico. I believe that it is the duty of the leaders of the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Mexico, along with the United States of America, its people, and our administration to take serious action and start working with the leaders of Mexico and the Caribbean to ensure long term bilateral relations that are beneficial for everyone,” suggested Imperato.

Imperato also went on to outlay his plan for other issues in the region.

Imperato stated that along with increased trade in the region must come education, manufacturing and jobs programs. He felt that more US manufacturing facilities should utilize the low-cost labor of South America, but we should assist those countries in setting up organized labor and education programs.

Imperato commented that, “Mr. Sweeney the president of the AFL-CIO should consider initiatives to assist with setting up the organized labor programs.”

Along with improved labor, Imperato suggested increasing government controls, security, and stability in the region, as well as working with their banking and finance committees to stabilize their currencies.

Imperato also felt that we should focus not only on the Spanish-speaking population around our hemisphere, but the Spanish-speaking population in our own backyard.

“Spanish is the second most spoken language in this country and should be recognized as the second language in our country. The Hispanic people of our country have provided many great contributions to our society. Many of them have struggled, but as a people they have shown their stamina and determination to become leaders in our country and around the world,” stated Imperato.

One thing that Imperato feels has hampered the progress of the Spanish-speaking population has been their portrayal in the media and throughout American society.

“While I truly understand the differences between the American people and their understandings of NAFTA and CAFTA, and truly can say that the face of this subject always seems pointed at the bordering states pertaining to illegal immigrants and child labor. The Spanish population has a desire of high standards, are very intellectual, and in most cases very compassionate. What I see in the media is always about the borders in Texas, and neighboring states, and how these illegal immigrants are smuggling illegal drugs and utilizing child labor and immigrating to the United States inappropriately,” commented Imperato. 

Imperato went on to conclude his statement by saying, “It’s time that our country and our media presented the good parts of our neighboring continent and its countries while recognizing that only a very small portion of the Spanish speaking population is engaged in inappropriate activity. Most of them desire to abide by the law and are looking for equal opportunity especially in countries like Chile, Argentina, and Brazil where the people are of high standard, class and elegance, because of their morals, education, and principles. I hope I will have the opportunity to participate in and represent the Spanish-speaking people in the United States of America, with the desire to increase their visibility, viability, and to work with their mother tongue countries to increase overall success, for the Spanish speaking society. God Bless the Americas.”

About Daniel Imperato

Daniel was born in Boston, Mass ( 1958 ), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has a unique value, explosive energy and has the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated honorable businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Currently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.

For Media Inquiries Contact:

Imperato for President 2008 Exploratory Committee

Press Department


Imperato for President Website http://www. (http://www.


Thursday, January 13, 2005

Outten & Golden LLP Recognized for its Work in LGBT Communities

Outten & Golden LLP Recognized for its Work in LGBT Communities

Outten & Golden LLP is the proud recipient of the 2010 Sylvia Rivera Law Project's Firm Award; and Carmelyn Malalis, partner in the firm, is honored to be recognized for her work in LGBT communities having been selected as one of the Best LGBT Attorneys Under 40 by the National LGBT Bar Association.

New York, NY (PRWEB) August 21, 2010

Outten & Golden LLP (http://www. outtengolden. com) (O&G) is the proud recipient of the 2010 Sylvia Rivera Law Project's Firm Award. The award, presented by Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) staff attorney Pooja Gehi at SRLP's Summer Reception and Awards Ceremony on July 15, 2010, recognizes O&G's outstanding pro bono service for New York's transgender community.

SRLP is a collective, non-profit organization founded on the understanding that gender self-determination is inextricably linked to and intertwined with racial, social and economic justice. The organization seeks to increase the political voice and visibility of people of color and low-income people who are transgender, intersex, or gender nonconforming.

When presenting O&G with the award, Ms. Gehi described the confidence SRLP staff have referring clients to O&G, knowing that they will be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve - in addition to receiving excellent counsel.

O&G's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Workplace Rights Practice Group (http://www. outtengolden. com/practice/lgbt/), the first of its kind in the nation, was launched in 2006 with the goal of protecting and promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals' workplace rights and in serving LGBT communities in all areas of employment law. O&G's LGBT Workplace Rights Practice Group actively pursues its objectives through advocacy on behalf of employees, legislative work, and providing leadership and education on LGBT employment issues.

Wayne Outten, O&G's Managing Partner, said, "Our firm is proud to support SLRP for their efforts to increase the political voice and visibility of low-income people and people of color who are transgender, intersex, or gender non-conforming and to improve access to respectful and affirming social, health, and legal services for these communities."

O&G is also pleased to announce that LGBT Workplace Rights Practice Group Co-Chair Carmelyn Malalis has been selected as one of the Best LGBT Attorneys Under 40 by the National LGBT Bar Association for its inaugural listing of the best and brightest in the LGBT legal community. Ms. Malalis, a Partner at Outten & Golden LLP, is the Chair of the Committee on LGBT Rights of the New York City Bar Association, a member of the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association, the Lesbian and Gay Law Association of Greater New York, and a member of the Advisory Committee of Human Rights Watch's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights Project. Ms. Malalis also sits on the Board of Queers for Economic Justice.

For additional information, please contact:
Ms. Carmelyn Malalis (http://www. outtengolden. com/firm/team/attorneys/carmelyn-malalis/)
Mr. Seth Marnin (http://www. outtengolden. com/firm/team/attorneys/seth-marnin/)
Outten & Golden LLP
3 Park Avenue, 29th Floor
New York, NY 10016
(212) 245-1000


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Economic Recovery Alert: What American Companies Can Learn From Japanese Global Businesses

Economic Recovery Alert: What American Companies Can Learn From Japanese Global Businesses

Global Business Leadership Consultant, Kimberly Wiefling, announces the release of the Japanese translation of her popular book, "Scrappy Project Management - The 12 Predictable and Avoidable Pitfalls Every Project Faces" by Nikkei Business Press, the premier business publisher in Japan.

(PRWEB) August 18, 2009

Global Business Leadership Consultant, Kimberly Wiefling (http://www. wiefling. com/), announces the release of the Japanese translation of her popular book, "Scrappy Project Management - The 12 Predictable and Avoidable Pitfalls Every Project Faces" by Nikkei Business Press (http://www. amazon. co. jp/o/ASIN/4822283941/), the premier business publisher in Japan. Over 60 people attended the recent festivities, which were held in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, on the 19th floor of a building overlooking both the emperor's palace and the prime minister's residence.

Through her collaboration with ALC's Global Management Consulting Division (http://www. alc-education. co. jp/business/product/gmp/index. html), Wiefling, based in Silicon Valley, California, USA, has provided business leadership and project management consulting for mid to senior level executives for many global companies headquartered in Japan. In between frequent trips to Japan, which included running the H1N1 screening gauntlet earlier this year, Wiefling's work enables American companies to master what Japanese business leaders have already learned - how to make real changes within their company culture to achieve what seems impossible, but is merely difficult.

Pointing to the success of Honda and Toyota over GM and Chrysler, Wiefling advises American business leaders to model themselves after their Japanese counterparts, whose behaviors, goals, and values helped transform Japan from being known as the mass producer of cheaply made products to the premier quality manufacturer in the global marketplace over the last half century.

Wiefling boldly proclaims, "Why do I admire Japanese global business leaders? They are willing to take big risks and 'fail forward' in order to achieve success. They favor the good of their company over personal gain and care about leaving a legacy bigger than their own ego. They are not driven primarily by status or position within the corporate hierarchy, and they are not raiding the corporate till by collecting huge executive compensation packages to feather their pockets before they retire."

While fondling a large rubber chicken, a standard in her global leadership toolkit, Wiefling questions how U. S companies can compete and survive in the long term against such devotion. "In the U. S., a CEO might make 100,000 times what the lowest paid worker is making, while in Japan, the executive compensation ratio from the highest to the least paid employee is much lower," she states.

Even though the economy has been in a downward spiral, Wiefling notes that Japanese business leaders continue to look for opportunities hidden within the chaos. She says "Instead of waiting for the economy to improve, they are looking to take advantage of this chance, expand globally and penetrate new markets not previously considered."

As Japanese businesses continue to exceed the success of companies in the United States, it is Wiefling's hope that American CEOs will realize that they must behave more like courageous leaders who people will admire, rather than business managers. She encourages American CEOs to take risks, commit themselves to big goals, and to be passionate and committed to making a positive difference for their people, their company, and the world. "This requires that they have the discipline to do what they know is right regardless of pressures to compromise on fundamentals and best practices," she tells anyone who will listen.

Wiefling firmly believes that if American companies continue to navigate based on short-term perspectives and selfish motives, Japan is going to dominate the world economically. For example, during the economic crisis many American organizations have stopped offering professional development, while many global Japanese companies consider it vital even now, and a good investment to spend money developing their leaders during tough economic times. Fortunately for all of us, Wiefling advises, Japan's global businesses are intent on solving global problems profitably, problems that concern all of us, such as sustainable power, reducing carbon emissions, improving healthcare, and providing clean drinking water worldwide. US companies will reap the benefits of solving these global problems only to the extent that they contribute long-term value, she says.

Wiefling's favorite saying these days is "Everything seems impossible until your competitor does it; then it's just difficult." She further advises "Let's focus on what needs to be done and commit to an outcome that we don't know how to achieve. Let's move the ball forward toward the goal. Even failure moves the ball forward."

She concludes "Everything the experts in the U. S. told me about Japanese business people is absolutely wrong, according to my experience with global Japanese businesses over the past 4 years. They are passionate and expressive. They are risk takers who are willing to do anything, including incurring personal risk, in order to do the right thing for their company. They value hard work and are committed to excellence. They are devoted to their team and toward working for the greatest good. If corporate leaders in the U. S. don't start modeling these kinds of values en masse they are going to find the Japanese cleaning their clock again in this century."

For more information - mailto: consulting (at) wiefling (dot) com

Kimberly Wiefling enables American and international Japanese companies who are committed to becoming truly global to acquire the ability to achieve "what seems impossible, but is merely difficult." She is the co-founder, along with Yuko Shibata, of the "Global Management Consulting Division," under the umbrella of ALC Education, Inc., the largest and most successful company helping Japanese business people learn business English.

Contact information:
Kimberly Wiefling
Founder and President
Wiefling Consulting, LLC
+1 650 867 0847
Www. wiefling. com

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Monday, January 10, 2005

Spinks shuns family fighting prowess for wealth building

Spinks shuns family fighting prowess for wealth building.

Gerard Spinks, relative of current welterweight champion Corey Spinks, Corey's father Leon Spinks, and Uncle Michael Spinks, shuns the family fighting history and measures his battles in the business ring. Gerard is a self-proclaimed "Serial Entrepreneur". He says, "I can't help creating new businesses and new ideas to build financial wealth and financial freedom for myself and my family." This version of the Spinks clan runs a real estate investment business, is the author of a best selling book entitled "How To Be Rich, Nigga", and operates a software development and engineering firm in Atlanta, GA.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 29, 2004

The Spinks clan is known throughout the world for its fighting and boxing capabilities. Corey Spinks is the latest fighter in the family line of great fighters. Gerard Spinks is a fighter; however in a different sense of the word.

Gerard describes growing up in the Spinks family as fun, exciting, financially challenging, and very humbling. Although he received a full scholarship to play college football as a quarterback, this version of the Spinks' decided that his battles were outside of the ring and in the business world.

Gerard Spinks is a self described "serial entrepreneur". He fights everyday to win business and grow his personal empire. He runs a real estate investment business, is the author of the best selling "How To Be Rich, Nigga" series of money educational books for ghetto youth, and manages a software development company.

Gerard Spinks loves what his family has created and admires the legacy of the Spinks name. He wants that legacy to transfer over into the entrepreneurial world and sees himself as a business fighter. "Boxing is what I originally loved as I watched Michael and Leon win the Olympics as a kid. I wanted to be just like them and would pretend to box and ask my moms to box all the time. I wanted to fight so badly that I would sometimes go search for a fight in my neighborhood with so-called neighborhood thugs."

Gerard Spinks would eventually change his whole life around after playing football at The University of Texas Arlington. He was a standout quarterback and nearly went on to play professional football. After being told repeatedly that he wasn't tall enough to play quarterback, he settled on becoming driven to fight corporate battles and excel as a software engineer and company owner in the Silicon Valley, CA.

He signed up clients including Cisco Systems, Oracle, SEGA, Lucas Arts and Film, Verizon Wireless, and Logitech Corporation. He made millions of dollars in income in the Silicon Valley and is now a prominent author and writer of the "How To Be Rich, Nigga" book series.

"I have to fight each and everyday to excel and perform well in the business world. My drive is wealth, plain and simple, no apologies. I seek financial, spiritual, and emotional wealth. I wish to grow my businesses and amass millions of dollars to pass on to family members and help others achieve wealth along the way."

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Sunday, January 9, 2005

A Quantum Leap in Education -- Fast, Free and Personalized

A Quantum Leap in Education -- Fast, Free and Personalized

New Web-based service Free World U offers a complete, hands-on education in a fraction of the time of traditional schooling and at no cost.

South Pasadena, CA (PRWEB) March 4, 2008

Free World U, the interactive Web site plus live teachers that provide the material needed to educate a person from preschool through high school, announces its recent launch.

"Our real goal is to transform the fabric of society," Dr. Hall, the program director, says. "Since the system is largely automated, it will reduce the cost and time of education dramatically and allow the development of curriculum into such areas as character development, healthy family living and career preparation."

Free World U uses a unique format, a series of electronic flashcards that presents information with questions and answers, a concept that encourages students to be active participants. Each flashcard contains a graphic that makes it more visually appealing and easier to remember. There are also optional soundtracks that play in the background and enhance learning, described in the section of the site called Superlearning. Students can move past material they understand or choose to review difficult concepts. Controls are coming soon to enable teachers or parents to gauge students' abilities and performance at a glance.

"Free World U works like a game, and turns a chore into entertainment," Dr. Hall says. "It's like having a superteacher at your beck and call at all times."

The discovery that made this invention possible was the realization that the entire state-mandated curriculum could be broken down into tiny fact units, analogous to atoms in chemistry. Each fact unit is then converted into a question and answer pair. A flashcard has a question on one side and the answer on the other. This is simulated electronically and powered by a database on the Internet. When users first encounter a new flashcard, they can toggle back and forth between the question and answer to get an idea of what the fact unit is all about. If they have mastered the preceding material, understanding a new fact unit should be a snap. Besides being extremely easy to understand, flashcards have the advantage of being able to be sorted. If a user knows a flashcard cold, the computer program allows the card to be dismissed, never to be seen again. Users can also mark a flashcard for repeated review throughout the study session, or as incorrect to make the card appear again in a few minutes. The system remembers the status of every flashcard for every student.

State curriculum standards for the sixth grade comprise approximately 5,000 fact units. That sounds like a lot. Let's assume, however, that a student studies 250 days a year. That means that the student would only have to learn 20 fact units per day. Most students find that they can do this in only half an hour!

Grade levels lose their meaning with the Free World U system, Dr. Hall says. "Students quickly find a comfortable level of difficulty. Often they start out a couple of grade levels behind to pick up what they missed, but within a few months, are easily able to move well ahead of their peers."

Instruction in using the system is provided with a movie, tutorial, and live video teleconferences, which can be scheduled by writing to office(at)freeworldu. org. The Free World U staff also offers free tutoring by live video teleconference.

"This is a truly awesome site!" a Free World U user writes. "I thank you, thank you, thank you, for providing such a service. I've homeschooled for 10 years and I've never used a site that has had such an affect on my children. They love the way in which this site helps them learn. They all spend hours on your site. Please don't ever stop providing it. More importantly, trying to homeschool and survive on one income can be challenging at times, so to be able to use this site free of charge is even more of a blessing. Again, thank you so much and may God richly bless this site. I will definitely share it with other homeschooling moms."

For more information on the free educational material provided by Free World U, visit FreeWorldU. org. Live video press teleconference Tuesday March 4, 2008, 1 p. m. to 2 p. m. PST Dr. Hall (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/187048075) can be reached for interviews by calling the Free World U office after 1 p. m. PST daily, seven days a week. The phone number is (323)258-1616. Please don't call this number during the press conference. A conference phone number will display on your screen.

Title: Free World U Press Conference
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Time: 1:00 p. m. - 2:00 p. m. PST
Https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/187048075 (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/187048075)

Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Time: 2:00 p. m. - 3:00 p. m. PST
Https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/516103117 (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/516103117)

Thursday, March 6, 2008
2:30 p. m. - 3:30 p. m. PST
Https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/400910470 (https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/400910470)


Saturday, January 8, 2005

The Stage is Set for the Tsunami Relief Charity Benefit February 11 2005 Featuring Some of LAÂ’s Up and Coming Musicians and Artist and Designers

The Stage is Set for the Tsunami Relief Charity Benefit February 11 2005 Featuring Some of LAÂ’s Up and Coming Musicians and Artist and Designers.

Keter Entertainment and 8teen Atik urge businesses of the Los Angeles area to not only remember the Tsunami victims, but to remember non profit educational charities in the local community that also need assistance with issues, not caused by a catastrophic event.

(PRWEB) February 4, 2005

In response to the horrific tsunami event on December 26, Los Angeles.-based entertainment companieÂ’s, Keter Entertainment and 8teen Atik are joining many other entertainment groups in the area in donating portions of charity fundraiser to benefit the tsunami victim relief efforts. However, Keter Entertainment and 8teen Atik urge businesses of the LA area, and beyond, to not only remember the tsunami victims, but to remember non profit educational charities in the local community that also need assistance with issues, throughout the year, not caused by a catastrophic event, that are just as harmful and important and occur in everyday life right here at home in our own backyard.

Throughout the year the 8teen Atik staff spends time researching non-profit educational foundations to partner with in order to give back to the community, and makes efforts to assist the LA area that fight cancer, help children, and support human rights.

8teen Atik Chief Operating Officer, Brad Dean, states that, “When businesses engage the community in a campaign, the cause is given more public awareness, substantial funds are usually raised – much like the attention the tsunami disaster has been given.”

“However, we shouldn’t forget about the community that surrounds us everyday,” Dean states, “giving, to any good cause, is what sharing is about.”

Keter Entertainment and 8teen Atik, two Los Angeles companies dedicated to supporting and educating potential and emerging artists, intends to sponsor expression events that provide artist opportunities to work, create, exhibit, and sell their art. This event is the inaugural bi-monthly launch event dedicated to showcasing some of Los Angeles hottest musicians, designers and artists. Lisa Bass, the co-organizer and CEO of Keter Entertainment, suggested the idea to participating artist who overwhelmingly supported the benefit out of deep respect for those in need.

The public will be able to contribute to the Tsunami Relief initiative by accessing the International Medical Corps, http://www. imcworldwide. org (http://www. imcworldwide. org). IMC is a global organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through relief and develop.

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