Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Next Three Years

The Next Three Years...

Where we will be in the next three years and how to protect and even profit from it...

Sugar Land, TX (PRWEB) October 13, 2008

I'm sending this because I want you to be as prepared as possible for what is coming. The following views are my personal opinions on what I see happening.

Confidence in the system has been lost. What we've seen so far is just the beginning, and it truly makes me sad to have to write this.

Most people have no clue about what's really going on, and since Karl and I started WMI in January of 2005, we have done our absolute best to make sure that our Members are educated and ready for this possibility. Unfortunately for all of us, it's become a reality.

Here's What The Next 3 Years Will Likely Look Like:

Unemployment will rise from 6% to over 15-20%. You or people you know and care about will lose their job.

Home prices will go down for the next 3-5 years, and in some areas will drop 30-50% from current prices.

Large and small banks will fail all over the world, and "bank runs" will be a common occurrence.

The US Dollar will fall 30-50% from current levels, causing massive inflation.

We will experience a "near Depression" that will feel like a serious Depression for millions.

If you're in the Middle Class, you will likely slide into poverty unless you take action.

But while most people will suffer, you have an opportunity to prosper.

A massive number of millionaires will be made during this very painful period, while sadly, millions will be made homeless as well. You don't have to come to this m2. I'm not going to twist your arm. It's your future, not mine, but I will say this... If you do come, it will be the most valuable 4 days of your life, and here's why…

You'll meet Mr. G Edward Griffin. THE economic researcher that predicted this exact scenario well over a decade ago, and he'll provide you with a specific game plan for the prepared.

Robert Kiyosaki's person advisor on gold and silver, Mr. Mike Maloney, will be in attendance, and will teach you how to protect your money, and take advantage of the biggest "wealth transfer" in the history of mankind.

Mr. Chuck Butler is one of the world's most renowned economists, who has called the economy and stock markets moves each and every step of the way like a prophet. You'll learn his step-by-step game plan that will help you make timely, wise, personal decisions that will help you protect your wealth and prosper immensely.

These "three kings" will be joined by more than 15 world class experts in the areas of legacy building wealth creation opportunities, finance, real estate, credit, asset protection, wealth acceleration, personal success and empowerment, great health (naturally), and much, much, more.

This is it. This is a time that will go down in history, and this is why WMI was created.

This is why you're a part of this group. Now is a time to be decisive. You can't afford to sit on the sidelines and there are no "do-over's". You will most likely be wiped out unless you take control of your financial destiny, but as always, the choice is yours.

If you're going to overcome this… If you're ready to take responsibility for your freedom, prosperity, and your future, I expect to see you at m2.

My sincere and best wishes to all,

Kip Herriage

CEO, Wealth Masters International

About Wealth Masters International:
Wealth Masters International (WMI) is a Texas based L. L.C who was incorporated in January 2005 and is one of the fastest growing companies in this industry. WMI features a combination of world class education, services, and strategies along with proven Independent Consultants that have extensive, successful track records in their respective fields. WMI markets to individual consumers looking for cutting edge, powerful solutions that assist them in every important area of their life.

Working through top-ranked alliances, Members have access to financial and estate planning, wealth creation strategies, tax minimization, debt relief, health and wellness, credit planning and restoration, personal empowerment and an income opportunity uniquely structured for professional entrepreneurs.

Now is the time to join one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Now is the time to join Wealth Masters International.

If you would like more information regarding this topic, please visit http://www. wmitoday. com or contact WMI directly at (832) 532-7655 or at Marketing@wmitoday. com. Be sure to check out the WMI Blog today at wealthmastersinc. blogspot. com for all of the latest updates.

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